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Welcome to      <big> '''béu'''</big>
Welcome to      <big> '''béu'''</big>

== ..... THE SEVEN MOODS==


When people speak they have different intentions. That is they are trying to achieve different things by speaking ... maybe they are trying to convey information, or wanting somebody to do something, or not to do something, or they are just expressing their feelings about something. All these are examples of what is called moods. Different languages have different methods of coding their moods. Also the various moods of a languages cover a different semantic range compared to other languages.

There are 7 moods in '''béu''' ... 3 expressing themselves by changes to the root verb and 4 by periphrasis.  
== ..... Person/Tense/Evidence==


Also called the '''r'''-form or the indicative.

To make a verb in the indicative mood, you must first deleted the final vowel from the base form. Then add affixes that indicate "agent", "indicative mood", "tense", "evidentiality" and "perfectness". We will refer to these as slots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. All these affixes together are known as the verb tail. The "agent", "indicative mood", "tense" are mandatory ... however one tense, the aortist is a null morpheme.


What are considered moods are shown by a green circle.
=== ... Seven Persons===


Slot 1 is for the agent

One of the 7 vowels below is must be added. These indicate the doer..

How the different moods and forms interact are shown above. [this will be explained in full later]

Notice that there are 2 entries that represent the 1st person plural subject (i.e. we). The top one represents first person inclusive and the bottom one represents first person exclusive. 

=== ... Manga===
Some people might have difficulty remembering whether to use '''ai''' or '''au'''. The diagram below might help some ...


This is the base form of the verb ... not considered a mood. '''maŋga''' corresponds to what is called the "infinitive" in some languages or the "masDar" in Arabic.
[[Image:SW_08.png]] ............... [[Image:SW_09.png]]

About 32% of multi syllable '''maŋga''' end in "a".

About 16% of multi syllable '''maŋga''' end in "e", and the same for "o".
Mathematically it is as if ... '''ai''' = me + you ... and ... '''au''' = me + they ....... (sort of)

About 9% of multi syllable '''maŋga''' end in "au", and the same for "oi", "eu" and "ai".
The vowels of the first person plural inclusive pronoun '''magi''' are reflected in the infix -'''ai'''-.  

As are the  vowels of the first person plural exclusive pronoun '''manu''' reflected in the infix -'''au'''-.

Note that no '''maŋga''' end in "i", "u", "ia" and "ua"

"i" is reserved for marking verb chains, which will be explained later.
Note that the '''ai''' form is used when you are talking about generalities ... the so called "impersonal form" ... English uses "you" or "one" for this function.

"u" is used for the imperative mood ... i.e. for commanding people.
The above defines the "person" of the verb. Then follows an "r" which indicates the word is an verb in the indicative mood. For example ...

"ia" is used for a past passive participle. For example ...
'''doika''' = to walk

'''yubauko''' = to strengthen
'''doikar''' = I walk

'''yubaukia''' = strengthened ... as in '''pazba dí r yubaukia''' => "this table is strengthened"
'''doikair''' and '''doikaur''' = we walk

"ua" could be called the future passive participle I guess. For example ...
'''doikir''' = you walk

'''ndi r yubaukua''' => these ones must be strengthened
'''doiker''' = you walk

To form a negative infinitive the word '''''' is placed immediately in front of the verb. For example ...
'''doikor''' = he/she/it walks

'''doika''' = to walk
'''doikur''' = they walk
'''jù doika''' = to not walk .... not to walk


=== ... The indicative===
=== ... The R-form===


Also called the R-form.
One mood


To make a verb in the indicative mood, you must first deleted the final vowel from the infinitive. Then add affixes that indicate "agent", "indicative mood", "tense", "evidentiality" and "perfectness". We will refer to these as slots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively.
Slot 2 is for the indicative mood marker.


==== .. Slot 1====
At this point we must introduce a new sound and a new letter.


Slot 1 is for the agent

One of the 7 vowels below is must be added. These indicate the doer..

This letter has not been mentioned so far because it doesn't occur in any words as such. It only occurs in grammatical suffixes and it indicates the indicative mood.

Notice that there are 2 entries that represent the 1st person plural subject (i.e. we). The top one represents first person inclusive and the bottom one represents first person exclusive. 
If you hear an "r" you know you are hearing the main verb of a clause.

