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'''Khulls''' is a name for a language spoken on planet Teppala to the west of the ancestor of Pabappa and Poswa.  It is the ancestor of Moonshine and many other languages.  By number, most of the languages in the world are descended from Khulls, but many of the languages are very small.  Khulls is the only branch of the family that preserves tones, but all in all, it has changed more rapidly than the other branches.  Since the other branches are very conservative by Earth's standards, Khulls may actually seem the most normal by comparison to Earth.
'''Khulls''' is a name for a language spoken on planet Teppala by the [[Crystals]], their allies, and many of their enemies.  

Khulls has a very large, unstable "house of cards" phonology that in many respects resembles PIE mixed with modern Chinese.  A phonologically maximal analysis would give five vowels, 35 consonants, 7 tones, two distinctions of vowel length, a stress accent, a distinction between pharyngealized and clear vowels, ample consonant clusters, and seven syllabic consonants.  However, although the phonology is indeed very large, many of the consonants are marginal, and the tones are interlinked with the stress and length of vowels and therefore all cannot be considered simultaneously phonemic.

:09:52, 8 May 2022 (PDT)
Leaper's method of forming simple possessives (with one argument, not translatives) is similar to Play's and was inherited from their shared ancestor.  The possessive morpheme is    inserted before the classifier, and then accent is  retracted back to its original position.  Thus ''nòṭiḳa'' "house" becomes '''nòqʷiḳa''' "my house" and '''  nŏrika''' "your house".  Third person is indicated externally, but the base form still inflects  to    '''nŏriḳa''', different from the second person because of the ejective /ḳ/.
The internal consonant gradations resemble those of the '''Lava Bed''' languages, and the presence of this alternation in Leaper may have helped the Leapers better understand the Lava Bed languages.  However they are of secondary origin, as Leaper lost its Lava Bed morphology early on. Instead, they are related to [[babakiam|Play]]'s '''verbal embedding'''.
===Polite forms of nouns and  verbs===
See [[Play_language#Comparison_with_Leaper_and_Gold]]. Essentially, Leaper will be able to turn any noun into a polite version by adding an infix that means "___ which you have given me", "___ which you have shown me", etc.  It may or may not be possible to also use other person combinations in Leaper.  The system is fully alive in [[babakiam|Play]] but may have decayed in  Leaper down to just the politeness infixes.
The deep structure of the word is   
The private verb always has the pharyngealized tone so long as the SAP's are 2>1.  This corresponds to the Play  sequences /aa ii upu/.  Note also that /ky/ > /s/, respecting a sound change from 3,000 years earlier.  Strictly speaking, what is really happening is that /sg sy/ > /k s/, partly through analogy and partly through true sound change.
Thus for example ''tăkaye'' "leash" turns into '''takaʕʷâsa''' "leash you showed me", because the stress shifts to the infix, and the classifier suffix -ye is replaced by -sa.
It is possible that the infix could come through with the short mid tone '''ă''' instead of the pharyngealized  tone '''â''', since in either case analogy has taken place.  But assuming a primordial high tone  (that later became pharyngealized) is the only way to get /k/ where there once was /h/. 
An absolute minimal  form  of the infix could be  '''-ʕâk- ~ -âk-''' (see the Play page for derivation).  This requires /w/ > /ʕ/ through analogy from the words in which it followed a labial consonant; or else, a dummy verb could be created that was later assumed to have been synonymous with the inherited /wa/ root.  The /k/ must stay.  The medial vowel, however, could perhaps also appear as /i/ and one of /o/ or /u/, meaning that there will be three variant forms of the politeness infix depending on situation; for example /ʕàk/ probably only covers visible objects since it means "that you show me".  This form also cannot distinguish person since the forms for 2>1 and 1>2 would both be /-âk-/.

Because /ʕ/ is a "transparent" consonant, the vowel of the root would form a unit with the following vowel.  Thus, the number of syllables would be mostly the same as in the oblique.  So ''săhoga'' "fish" would just be '''sahʷâka''', and so on.

Generally there are considered to be five phonemic tones, with the other tonal realizations being allophones of these. The full range of tones appears only in stressed syllables.  It could be said that unstressed syllables have no stress of their own, although there is a distinction between unstressed syllables that resist sandhi and unstressed syllables that are affected by sandhi. However, Khulls is not properly a pitch-accent language because words can have more than one "stressed" syllable tone, with the lack of stress being just a consequence of having stress earlier in the word. That is to say, there are words like īnčigō "strawberry", which has a stress pattern of H-L-M, where the third syllable is unstressed but uses a tone which would cause that syllable to have stress after all were it not for the first syllable also being stressed.  This pattern can only happen in words that were originally compounds, but this word is no longer perceived as a compound.
It is possible that the most minimal form of the infix evolves into no more than a polite way to mark an object as visible.  In Moonshine, this would be linked to gender-based speech registers, with men using the polite forms when addressing women, and the plain forms being used otherwise except in the case of emphasis.
====Emphatic possessives====
The forms above could also be used to derive standalone possessives, since if the infix form is used, the 1st and 2nd person will melt together as '''-V̀k-'''  due to the /h/ > /k/ rule. A possible escape, thougit to assume differnt priovate verbs for the differenet person, even though this would break the "living" Play system where they were in fact personless and part of the lexicon rather than grammatically bound morphemes.

These would be '''kʷas''' and '''xas''' for 1st and 2nd person genitive respectively, and could function as pseudo-pronouns, though it's not clear that there would be a nominative case to go with them, and instead one might find words like "my body", "my self", etc making the genitives the basic forms.  The -s is not the genitive /s/ but may be mistaken for it as knowledge of the original construction fades.   Nonetheless, if  the /-s/ is reinterpreted as genitive, the Leaper language would lose an important function that languages like Poswa still retained 4,000 years later on.
If stress, length, and post-glottalization are considered to be properties of the tones rather than the vowels, the Khulls vowel system is very simple: /a e i o u/, with no diphthongs and no signicant allophonic alternations of vowel quality to be found in any position.  Khulls is unusual in that its diachronic history has massive tables of consonant changes, but only a few vowel changes, nearly all unconditional.  The parent language vowel system was /a i u ə/. In Khulls the /u/ was lowered to /o/ except after a labialized consonant, and /ə/ was either backed to /u/ or reduced to just a non-syllabic lip rounding, creating another series of labialized consonants on top of those inherited from the parent language.  (But note that the sequence /əu/ had changed to /ū/ in an earlier shift, so this did not produce ʷu or ʷo/.)

