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==Pronunciation table==
{|class="bluetable lightbluebg" style="text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; width:500px;"
![[Wikipedia:Ogonek#Similar diacritics|ǫ]]
==Glossing abbreviations==
{|class="bluetable lightbluebg" style="text-align:center; vertical-align:left; margin: 1em auto 1em auto;"
|1s/p = 1st person singular/plural
|ABL = [[Wikipedia:Ablative case|ablative suffix]]
|COL = [[Wikipedia:Collective noun|collective]]
|EQU = equative degree
|INS = instrument
|PRF = perfect
|SUP = [[Wikipedia:Supine|supine]]
|2s/p = 2nd person singular/plural
|ABS = absolutive (an unmarked modifying adjective)
|CONV = conversive
|F = feminine
|INT = intensive prefix
|PRV = [[Wikipedia:Privative|privative prefix]]
|TRZ = transitivizer
|3 = 3rd person
|ADV = adverb
|DES = [[Wikipedia:Desiderative mood|desiderative]]
|FRQ = [[Wikipedia:Frequentative|frequentative]]
|LAT = [[Wikipedia:Lative case|lative suffix]]
|PST = past
|VOC = vocative particle
|A(.s/p) = accusative (singular/plural)
|AG = [[Wikipedia:Agent (grammar)|agent]]
|DIM = diminutive
|FUT = future
|LOC = [[Wikipedia:Locative case|locative suffix]]
|Q = [[Wikipedia:Interrogative word|interrogative particle]]
|G(.s/p) = genitive (singular/plural)
|AP = agent (active) participle
|ELIS = [[Wikipedia:Elision|elision]]
|IMP = imperative
|M = masculine
|QUOT = direct quotation
|N(.s/p) = nominative (singular/plural)
|AUG = augmentative
|ELT = [[Wikipedia:Elative case|elative]]
|INC = [[Wikipedia:Inchoative aspect|inchoative]]
|OCC = occupation suffix
|RPR = recent perfective
|V(.s/p) = vocative (singular/plural)
|CAUS = [[Wikipedia:Causative|causative]]
|EP = [[Wikipedia:Epenthesis#As a grammatical rule|epenthesis]]
|IND = indicative
|PP = patient (past) participle
|SBJ = subjunctive
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">Call of the First Disciples - '''''' -  (5:1-11)</div>
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">'''''mukánȝeka̋s úúda tarne̋xaþo'''''</div>
<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">''Translated from the Greek''</div>
*New American Bible
*Literal Greek Translation
*Senjecan Text
*'''1.''' As he stood by the Lake of Gennesaret, and the crowd pressed in on him to hear the word of God,
*it.happened and while the crowd pressed.upon him and listening to.the word of.the God and he was standing beside the lake Gennesaret,
*'''da e-e̋ba—méti mı̋ı̋lu ȝumű' sa̋m̃om a̋a̋m̃u tááda éȝum e-űba. da ȝe̋su eherős kóma e-ṡűra—'''
*'''2.''' he saw two boats moored by the side of the lake; the fishermen had disembarked and were washing their nets.
*and he saw two boats having.been beside the lake the and fishermen from them having.gone.away were.washing the nets
*'''da d̬ő eherős kóma na̋a̋m̃on e-na̋ka: m̃ĭm̨̃en̈a̋a̋m̃antu þűxlus þűxon e-ba̋na:'''
*'''3.''' He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to pull out a short distance from the shore; then, remaining seated, he continued to teach the crowds from the boat.
*embarking and one of.the boats which was Simon's he.asked him from the land to.put.out little having.sat.down and from the boat he.taught the crowds
*'''ṡimoonűs na̋a̋m̃om éna en̈a̋a̋m̃antu e-ı̋ga éȝum na̋a̋lom ápa ṡa na̋a̋m̃u: da sĕse̋dantu naam̃ős éha mı̋ı̋lun e-dőka:'''
*'''4.''' When he had finished speaking he said to Simon, "Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch."
*when and he.stopped speaking he.said to the Simon Put.out into the deep and let.down the nets for catch
*'''da sa̋m̃u dĭde̋usantu ṡimoonűs o e-te̋e̋a: m̃a ṡa̋ltam éna naam̃e̋ȝak̬e tu-þűxon lavős tááda kaue̋ȝak̬e m̃ar:'''
*'''5.''' Simon answered, "Master, we have been hard at it all night long and have caught nothing; but if you say so, I will lower the nets."
*and having.answered Simon said Master, throughout whole night having.labored nothing we.caught and on.account.of the word I.will.let.down the nets.
*'''kĭkı̋rantu ṡimőőnu e-te̋e̋a: m̃a veel̤ű. őra la̋a̋tam dĭda̋a̋rantu m̃us néom e-la̋va. ésti mu tu-sam̃ős ha þűxon u-ka̋ua m̃ar:'''
*'''6.''' Upon doing this they caught such a great number of fish that their nets were at the breaking point.
*and this having.done they.enclosed multitude great were.being.torn and the nets of.them
*'''da som kĭkı̋antus d̨age̋m me̋że mı̋ı̋lem e-la̋va da eȝu-þűxon ra̋m̃aþon e-ı̋la:'''
*'''7.''' They signaled to their mates in the other boat to come and help them. These came, and together they filled the two boats until they nearly sank.
*and they.signaled for.the partners in the other boat of.the having.come them and they.came and they filled both the boat them
*'''da a̋no naam̃ős éna eȝu-daareeflűm e-neuı̋d̨a—táádi ǧeme̋ȝak̬e éȝun þone̋ȝak̬e:'''
*'''8.''' At the sight of this, Simon Peter fell at the knees of Jesus saying, "Leave me, Lord. I am a sinful man."
*having.seen and Simon Peter the knees of Jesus saying Depart from me for man sinful
*'''da nĭna̋kantu ṡimőőnu ȝesűs þ̨űűron éna e-főőla te̋e̋antu: m̃a mum vide̋ȝa—hi mu a̋gu m̃ı̋ı̋ru e̋sa m̃ar:'''
*'''9.''' For indeed, amazement at the catch they had made seized him and all his shipmates,
*astonishment for seized him and all the with him on.account.of the catch of.the fish which they.too
*'''hi ða̋sra éȝumk̬' eȝú' súna őrunk̬' e-e̋ma d̨age̋m lavős ha—tom e-la̋va:'''
*'''10.''' as well as James and John, Zebedee's zons, who were partners with Simon. Jesus said to Simon, "Do not be afraid. From now on you will be catching men."
*likewise and also James and John sons of.Zebedee who were partners of.the Simon and said to  the Jesus the Simon Not fear from the now men you.will.catch
*'''da ȝaakobűsk̬e ȝoxánanűsk̬' éta. zĕváðȝahűs poikűm da ṡimoonűs daareeflűm: da ȝe̋su ṡimoonűs o e-te̋e̋a: m̃a naae̋ȝa mee: tu ímþis m̃ı̋ı̋run u-la̋va m̃ar: '''
*'''11.''' With that they brought their boats to land, left everything, and became his followers.
*and having.left.behind the boats on the land having.left all they.followed him
*'''da na̋a̋lom éva na̋a̋m̃onk̬e őromk̬e te̋m̃antus éȝum e-da̋ga⁝'''

Latest revision as of 18:26, 28 December 2023