Note that the '''ai''' form is used when you are talking about generalities ... the so called "impersonal form" ... English uses "you" or "one" for this function. 

The above defines the "person" of the verb. Then follows an "r" which indicates the word is an verb in the indicative mood. For example ...
=== ... Five Tenses===

'''doika''' = to walk

'''doikar''' = I walk
Slot 3 is for tense markers. There are 5 tense markers in '''béu'''

'''doikair''' and '''doikaur''' = we walk

'''doikir''' = you walk
1)  '''*doikaro''' => '''doikar''' = I walk (habitually)

'''doiker''' = you walk
This could be called "the open tense" ... timewise there are no limits to an action marked in this way. Also called "the timeless tense". A sort of habitual tense. Often used for generic statements. For example ...

'''doikor''' = he/she/it walks
'''ngur jwadoi''' = "birds fly"

'''doikur''' = they walk
Actually you can say this tense has an underlying  '''o''' which appears again if there is an '''n''' or '''s''' in slot 4.

2) '''doikaru''' = I will walk

==== .. Slot 2====
This is the future tense

3) '''doikari''' = I walked

Slot 2 is for the indicative mood marker.
This is the past tense. This means that the action was done before today (by the way ... the '''béu''' day starts at 6 in the morning).

4) '''doikare''' = I walked

At this point we must introduce a new sound and a new letter.
This is the near-past tense. This means that the action was done earlier on today (a good memory aid is to remember that '''e''' is the same vowel as in the English word "day")

5) '''doikara''' = I am walking

This is the present tense ... it means that the action is ongoing at the time of speaking.


This letter has not been mentioned so far because it doesn't occur in any words as such. It only occurs in grammatical suffixes and it indicates the indicative mood.
It can be seen that '''béu''' is more fine-grained, tense-wise than most of the world's languages ... and
If you hear an "r" you know you are hearing the main verb of a clause.


==== .. Slot 3====
=== ... Evidentials===


Slot 3 is for tense markers. There are 5 tense markers in '''béu'''
Two Evidentials


1) '''doikaro''' = I walk
Slot 4 can have one of the evidential markers '''a''', '''a''', '''n''', '''s''' or it can be empty.
Actually the first '''a''' defines the subjects attitute rather than any evidentiality, however all 4 are usually just called evidential markers.

This is the aortist tense ... the timeless tense. Used for generic statements, such as ... "birds fly".

Actually the final '''o''' is always dropped unless there is an '''n''' or an '''s''' in the evidentiality slot.
There are three markers that cites on what evidence the speaker is saying what he is saying. However it is not mandatory to stipulate on what evidence you are saying what you are saying. In fact most occurrences of the indicative verb do not have an evidence marker.

So '''*doikaro''' => '''doikar''' = I walk
The markers are as follows ...

2) '''doikaru''' = I will walk
1) -'''n'''
For example ... '''doikorin''' = "I guess that he walked" ... That is the speaker worked it out from circumstances/clues observed.
I will mention '''waron''' here. It means "I think so" and is nearly as common an answer as '''aiwa''' "yes"
2) -'''s'''
For example ... '''doikoris''' = "They say he walked" ....... That is the speaker was told by some third party(ies) or overheard some third party(ies) talking.
3) -'''a'''

This is the future tense
For example ... '''doikoria''' = "he walked, I saw him" ...... That is the speaker saw it with his own eyes.

3) '''doikari''' = I walked
Note that the above evidential only co-occurs with the past tense and near-past tense. Actually when used with the near-past tense, '''*ea''' => '''ia''' so the distinction between "past" and "near-past" is lost for this evidential.

This is the past tense. This means that the action was done before today (by the way ... the '''béu''' day starts at 6 in the morning).
Now there is a forth possibility for this slot ... and it is not actually an evidintial. Furthermore it has the same form as 3).

4) '''doikare''' = I walked
4) -'''a'''  

This is the near-past tense. This means that the action was done earlier on today (a good memory aid is to remember that '''e''' is the same vowel as in the English word "day")
For example ... '''doikorua''' = "he intends to walk" ... the agent in this case must be a sentient being of course.

5) '''doikara''' = I am walking
This evidential marker only co-occurs with the future tense.