There are also no diphthongs, as these have all been ironed out into monophthongs.  In fact /e/ arises solely from diphthongs and is thus the rarest of the five vowels.  /a/ is by far the most common, as it is in nearly every language on the entire continent.  /i/ is second most common, and /o/ is third most common, unless /u/ is considered to be present in all labialized consonants, which is generally not done as it would lead to sequences of /uu/, thus making /u/ the only vowel in the language that can be doubled.
Here, the labialization was lost from the 2nd person form to make it more distinct; this was through analogy, and since there was no // > /k/ path to follow, the   analogy could only have proceeded in this way.  Remember that the labialization strongly colors the following vowel.

===Play-Leaper relations===
Khulls has many labialized consonants in its bilabial and velar columns.  Since there is no true /w/ in the language, they could be analyzed as clusters, but this is not done because then the /w/ would only exist after certain other consonantsHowever, the very common /ʕʷ/ sound is pronounced [w] in unstressed syllables because pharyngealization always disappears in unstressed syllablesThus an analysis of, for example, ḳʷ being /k/ + /ʕʷ/ could work, but would still be unusual in being the only type of cluster permitted in certain positions such as before other consonants.  Moreover these consonants are not pharyngealized.
:04:34, 26 January 2022 (PST)
Remember that AlphaLeap governed the Play speakers' territory for more than a thousand years, at a time when both languages were confined to single small nations, and that they therefeore had a close relationship, even if asymmetricalLeaper may have been greatly influenced by Play while Play would have taken very little influence from LeaperOnly later did both languages blossom throughout the world as wide-ranging language families.

Another reason for not analyzing /kʷ/ etc as /k/ + /w/ is that in older stages of the language, it was possible for labialized consonants to precede /j/ (spelled "y")e.g. '''kʷyâ''' "on the sea ice" etc.  This does not happen anymore, because most /j/ was deleted in a late sound change and what remained was deleted after all labialized consonants.  However, these sound changes did not happen in the proto-Moonshine dialect, and therefore Moonshine began its history allowing such clusters after allHowever, except for /hʷj/ they were rare because of the dilution of vocabulary with Bābākiam loans.  
===Culture and sociolinguistics===
::08:29, 24 January 2022 (PST)
It is possible  that the Matrixes taught themselves to speak Leaper and not DreamlandicTheir association with Dreamlandic would come from the fact that not all Matrixes were able to learn Leaper, "let alone Play", and therefore they were stuck with Dreamlandic, the easiest language in the region, even though it was not the native language of most MatrixesNote, though, that many of the Matrixes were in fact of Play ancestry originally, so this does not make perfect sense.

Khulls has very short words, and there are 20 consonants that can stand alone as words: /p ṗ b m n ŋ l s š z pʷ ṗʷ bʷ kʷ ḳʷ ġʷ xʷ gʷ hʷ ʕʷ/There are ten each of the plain and labialized consonants, but this is a coincidence because all of them, even the p ṗ b / pʷ ṗʷ bʷ pairings, have different origins.   
Leaper was typically considered a difficult language to learn, both because of its phonology and its grammarPlay's phonology was much simpler, but its grammar was even more complex than Leaper'sPlay in many ways seemed to be "just simple enough to be complicated" whereas Leaper was less extreme than Play but more consistent in its complexity.

Note that these same 20 consonants are also the only consonants that can occur at the end of a word, if the few exceptions like word-final /nt/ are read as /np/.  The fact that 14 of the 20 consonants are labialized or bilabial or labialized bilabials leads to the language sounding in some ways like Classical Poswa.  However, the so-called "syllabic" /p ṗ b/ are rare because they only occur as the reflex of sequences like /ŭk/, meaning that they can only come from vowel-initial syllables.  (The sequence was uk > ukp > up > ʷp > p.)
{{:Leaper language}}

Some single consonant words are: '''p''' "teacher", '''ṗ''' "eye", '''b''' "pine tree", '''ṁ''' "breast, inedible body part", '''ṅ''' "one, singulative", '''ṡ''' "sleep", '''ṣ̌''' "bomb", '''ż''' "to injure, hurt", '''pʷ''' "wet, soaked with water", '''ḳʷ''' "God", '''ġʷ''' "to believe; to stand up", '''xʷ''' "to bite, grasp firmly", '''hʷ''' "human, soldier", '''ʕʷ''' "fire".  These single consonant words can combine with other words readily, even though the single consonant is often difficult to hear despite greatly changing the meaning.  However, apart from a few suffix-only forms such as the agentive suffix -hʷ, most of these compounds were created before the missing vowel dropped out. Thus pàpo "student" was /həpàpo/, etc.
:''See [[Khulls phonology]] for older notes on phonology.''
See above for inventory.
===Consonant-based gender system===
:''See [[Khulls nouns#Gender]].''
Khulls inherited the consonant-based gender system of the Gold language. The genders are:

Conso Applies to
----- ----
  p Pregnant women; couples
  ʕʷ Babies
  t Adult men and sometimes boys
  r Boys
  l Young children
  n Girls and young women
  m Adult women
  s Epicene (groups of humans of all genders and ages)
  ʕ Neuter (nonliving things)

The gender of a compound noun is determined by the rightmost member of the compound that has a non-neuter genderThus, inanimate objects can be promoted to animate simply by being joined in a compound by an animate noun, even if the animate noun is not the head noun.   
'''Aspirated Stops'''
* These are by far the most common series of stops in the language.  There are five: /pʷ p t k kʷ/, and they are for the most part inherited directly from the parent language without any changes.  Sometimes they have arisen from unaspirated stops coming into contact with an /h/ or other voiceless fricative.  They are always strongly aspirated, even when unstressed, and Khulls has no counterpart of Thaoa's Grassman-like shift that deleted aspiration when two aspirated stops occurred in consecutive syllablesOf the five aspirated stops, three can stand alone as words without an additional vowel: /p pʷ kʷ/.  /pʷ/ and /kʷ/ generally come from the parent language /pu/ and /ku/, but can have other sources, while the plain non-labialized /p/ arises from the sequence /ək/, which changed as follows: ək > ŭk > ŭkp > ŭp > pThus Khulls historically shares with Poswa a preponderance of bilabial consonants, especially the series /p pʷ ṗ ṗʷ/, and propensity for bilabial plosives to persist in paradigms when all others perish. 

