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Line 179: Line 179:
| jošu || nɑnošu || jonošu || nɑnošu  
| jošu || nɑnošu || jonošu || nɑnošu  
| <center><small>''genitive''</small></center> || -ra || -nora || ||
| rowspan="2" | <center><small>''genitive''</small></center> || owtura || ertura || rowspan="2" | ɑktura || owtunora || ertunora || rowspan="2" | ɑktunora
| <center><small>''dative''</small></center>  || -ɣɑ || -noɣɑ || -ɣɑ || -noɣɑ
| jora || nɑnora || jonora || nɑnora
| <center><small>''causative''</small></center> || -khu || -nokhu || -khu || -nokhu
| <center><small>''dative''</small></center> || joɣɑ || nɑɣɑ || ɑktuɣɑ || jonoɣɑ || nɑnoɣɑ || ɑktunoɣɑ
| <center><small>''instrumental''</small></center> || || || -khɑ || -nokhɑ
| <center><small>''causative''</small></center> || jokhu || nɑkhu || ɑktukhu || jonokhu || nɑnokhu || ɑktunokhu
| <center><small>''abessive''</small></center> || || || -gil || -nogil
| <center><small>''instrumental''</small></center> || || || ɑktukhɑ || || || ɑktunokhɑ
| <center><small>''locative''</small></center> || || || -tsar || -notsar
| <center><small>''abessive''</small></center> || || || ɑktugil || || || ɑktunogil
| <center><small>''locative''</small></center> || || || ɑktutsar || || || ɑktunotsar
1° p. sing. 2° p. sing. 3° p. sing. 1° p. plur. 2° p. plur. 3° p. plur.
agentivo owtu ertu ɑktuli owtuno ertuno ɑktunoli
passivo jo nɑ ɑktu jono nɑno ɑktuno
ablativo owtušu
jošu ertušu
nɑšu ɑktušu owtunošu
jonošu ertunošu
nɑnošu ɑktunošu
genitivo owtura
jora ertura
nɑra ɑktura owtunora
jonora ertunora
nɑnora ɑktunora
dativo joɣɑ nɑɣɑ ɑktuɣɑ jonoɣɑ nɑnoɣɑ ɑktunoɣɑ
causativo jokhu nɑkhu ɑktukhu jonokhu nɑnokhu ɑktunokhu
strumentale ɑktukhɑ ɑktunokhɑ
abessivo ɑktugil ɑktunogil
locativo ɑktutsar ɑktunotsar

Le forme di prima e di seconda persona sono da intendersi come referenti di entità della 1° classe e perciò non possiedono forme per i casi obliqui secondari. La terza persona possiede invece una declinazione completa, ma l’uso dei casi rispecchia quello dei nomi a seconda che il referente sia un nome dalle 1° classe o della 2° classe.
Le forme di prima e di seconda persona sono da intendersi come referenti di entità della 1° classe e perciò non possiedono forme per i casi obliqui secondari. La terza persona possiede invece una declinazione completa, ma l’uso dei casi rispecchia quello dei nomi a seconda che il referente sia un nome dalle 1° classe o della 2° classe.

Revision as of 16:17, 17 January 2023

Typological structure

Kī́rtako is a morphologically agglutinative language, while also having a marked introflexive feature, shown in verbal roots.

The main word order is basically SOV (Subject-Object-Verb).

phū́kali mū́ke lī́lopɑt
(the) person sees (the) cow

The morphosyntactical system is clearly head-final. All syntactical parameters are aligned with this type:

  • object - verb
  • noun - postposition
  • adjective - noun
  • relative clause - noun



Almost all nouns in Kī́rtako language end in a vowel. There are limited samples of nouns ending in a consonant, mostly loanwords; in these cases -ɑ-, as an epenthetic vowel, is added, before the various endings of the noun declension.

Nouns are grouped in two declension classes: animate nouns, or first class and inanimate nouns, or second class. Broadly speaking the first class include nouns referring to animate beings, able to move and act on their own will, while the second class include nouns referring to object or inanimate beings. The classes are thus listed:

  • 1st class: human beings, animals, gods.
  • 2nd class: plants, objects, ideas, feelings, senses.

Nouns do not unchangingly belong to a determinate class, as they lack any morphological markers, which can unambiguously identify a given class.

For example, the noun sɑño, light, moves from a class to the other during time, just like the noun ñowe, love, varying their class accordingly as the cultural perception of their animation.

Despite the above-mentioned lack of any morphological markers to identify both classes, each class exhibits different declension patterns.

Almost all nouns have two morphological numbers, singular and plural.


Kī́rtako nouns do decline, according to an active-stative system with 9 cases:

  • Agentive: marks the subject of a transitive verb or the subject of an intransitive verb, which display a certain will or a certain degree of activity in performing the given action. It can be used only with nouns of the 1st class.
  • Passive: marks the object of a transitive verb, the subject of an intransitive verb, which display no intention or will or every inanimate subject.
  • Ablative: marks a natural belonging, with any intention of possession. It may mark also the origin point of a motion. It can be used to mark the object of an infinitival form, marking thus also the object of a negated transitive verb.
  • Genitive marks a possession, with a clear intention or will. It can be used only with nouns of the 1st class.
  • Dative: marks the indirect object. It may mark also the final point of a motion, the destination of a movement, or the ultimate goal of the action.
  • Causative: marks the reason or the cause which caused the action.
  • Instrumental: marks the tool or the instrument which are used to perform the action. It can be used only with nouns of the 2nd class.
  • Abessive: marks the tool or the instrument which are absent while performing the action. It can be used only with nouns of the 2nd class.
  • Locative: marks the place where the action is performed. It can be used only with nouns of the 2nd class.