'''Ejective Stops'''
* Ejective stops, also known as glottalized stops, are also inherited from the parent language.  There are five: /ṗʷ ṗ ṭ ḳ ḳʷ/, assuming the marginal /ʔ/ is not itself considered glottalized.  Sequences of /ʔ/ plus an aspirated stop have never produced a glottalized stop, so there are few diachronic paths besides direct inheritance to produce them, and they are thus somewhat rarer than aspirated stops.  They lose their glottalization when unstressed, which gives Khulls the unusual trait of having plain voiceless stops only as an allophone of a somewhat rare series, while strongly aspirated stops predominate even in unstressed syllables.  This is a similar system to that of the parent language, Diʕìləs; but Diʕìlas had only one glottalized stop: /ḳ/, which means that /ḳ/ is the most common glottalized stop in Khulls and that for the most part the other four are derived from what were once mere allophones of /ḳ/.  There are no paths leading from /ḳ/ to /ṭ/, however, so /ṭ/ is very rare outside of loanwords.  Of the five glottalized stops, three can stand alone as words without an additional vowel: /ṗ ṗʷ ḳʷ/.  The above sound changes applying to /p/ also appear here with /ṗ/.

'''Voiced Stops'''
====Masculine genders====
* The voiced stops are also five: /bʷ b d ġ ġʷ/.  The labialized voiced stops /bʷ and ġʷ/ are common because they arose from labialized nasal consonantsThe plain voiced stops are rare, occuring mostly after nasals, and could very nearly be also considered allophones of the nasals were it not for a few words with geminate nasals.  Alternatively, they could be considered allophones respectively of /ʕʷ r g/ (note that /g/ is a fricative) after nasals, even though there are also a small number of words with clusters of nasals plus these consonants, because such clusters only occur across morpheme boundariesNevertheless, voiced stops do occasionally occur in places other than after a nasal, even though this is mostly in loans.  E.g. Lobexon, a placename . B is also the accusative of the word for pine tree.
Note that unlike its contemporary neighbors [[Andanese]] and [[Babakiam]] (and their descendants [[Pabappa]] and [[Poswa]]), Khulls usually distinguishes between men and boysIn the other languages, men and boys are grouped into the same gender as if there were no important difference between them, whereas women and girls are always carefully distinguishedKhulls has also revived the distinct gender for babies, which is unisex, despite having merged it early in history with the /p/ gender for pregnant women and couples.

'''The Glottal Stop'''
Additionally, it is not common in Khulls to casually refer to an adult male with one of the pronouns for young boys, even in a friendly mannerInstead, it is more common to hear boys referred to as men, particularly in terms of praise.  Khulls speakers historically believed that this showed that their culture appreciated men's natural masculine powers whereas the peoples around them seemed to be ashamed of their male population and wished to keep them forever as boys.
* The glottal stop /ʔ/ is not normally considered phonemic, because it occurs only after high-tone vowels when not before certain consonants.  It occasionally arises from /ʕ/ or even the cluster /ʕʕ/, because in the parent language an /ʕ/ after a vowel only occurred when that vowel's tone was high, and because /ʕ/ is deleted in unstressed syllables (which includes anything immediately after a stressed syllable) these /ʕ/'s would be deleted, leaving a hiatus, allowing the allophonic /ʔ/ that accompanies high vowels to reappearAs said, though, there is no letter for /ʔ/ in the Khulls alphabet because it is considered to be part of the preceding vowel; /ài/ implies [àʔi].

* The only affricates in the language are /č ǯ/, and they are fairly rare, occurring primarily in place of velars before the vowel /e/.  However, it was not the /e/ that caused this shift; generally it is the /e/ itself that results from the environment, having come from a sequence such as /kia/.  These would normally be grouped with the aspirated and voiced stops, respectively, if not for their many shared characteristics.
Khulls is approaching becoming a monosyllabic language.  It is the "Pfalz" to the neighboring languages' "Palatinate".  In fact, Khulls even goes further than simple monosyllabicity, since it also has suppletive forms for many noun plurals (e.g. "eye" and "eyes" are unrelated words), and subsyllabic morphemes clamped on to the root syllable such as the single-consonant words listed above.  However, a lot of the resultant consonant clusters reduce to single consonants: ʕʷ + lŏpṡ = '''ʕʷŏpṡ''' "sun, sunshine"; p + ḳā = '''pā''' "school", meaning that not many new words can be built this way.  Also, Khulls does not go nearly as far as its daughter language [[Moonshine]] in compressing unstressed vowels: the only actual sound change that reduced syllable count in Khulls affected only /u/ (from the schwa /ə/), which had been the rarest vowel anywayThus Khulls stands out from its neighbors, but not from its descendants.

Much of the character of Khulls is due to the presence of the three labial stops that can stand alone as weords, and their use to make new words from othersThis means Khulls has a lot of  hypothetical compounds like '''pŋ̇ḳ''' "salt water clam's eye", '''yṅt''' "teacher of sleep camels", and more that are rarely  usedThe syllabic nasals also appear in many words like this, such as '''hṅ''' "sleeping chair" (ṡ "sleep" + ṅ "chair").
The system of fricatives closely parallels that of the stops, but there are two series (voiced and voiceless) instead of three; there are no labial fricatives, and there is a glottal series corresponding to no stop seriesIt is tempting to align the glottal fricatives with the labial stops, since each covers a gap in the other, but there is no special relationship involved between these two groups of consonants.   

'''Voiceless fricatives'''
===Noun compounds===
* The full list of voiceless fricatives is /s š x xʷ h hʷ/.  /h hʷ/ are much rarer than /x xʷ/, but are definitely not marginal phonemes as there exist many minimal pairs in many different environments between the velars and glottals/s/ and /š/ can explicitly be syllabic, and even stand alone: '''s''' means "sleep", and '''š''' means "bomb".  /xʷ/ and /hʷ/ often occur in syllabic-like positions, but when joined by vowels in compounds they do not remain syllabic, so this is not considered a phonemic contrastThere are no significant allophones of any of these fricatives, either in voicing or point-of-articulation assimilationHowever, when preceded by high tone vowels, /s/ and /š/ become /ts/ and /tš/, although this is properly a property of the preceding vowel rather than the fricative, because this is the glottal stop.
:''See [[Khulls nouns]].''
Noun compounds behave in unusual ways.  '''''' "wine" + '''''' "in a bottle" gives '''xîbe''' "wine in a bottle", but this is also used to mean "bottle of wine", i.e., the bottle itselfKhulls' other relatives would all use something cognate to '''xîmī''', which uses two nominativesXîmī is not incorrrect, but it is less commonly used except when emphasis is needed. The reason why '''xîbe''' is preferred over '''xîmī''' is because despite being ambiguous, it fits the preferred stress pattern of Khulls nouns: first syllable accented, second unaccented.

'''Voiced fricatives'''
===Sentence structure===
* The full list of voiced fricatives is /z ž g gʷ ʕ ʕʷ/.  The voiced alveolar fricative /z/ occurs in only one word, '''z''' "to injure, hurt" and its derivatives, but there are a few unrelated words which developed a /z/ and were reanalyzed as compounds containing the morpheme ''z''.  Although this was originally a syllabic /z/, the lack of contrast with any other /z/ led to a loss of syllabicity.  As for /ž/, there was never a syllabic /ž/ to begin with.  Thus, there are no voiced counterparts of the syllabic voiceless fricatives /s/ and /š/.  Because pharyngealization is pronounced only in stressed syllables, /ʕʷ/ becomes [w] in unstressed syllables and is Khulls' first choice for spelling any foreign word with /w/.  /ʕ/ simply becomes silent in unstressed syllablesThe other fricatives have no significant allophones, and do not even assimilate in voicing to neighboring voiceless sounds.
Like its neighbors, Khulls is predominantly an SOV language.   

====Permittence of nonsyllabic words====
Nasals are very common, but there are only three of them: /m n ŋ/Labialized nasals became voiced stops unconditionally and those are no longer perceived by the speakers as simple allophones of the nasals.  Palatalized nasals also become stops in all dialects but Moonshine, and this palatalization itself was usually discarded.  Hence '''''' "bottle" becomes '''bê''' "in a bottle; bottled" (but proto-Moonshine ''myê'').  Indeed nasals have no significant allophones and can occur in any position within a word, and even be syllabic.  If a syllabic nasal touches an open vowel than an epenthetic simple nasal is added: e.g. '''lŏṁ''' "womb, uterus" is pronounced /lŏmṁ/.
Note that, although syllables within words have moderately tight restrictions on consonant clusters, it is common to find extrasyllabic morphemes across word boundariesFor example, the nonsyllabic word '''''' "man, human being" is very often the subject of a sentence, and is pronounced very quickly, with no epenthetic vowel, as if it were merely a grammatical particle rather than the subject of the sentence.  

There are only two liquids in Khulls, /l/ and /r/.  The /r/ in this case is a flap, not a trill, and cannot be doubled because it arises only from an earlier /d/ which itself could not be doubled.  /l/ comes from both the original inherited /l/ and from /d/ in certain positions.  /l/ can be syllabic and is much more common than /r/.  In descendants of Khulls, /r/ is often eliminated entirely and the sound spelled "r" is usually a uvular approximant deriving from Khulls /ʕʷ/.
Khulls is unusual in that it has preserved and greatly strengthened its tone system while also retaining noun and verb inflections that involve change and collision of tones.  The parent language, [[Gold language|Diʕì]] (also called "Gold"), also had a complex noun case system, but its tones had a much milder functional load and could even be analyzed as a two-tone setup where the other two tones are simply sequences of the first twoBecause of a fairly recent sound change that caused final // and /k/ to disappear, changing the tone of the vowel that preceded, many homophones appeared in the language, and many of these were in monosyllabic words, because final consonants were more common in monosyllabic words all along.  For example, '''lì''' "thorn" comes from Gold ''dì'', but '''lì''' "dust" comes from Gold ''diḳ''.  In Gold, the accusatives of these two words were ''diḳ'' and ''diḳiḳ''.  In Khulls, one would expect the accusatives to be respectively ''lì'' (thus merging with the nominative) and ''liḳì'', but because of analogy, both are now '''liḳì'''.  Thus, even though the accusatives of these homophones are also homophones, they are at least distinct from the nominative form and this still useful and intelligible.

The sound /j/, usually spelled /y/, is arguably phonemic in Khulls, although it has traditionally been grouped with the vowels, since unlike all other consonants, it can only occur before /e/, /i/, and /u/, and all but /e/ is rare.
From the accusative, one could believe that Khulls resolves the aḳ --> à problem by always assuming a following ḳ, but this is not so.  The locative case, for example, simply split into two cases depending on whether the ḳ was assumed previously present or not.  This is why one can say '''mô''' "in the lake" instead of *''moḳô''.  However, apart from compounds and some very common words such as mô, the longer locative form is indeed preferred, because the short form conflicts with the locatives of three other tones (all except the á tone).  

Note that final -k (the aspirated form) changed a preceding tone to á instead of à, but is not used as a bare noun case, and so is much less common.
Some consonants are far rarer than others historically, but they have gained at the expense of the "major" consonants due to the extremely short average wordlength of Khulls and its love of extreme compounding.  For example '''ṗĕhʷ''' "writer, author", composed of two rare consonants and one fairly rare vowel, with each phoneme being an independent morpheme.  The etymology is '''ṗ''' "eye, front" + '''ĕ''' "to lick" + '''hʷ''' "soldier".  Someone who licks things frequently makes a lot of marks, and someone who makes a lot of marks is a writer or artist; meanwhile the word that originally meant soldier came to signify an adult male and then just an adult, hence becoming a career marker.

It is rare for vowel-initial words to begin with the à or ā tones, since both of those would normally have changed into â due to the automatic insertion of ʕ several thousand years earlier.  Exceptions, like '''àpo''', are generally due to restorating of nouns from previous verb-only stems.
====Question intonation====
A rising tone contour is added to the accented syllable in the last word in any interrogative sentence.