The cases are usually classified in 4 groups:

  1. Primary main cases: agentive, genitive
  2. Secondary main cases: passive, ablative
  3. Primary oblique cases: dative, causative
  4. Secondary oblique cases: instrumental, abessive, locative

Other complements are expressed through the postpositions, which select one or more cases to be used with the nouns.

Noun declension

Nouns do decline according to case and number, by adding the following ending to their base form.

1st class
2nd class
-li -noli
- -no - -no
-šu -nošu -šu -nošu
-ra -nora
-ɣɑ -noɣɑ -ɣɑ -noɣɑ
-khu -nokhu -khu -nokhu
-khɑ -nokhɑ
-gil -nogil
-tsar -notsar

Some examples are shown below: a 1st class noun, papu, father, a 1st class noun, sṓgo, house.

papuli papunoli
papu papuno sṓgo sṓgono
papušu papunošu sṓgošu sṓgonošu
papura papunora
papuɣɑ papunoɣɑ sṓgoɣɑ sṓgonoɣɑ
papukhu papunokhu sṓgokhu sṓgonokhu
sṓgokhɑ sṓgonokhɑ
sṓgogil sṓgonogil
sṓgotsar sṓgonotsar

The 1st class nouns never add the endings of the secondary oblique cases, while the 2nd class nouns never add the ending of the primary main cases.

Adjectives and pronouns

Adjectives have the same form and behaviour as nouns, ending mostly in a vowel and showing the same exceptions. Pronouns, instead, may have very different forms, even in the root form.


Attributive adjectives are always placed before the noun, that they are describing, while predicative adjectives are usually placed after their name.

jṓpā́ wī́ro
(the) young man
wī́ro jṓpā́ (ʔɑñ)
(the) man is young

Since the verb ʔɑñɑme, to be, can be omitted when is the sentence copula, the only way to distinguish an attributive or a predicative role of an adjective is by its position in relation to its name.

All adjectives agree in case and numbers with the nouns they describe, being declined with the same ending of the noun declension. Differently from nouns, every adjective can always have a complete declension, as it cannot intrinsically belong to one of the classes.

jṓpā́ra wī́rora rḗʔo sṓgo pinkotsar wɑkitsar mḗʔis
the new house of the young man is in the nearby village
Declension of qualifying adjectives

Example: rḗʔo, new

rḗʔoli rḗʔonoli
rḗʔo rḗʔono
rḗʔošu rḗʔonošu
rḗʔora rḗʔonora
rḗʔoɣɑ rḗʔonoɣɑ
rḗʔokhu rḗʔonokhu
rḗʔokhɑ rḗʔonokhɑ
rḗʔogil rḗʔonogil
rḗʔotsar rḗʔonotsar
Comparison of qualifying adjectives

Qualifying adjectives have two comparison forms, comparative and superlative. They build this forms by adding the following endings: Example: rḗʔo, new


These ending are always placed before the case endings and after the adjectival form, both base or derived form. The second comparison term is declined in the ablative case and followed by the postposition phɑw.

wī́ro ʔṓnašu phɑw jṓpā́rṓ (ʔɑñ)
the man is younger than the woman
ʔṓna owtunošu phɑw jṓpā́rṓtu (ʔɑñ)
the woman is the youngest of/among us

Personal pronouns

Personal pronouns are distinguished from other pronominal roots by a dichotomy between the forms for the first and second person and the forms for the third person.

The first and second person form have two different roots, creating thus a heteroclitic declension. On these two kinds of root more than one form for every case are created. Differently, the third person has only one root.

1st person sing.
2nd person sing.
3rd person sing.
1st person plur.
2nd person plur.
3rd person plur.
owtu ertu ɑktuli owtuno ertuno ɑktunoli
jo ɑktu jono nɑno ɑktuno
owtušu ertušu ɑktušu owtunošu ertunošu ɑktunošu
jošu nɑnošu jonošu nɑnošu
owtura ertura ɑktura owtunora ertunora ɑktunora
jora nɑnora jonora nɑnora
joɣɑ nɑɣɑ ɑktuɣɑ jonoɣɑ nɑnoɣɑ ɑktunoɣɑ
jokhu nɑkhu ɑktukhu jonokhu nɑnokhu ɑktunokhu
ɑktukhɑ ɑktunokhɑ
ɑktugil ɑktunogil
ɑktutsar ɑktunotsar

Le forme di prima e di seconda persona sono da intendersi come referenti di entità della 1° classe e perciò non possiedono forme per i casi obliqui secondari. La terza persona possiede invece una declinazione completa, ma l’uso dei casi rispecchia quello dei nomi a seconda che il referente sia un nome dalle 1° classe o della 2° classe. In una fase più arcaica è presente un’altra forma di pronome di terza persona, nigtu, che però è uscito dall’uso già nel periodo classico. Il rapporto con il pronome ɑktu è di tipo ovviativo. I pronomi di prima e di seconda persona possiedono due forme sia per il caso genitivo sia per il caso ablativo, dette rispettivamente nella tabella forma espansa (owtušu, ertušu,...) e forma contratta (jošu, nɑšu,...). Queste forme differiscono nell’uso: • Al caso ablativo: • Forma espansa: forma vera e propria dell’ablativo, usata nei significati principali del caso e con le posposizioni. Può indicare anche l’appartenenza fungendo da aggettivo e pronome possessivo. • Forma contratta: si usa per lo più come oggetto delle forme infinitivali e delle frasi negative. • Al caso genitivo: • Forma espansa: si usa per lo più con le posposizioni. • Forma contratta: indica strettamente il possesso, rivestendo il ruolo di aggettivo e pronome possessivo. Al genitivo i ruoli espressi non sono fissi nella storia della lingua e non è impossibile trovare le forme estese con il ruolo di possessivo, specialmente nella fase tarda della lingua.