Khulls preserves the original vowel alternations in noun cases fairly well, though some meanings are changed.  Also, occasionally they lead to disruptive consonant sequences where the vowel /ə/ is lost instead of changing to /u/:
Khulls preserves the original vowel alternations in noun cases fairly well, though some meanings are changed.  Also, occasionally they lead to disruptive consonant sequences where the vowel /ə/ is lost instead of changing to /u/:
Line 70: Line 105:
'''pàpo''' "student"  
'''pàpo''' "student"  
*'''pàpo'''  (nominative)
*'''pàpo'''  (nominative)
*'''păp''' (accusative)
*'''păp''' (accusative; pəḳ > pəḳṗ > pəṗ > p)
*'''papol''' (genitive)
*'''papol''' (genitive)
*'''papos'''  (possessive)
*'''papos'''  (possessive)
Line 83: Line 118:
pʷŋ pʷn pm
pʷŋ pʷn pm

Note that, unlike verbs, the stress shifts to the final syllable when inflected for case.
Khulls languages are spoekn everywhere.  See [[Moonshine]], [[Taryte]], [[Amade]], [[Nama]] for major descendants.
:''See [[Khulls verbs]].''
Although Khulls is a relatively compact language, its verbs are generally much longer than its nouns.  This is due to the very large number of inflections that are placed on them, by comparison to the nouns.  Khulls verb inflections are very similar to those of the [[Gold language]] and therefore include many infixes and suffixes.  These are less fusional than the noun inflections, but are still highly fusional when taken together, and therefore learning verb inflection is very difficult.
====ASking permission====
One  trait of verbs in Khulls is that "please" is translated by using a second form of the imperative mood, and that this is formed by actually removing a fusional element from the imperative rather than adding one.  That is to say, the original form of the imperative was the polite form, and the less polite form was formed from it.  This seemingly unnatural trait has remained in the language for thousands of years.  However, the difference between the two forms is very small, and the "softer" feeling of the polite form is helped by the fact that the element it lacks is a voiceless ejective stop, '''ṭ''', which is otherwise a very rare sound in Khulls.
Having a polite imperative shorter than the plain imperative is a common trait of related languages as well.
''I swear I made a page for this.  I write on this wiki only now.  [[Khulls script]].  I even remember stressing out what to call it since it is the alphabet for the whole world and not just Khulls.''
''See [[Khul languages]].


Latest revision as of 03:51, 1 January 2024

Khulls is a name for a language spoken on planet Teppala by the Crystals, their allies, and many of their enemies.



09:52, 8 May 2022 (PDT)

Leaper's method of forming simple possessives (with one argument, not translatives) is similar to Play's and was inherited from their shared ancestor. The possessive morpheme is inserted before the classifier, and then accent is retracted back to its original position. Thus nòṭiḳa "house" becomes nòqʷiḳa "my house" and nŏrika "your house". Third person is indicated externally, but the base form still inflects to nŏriḳa, different from the second person because of the ejective /ḳ/.

The internal consonant gradations resemble those of the Lava Bed languages, and the presence of this alternation in Leaper may have helped the Leapers better understand the Lava Bed languages. However they are of secondary origin, as Leaper lost its Lava Bed morphology early on. Instead, they are related to Play's verbal embedding.

Polite forms of nouns and verbs

See Play_language#Comparison_with_Leaper_and_Gold. Essentially, Leaper will be able to turn any noun into a polite version by adding an infix that means "___ which you have given me", "___ which you have shown me", etc. It may or may not be possible to also use other person combinations in Leaper. The system is fully alive in Play but may have decayed in Leaper down to just the politeness infixes.

The deep structure of the word is


The private verb always has the pharyngealized tone so long as the SAP's are 2>1. This corresponds to the Play sequences /aa ii upu/. Note also that /ky/ > /s/, respecting a sound change from 3,000 years earlier. Strictly speaking, what is really happening is that /sg sy/ > /k s/, partly through analogy and partly through true sound change.

Thus for example tăkaye "leash" turns into takaʕʷâsa "leash you showed me", because the stress shifts to the infix, and the classifier suffix -ye is replaced by -sa.

It is possible that the infix could come through with the short mid tone ă instead of the pharyngealized tone â, since in either case analogy has taken place. But assuming a primordial high tone (that later became pharyngealized) is the only way to get /k/ where there once was /h/.

An absolute minimal form of the infix could be -ʕâk- ~ -âk- (see the Play page for derivation). This requires /w/ > /ʕ/ through analogy from the words in which it followed a labial consonant; or else, a dummy verb could be created that was later assumed to have been synonymous with the inherited /wa/ root. The /k/ must stay. The medial vowel, however, could perhaps also appear as /i/ and one of /o/ or /u/, meaning that there will be three variant forms of the politeness infix depending on situation; for example /ʕàk/ probably only covers visible objects since it means "that you show me". This form also cannot distinguish person since the forms for 2>1 and 1>2 would both be /-âk-/.

Because /ʕ/ is a "transparent" consonant, the vowel of the root would form a unit with the following vowel. Thus, the number of syllables would be mostly the same as in the oblique. So săhoga "fish" would just be sahʷâka, and so on.


It is possible that the most minimal form of the infix evolves into no more than a polite way to mark an object as visible. In Moonshine, this would be linked to gender-based speech registers, with men using the polite forms when addressing women, and the plain forms being used otherwise except in the case of emphasis.

Emphatic possessives

The forms above could also be used to derive standalone possessives, since if the infix form is used, the 1st and 2nd person will melt together as -V̀k- due to the /h/ > /k/ rule. A possible escape, thoug, it to assume differnt priovate verbs for the differenet person, even though this would break the "living" Play system where they were in fact personless and part of the lexicon rather than grammatically bound morphemes.

These would be kʷas and xas for 1st and 2nd person genitive respectively, and could function as pseudo-pronouns, though it's not clear that there would be a nominative case to go with them, and instead one might find words like "my body", "my self", etc making the genitives the basic forms. The -s is not the genitive /s/ but may be mistaken for it as knowledge of the original construction fades. Nonetheless, if the /-s/ is reinterpreted as genitive, the Leaper language would lose an important function that languages like Poswa still retained 4,000 years later on.

Here, the labialization was lost from the 2nd person form to make it more distinct; this was through analogy, and since there was no /kʷ/ > /k/ path to follow, the analogy could only have proceeded in this way. Remember that the labialization strongly colors the following vowel.

Play-Leaper relations

04:34, 26 January 2022 (PST)

Remember that AlphaLeap governed the Play speakers' territory for more than a thousand years, at a time when both languages were confined to single small nations, and that they therefeore had a close relationship, even if asymmetrical. Leaper may have been greatly influenced by Play while Play would have taken very little influence from Leaper. Only later did both languages blossom throughout the world as wide-ranging language families.

Culture and sociolinguistics

08:29, 24 January 2022 (PST)

It is possible that the Matrixes taught themselves to speak Leaper and not Dreamlandic. Their association with Dreamlandic would come from the fact that not all Matrixes were able to learn Leaper, "let alone Play", and therefore they were stuck with Dreamlandic, the easiest language in the region, even though it was not the native language of most Matrixes. Note, though, that many of the Matrixes were in fact of Play ancestry originally, so this does not make perfect sense.

Leaper was typically considered a difficult language to learn, both because of its phonology and its grammar. Play's phonology was much simpler, but its grammar was even more complex than Leaper's. Play in many ways seemed to be "just simple enough to be complicated" whereas Leaper was less extreme than Play but more consistent in its complexity.


Alternate names: Khulls

(Dummy edit link)

This language was originally spoken in AlphaLeap.

  1. The velar fricatives h hʷ came to be spelled x xʷ.
    As /tanči/ "wine" demonstrates, a preceding coda /n/ did *not* assimilate to the /x/. This also implies nx shifted to nt in Leaper but not in Play; it is possible that the shift was pre-Gold, but was then undone in Play due to its close attention to morphology, but it would make more sense to have the shift appear after the separation.
  2. tʷ dʷ nʷ shifted to tl dl nl.
  3. When not occurring after a labialized consonant, the vowels ŭ ù ū shifted to ɜ̆ ɜ̀ ɜ̄. (This is spelled differently from schwa to ease confusion.) This was a low back vowel comparable to IPA [ɤ].
  4. The sequences ə əi əu (all syllables with inherited /ə/ were toneless) shifted to ʉ ɜi ɜu.
  5. In a closed syllable, the new ʉ vowel disappeared and created a syllabic consonant. In an open syllable, ʉ changed to ʷ, thus labializing the preceding consonant and then disappearing. Where /ʉ/ collapsed, stress shifted syllables to the nearest adjacent one. This tone was mid-tone (ă), which was sometimes called the low tone since it behaved as such when joined to any other morpheme that carried stress. Thus all morphemes that had once contained a schwa came to be pronounced entirely with low tones.
    Note that any syllabic formed here always assimilated to a following consonant because they arose from a non-syllabic nasal, which had already been assimilated to a following consonant. By contrast, the primordial syllabic nasals /ṁ ṅ ŋ̇/ still did not assimilate, and thus words like /mṅpà/ "to ask" still existed.
  6. Sequences like aʕa became pharyngealized vowels; these could still have tones, but later all pharyngealized tones merged with each other except for sandhi effects. Pharyngealized vowels are spelled â ; though there is only one pharyngealized surface tone, pharyngealized vowels exhibited different sandhi effects depending on their origin, and this is not reflected in the Romanization. Note that /iʕV/ did not create pharyngealization, but /uʕV əʕV/ did, and both caused labialization.
  7. The cluster sg shifted to x. This is actually a tone shift, since it had been [x] all along but was previously abound to a high tone.
  8. The clusters pʷn kʷn shifted to pʷt kʷt.
    Note that this shift, needed to process the placename Gatupəna, is unsatisfactory, and would not help explain what would happen to the ejective cluster /ḳʷn/. Syllabic nasals are a possible answer, since the only clusters considered unwieldy are stop+nasal (so /pʷl/ etc were fine). This would produce the forbidden clusters /pṁ tṅ kŋ̇/ and these would probably lose the stop and become high tones.
  9. After a high tone, the voiced stop d shifted to . This includes a shift of dl to ṭl after a high tone as well.
  10. The clusters mh nh ŋh dh became mp nt ŋk t, except that replaces /nt/ before any /i/. These clusters were often morphologically /s/ + a voiced consonant, but the [h] pronunciation is actually the more archaic one.
  11. After the vowel [u] (any tone, any length), k ḳ in a syllable coda became coarticulated labial-velar stops kp ḳṗ . This change also took place after the /ʷ/ that had replaced earlier schwa, since this was behaving as an allophone of /u/. Likewise, it took place after /au/, but not /ɜ̄/, even though both ended up as /ō/ later on.
  12. After a syllabic nasal, the final stops k ḳ (which was the only ones that did occur) changed to match the position of the nasal. However, these were written with the letters for "kp ḳṗ".
  13. The voiced coronal stops d dʲ dʷ became r ž gʷ. The sequence rl (always from Gold /dʷ/) became ll, which in word-initial position then changed to a simple l.
  14. In word-initial position, r shifted to l.
  15. Labialized coronals became velar.
  16. Labialization disappeared before any syllabic consonant.
    This shift makes it possible to interpret the syllabic consonants as sequences of short low-tone /u/ + C. Previously, this would have failed because there was a contrast between /ʷC/ and /ʷuC/.
  17. The sequences mmṡ ŋŋṡ shifted to mpṡ ŋkṡ.
  18. The sequences gp gṗ shifted to kp ḳṗ.
  19. In unstressed position after a vowel, the syllabic consonants ṁ ṅ ŋ̇ ḷ ṡ shifted to plain consonants m n ŋ l s. Thus unstressed closed syllables were created.
  20. Final raised the preceding vowel to a high tone à (á if it was long) and then disappeared, though it left an allophonic glottal stop in some positions. Then, final k disappeared and changed the preceding vowel to the long high tone á. The surface tone change did not apply to pharyngealized vowels, but the sandhi effects did. Thus there were two pharyngealized tones .... both pronounced the same, but with different effects on surrounding unstressed syllables.
  21. The labialized fricative šʷ became ħʷ . The ħ is a spelling convention to distinguish it from /x/. The cluster gʷš (which had always been [gʷšʷ] because of syllable metrics) most likely became ħʷ as well, not /xʷ/. The /sg/ > /x/ shift above is different from this because /sg/ had never been phonetically realized as such.
    NOTE ON POLITICS: The Proto-Moonshine language breaks off here. (Year 3958) The tropical survivor language must have also broken off shortly afterward; what remains is for the language of the ruling class of Baeba Swamp.

Post-Moonshine changes

All of these changes take place in just 800 years, despite the list being nearly as long as that for the preceding 2,000 years.

  1. The diphthongs ai au shifted to ē ō unconditionally. Then aiʕ auʕ became ê ô. Note that the sequence /uʕ/ was distinct from a coda /ʕʷ/.
  2. The diphthongs ɜi ɜu shifted to ĕ ū unconditionally. If pharyngealized forms existed, they followed the rule above.
  3. The sequences ya yɜ (on all tones) shifted to ye of the same tone. Later, all /ye/ became /e/, but this was not phonemic because of intervening consonant changes. Note that this does NOT include /yau yɜu/, which had escaped the change by shifting to /yō yū/. This /ō/ is distinct from the one that forms below.
  4. The mid vowels ɜ̆ ɜ̀ ɜ̄ shifted to ŏ ò ō unconditionally. Likewise, any remaining unstressed ɜ became o.
  5. The velar-palatal sequences ky ḳy ŋy hy xy gy shifted to č č n̆ š š ž.
  6. Nasal consonants followed by /y/ hardened to prenasals: my n̆y became mby n̆ǯy . (This includes the reflexes of /ny/ and /ŋy/.) These later became stops.
  7. After a high tone, the fricatives x xʷ ħ ħʷ shifted to k kʷ q qʷ.
  8. sl>q, which is an allophone of /h/. This shift is essentially a restating of a consequence of the above, since there never was an /sl/, but only a coarticulated /lh/ cluster. Likewise, posttonic ħ ħʷ (spelling here used for emphasis) shifted to q qʷ.
  9. The voiceless bilabial stops p pʷ shifted to h hʷ except after a high tone. The plain /p/ had a brief intermediate of /ɸ/ but this stage lasted mere years before shifting to /h/. The labialized stop shifted directly. This shift excludes /kp/ and any other context in which the stops were part of a cluster; note that since the high tone always ended in a glottal stop, this environment can be considered to be a cluster as well.
    NOTE THAT THE SPELLING OF /h/ as ħ is for clarity only, because in many names, /x/ is spelled with the plain "h".
  10. The sequences ly hy (the latter only from /py/) shifted to λ š.
  11. The clusters ml nl changed to mbl ndl, thus restoring voiced stops to a marginal phonemic position.
  12. The labialized consonants mʷ ŋʷ changed to mbʷ ŋġʷ .
  13. The remaining clusters tl ṭl shifted to `l . This is a plain /l/ but makes the preceding vowel high-toned.
  14. The sound /l/ disappeared after any stop, even over a morpheme boundary.
  15. The voiced prenasals mbʷ mb nd nǯ ŋġʷ shifted to plain voiced stops bʷ b d ǯ ġʷ. There may have been an extremely rare plain voiced velar stop, arising only from the sequence /ŋ̇l/, which would have changed to /ŋġl/, then to /ŋġ/, and finally to /ġ/. Note that the original velar nasal must be syllabic for it to occur before another consonant.
  16. The coarticulated stops kp ḳṗ shifted to p ṗ. (If there ever was a voiced /ġb/, it too would shift.)
  17. The voiced velar fricative g came to be pronounced as a voiced stop ġ asfter a high tone. This was allophonic, and occurred at least a thousand years after the shift of /d/ > /ṭ/. Thus the two are not connected and this newer shift is not represented in the script.
  18. Probably the sequences ăʕʷ ĕʕʷ ĭʕʷ ŏʕʷ ŭʕʷ shifted to ô ô û ô û, thus finally eliminating diphthongs from the language, even those that had arisen from VCV sequences. But it is possible (remember the ʕʕ>ʔ rule) that pharyngealization was not pronounced in this position even in a closed syllable (it had been eliminated for sure in an open syllable). It is also possible that the diphthongs simply remained and that /ʕʷ/ was seen as a consonant.

Note that the only /y/ is before /i/ and unlabialized /u/, the latter of which was rare. The only other clusters in the language had initial elements unmarked for place of articulation, possibly aside from a few marginal holdovers across morpheme boundaries involving inherited syllabic nasals.

Thus the final consonant inventory was

Rounded bilabials:       pʷ  ṗʷ  bʷ      hʷ          w
Spread bilabials:        p   ṗ   b   m   
Alveolars:               t   ṭ   d   n   s   r   l
Postalveolars:           č       ǯ       š   ž  (λ)  y
Velars:                  k   ḳ       ŋ   x   g
Labiovelars:             kʷ  ḳʷ  ġʷ      xʷ  gʷ
Postvelars:              q               h       ʕ
Labialized postvelars:   qʷ

And the vowels /a e i o u/ on six tones: à ă ā á â a͆, where the last two differ in sandhi effects only.

All five vowels are unrounded except when following a labialized consonant. Because /u/ almost always follows a labialized consonant, its unrounded form is very rare unless analyzed as /Ø/. This can be spelled /ʉ/.

A rare palatal lateral λ (IPA /ʎ/) can be added, which occurs only in environments where /y/ can also occur. Unlike the other five palatal consonants /č ǯ š ž y/, however, it is entirely of secondary origin, arising entirely from the sequence /ly/, and it cannot contrast with the sequence /ly/, even over a morpheme boundary.

The w is always phrayngealized as the onset of a stressed syllable.

The sounds q̇ q̇ʷ z are not part of Leaper's phonology, but have distinct letters in the script because they occur in loans from Qaš and different speakers replace them with different Leaper phonemes. Specifically, q̇ q̇ʷ can be replaced either with /ḳ ḳʷ/ or with /q qʷ/, and some speakers even pronounce the original phonemes after all; likewise z can be replaced either with /ž/ or with /s/, and some speakers pronounce the /z/ as in Qaš as well.

Late dialectal changes

One late change might be the deletions of all word-initial g, thus creating many vowel-initial words. Then, old word-initial e- deletes, but the new e- is unaffected. This change is difficult to explain, even assuming the two /e/'s had different sounds (because the old one was always preceded by /j/ and the new one never was).


See Khulls phonology for older notes on phonology.

See above for inventory.

Consonant-based gender system

See Khulls nouns#Gender.

Khulls inherited the consonant-based gender system of the Gold language. The genders are:

Conso	Applies to
-----	----
 p	Pregnant women; couples
 ʕʷ	Babies
 t	Adult men and sometimes boys
 r	Boys
 l	Young children 
 n	Girls and young women
 m	Adult women
 s	Epicene (groups of humans of all genders and ages)
 ʕ	Neuter (nonliving things)

The gender of a compound noun is determined by the rightmost member of the compound that has a non-neuter gender. Thus, inanimate objects can be promoted to animate simply by being joined in a compound by an animate noun, even if the animate noun is not the head noun.

Masculine genders

Note that unlike its contemporary neighbors Andanese and Babakiam (and their descendants Pabappa and Poswa), Khulls usually distinguishes between men and boys. In the other languages, men and boys are grouped into the same gender as if there were no important difference between them, whereas women and girls are always carefully distinguished. Khulls has also revived the distinct gender for babies, which is unisex, despite having merged it early in history with the /p/ gender for pregnant women and couples.

Additionally, it is not common in Khulls to casually refer to an adult male with one of the pronouns for young boys, even in a friendly manner. Instead, it is more common to hear boys referred to as men, particularly in terms of praise. Khulls speakers historically believed that this showed that their culture appreciated men's natural masculine powers whereas the peoples around them seemed to be ashamed of their male population and wished to keep them forever as boys.


Khulls is approaching becoming a monosyllabic language. It is the "Pfalz" to the neighboring languages' "Palatinate". In fact, Khulls even goes further than simple monosyllabicity, since it also has suppletive forms for many noun plurals (e.g. "eye" and "eyes" are unrelated words), and subsyllabic morphemes clamped on to the root syllable such as the single-consonant words listed above. However, a lot of the resultant consonant clusters reduce to single consonants: ʕʷ + lŏpṡ = ʕʷŏpṡ "sun, sunshine"; p + ḳā = "school", meaning that not many new words can be built this way. Also, Khulls does not go nearly as far as its daughter language Moonshine in compressing unstressed vowels: the only actual sound change that reduced syllable count in Khulls affected only /u/ (from the schwa /ə/), which had been the rarest vowel anyway. Thus Khulls stands out from its neighbors, but not from its descendants.

Much of the character of Khulls is due to the presence of the three labial stops that can stand alone as weords, and their use to make new words from others. This means Khulls has a lot of hypothetical compounds like pŋ̇ḳ "salt water clam's eye", yṅt "teacher of sleep camels", and more that are rarely used. The syllabic nasals also appear in many words like this, such as hṅ "sleeping chair" (ṡ "sleep" + ṅ "chair").

Noun compounds

See Khulls nouns.

Noun compounds behave in unusual ways. "wine" + "in a bottle" gives xîbe "wine in a bottle", but this is also used to mean "bottle of wine", i.e., the bottle itself. Khulls' other relatives would all use something cognate to xîmī, which uses two nominatives. Xîmī is not incorrrect, but it is less commonly used except when emphasis is needed. The reason why xîbe is preferred over xîmī is because despite being ambiguous, it fits the preferred stress pattern of Khulls nouns: first syllable accented, second unaccented.

Sentence structure

Like its neighbors, Khulls is predominantly an SOV language.

Permittence of nonsyllabic words

Note that, although syllables within words have moderately tight restrictions on consonant clusters, it is common to find extrasyllabic morphemes across word boundaries. For example, the nonsyllabic word "man, human being" is very often the subject of a sentence, and is pronounced very quickly, with no epenthetic vowel, as if it were merely a grammatical particle rather than the subject of the sentence.


Khulls is unusual in that it has preserved and greatly strengthened its tone system while also retaining noun and verb inflections that involve change and collision of tones. The parent language, Diʕì (also called "Gold"), also had a complex noun case system, but its tones had a much milder functional load and could even be analyzed as a two-tone setup where the other two tones are simply sequences of the first two. Because of a fairly recent sound change that caused final /ḳ/ and /k/ to disappear, changing the tone of the vowel that preceded, many homophones appeared in the language, and many of these were in monosyllabic words, because final consonants were more common in monosyllabic words all along. For example, "thorn" comes from Gold , but "dust" comes from Gold diḳ. In Gold, the accusatives of these two words were diḳ and diḳiḳ. In Khulls, one would expect the accusatives to be respectively (thus merging with the nominative) and liḳì, but because of analogy, both are now liḳì. Thus, even though the accusatives of these homophones are also homophones, they are at least distinct from the nominative form and this still useful and intelligible.

From the accusative, one could believe that Khulls resolves the aḳ --> à problem by always assuming a following ḳ, but this is not so. The locative case, for example, simply split into two cases depending on whether the ḳ was assumed previously present or not. This is why one can say "in the lake" instead of *moḳô. However, apart from compounds and some very common words such as mô, the longer locative form is indeed preferred, because the short form conflicts with the locatives of three other tones (all except the á tone).

Note that final -k (the aspirated form) changed a preceding tone to á instead of à, but is not used as a bare noun case, and so is much less common.

Question intonation

A rising tone contour is added to the accented syllable in the last word in any interrogative sentence.


Khulls preserves the original vowel alternations in noun cases fairly well, though some meanings are changed. Also, occasionally they lead to disruptive consonant sequences where the vowel /ə/ is lost instead of changing to /u/:

pàpo "student"

  • pàpo (nominative)
  • păp (accusative; pəḳ > pəḳṗ > pəṗ > p)
  • papol (genitive)
  • papos (possessive)
  • papon ("around, because of, affected by")
  • papô (locative: "in the student", etc)
  • papū (instrumental)
  • păpʷ (essive/partitive: "made of", but also used as a possessive)

A fwe other forms exist ,like papʷṅ (īn / î )

pʷŋ pʷn pm

Note that, unlike verbs, the stress shifts to the final syllable when inflected for case.


See Khulls verbs.

Although Khulls is a relatively compact language, its verbs are generally much longer than its nouns. This is due to the very large number of inflections that are placed on them, by comparison to the nouns. Khulls verb inflections are very similar to those of the Gold language and therefore include many infixes and suffixes. These are less fusional than the noun inflections, but are still highly fusional when taken together, and therefore learning verb inflection is very difficult.

ASking permission

One trait of verbs in Khulls is that "please" is translated by using a second form of the imperative mood, and that this is formed by actually removing a fusional element from the imperative rather than adding one. That is to say, the original form of the imperative was the polite form, and the less polite form was formed from it. This seemingly unnatural trait has remained in the language for thousands of years. However, the difference between the two forms is very small, and the "softer" feeling of the polite form is helped by the fact that the element it lacks is a voiceless ejective stop, , which is otherwise a very rare sound in Khulls.

Having a polite imperative shorter than the plain imperative is a common trait of related languages as well.


I swear I made a page for this. I write on this wiki only now. Khulls script. I even remember stressing out what to call it since it is the alphabet for the whole world and not just Khulls.


See Khul languages.