This is the present tense ... it means that the action is ongoing at the time of speaking.
If the speaker doesn't know the evidential or deems it unimportant then this slot can be left empty. According to corpus studies in '''béu''', 60% - 70% of '''r'''-form have nothing in this slot.


It can be seen that '''béu''' is more fine-grained, tense-wise than most of the world's languages ... and
So the complete verb prefix system is ...


==== .. Slot 4====
It can be seen that the '''béu''' evidentiality inventory is quite substantial compared to other languages ...
Also it appears that 4 or 5 categories being appended to the verb is typical of languages of the world. See ...  [If I have understood the chapter properly]


Slot 4 is for the evidential markers (well three out of five are evidential markers)
=== ... For brevity===


There are three markers that cites on what evidence the speaker is saying what he is saying. However it is not mandatory to stipulate on what evidence you are saying what you are saying. In fact most occurrences of the indicative verb do not have an evidence marker.
We have seen that in the verb tail, '''o''' is not pronounced if it comes final (the aortist tense).  

The markers are as follows ...
The reason for this is brevity of speech.

1) -'''n'''  
For brevity of writng, every occurrence of '''o''' is not written (in the verb tail).  For example ...

For example ... '''doikorin''' = "I guess that he walked" ... That is the speaker worked it out from circumstances/clues observed.

2) -'''s'''

For example ... '''doikoris''' = "They say he walked" ....... That is the speaker was told by some third party(ies) or overheard some third party(ies) talking.

3) -'''a'''
== ... Probability/Aspect/Negation==

For example ... '''doikria''' = "he walked, I saw him" ...... That is the speaker saw it with his own eyes.
Note that the above evidential only co-occurs with the past tense and near-past tense. Actually when used with the near-past tense, '''e.a''' => '''ia'''. Hence when this evidential is used, we loose the distinction between "past" and "near-past".
Now there is a forth possibility for this slot ... and it is not actually an evidintial. Furthermore it has the same form as 3).
4) -'''a'''

For example ... '''doikorua''' = "he intends to walk" ... the agent in this case, of course, must be a sentient being (i.e. human).
We have already covered the 4 slots for "agent", '''r''', "tense" and "evidentiality" at the end of the verb. As well as the nuances given by these suffixes, there are particles which add further information to the basic verb. These are called (near-standers ?). These particles occur in three pre-verbal slots.

Note that the above only co-occurs with the future tense.  
The two particles in the first slot show probability.  

5) -'''ø'''
The seven particles in the second slot have to do with aspect in some way. Aspect can be tricky.

This is the null morpheme. If the speaker doesn't know the evidential or deems it unimportant, then the null morpheme is used. According to corpus studies in '''béu''', 60% - 70% of indicative mood verbs have the null morpheme.
In the third slot, only one particle : the negating particle ''''''.


It can be seen that the '''béu''' evidentiality inventory is quite substantial compared to other languages ...
=== ... Two probability particles  ===


==== .. Slot 5====


This slot can have the "perfect aspect marker" '''''' or not (you can call the second case the null morpheme choise ... if you want)
'''lói''' = probably

'''màs''' = possibly

The perfect tense, logically doesn't differ that much difference from the past tense,. but it is emphasizing a state rather than an action. It represents the state at the time of speaking as the outcome of past events. We have this aspect in English and it is realized as "have -en".  
If nothing is in this slot, one assumes probability is 100% ... the option to challenge the underlying premise is never really considered.

For example if you wanted to talk to John and you went to his office, his secretary might say "he has gone to lunch, this emphasizes the absence of John as opposed to "he went for lunch". The latter is just an action that happened in the past, the former is a present state brought about by a past action.  
The probability distribution for '''lói''' centres around 85 %.

For another example ... "she read the book on geometry"
The probability distribution for '''màs''' centres around 50 %.

This doesn't specify whether she read it all the way thru or whether she  just read a bit of it. Whereas ...
One can indicate a probability distribution centred around 15 % by using '''lói''' + '''bù'''. For example ... '''lói bù doikor''' = He/she probably doesn't walk.
"she has read the book on geometry", implies she read the book all the way thru, but more importantly the connotation is that at the present time she has knowledge of geometry.


The perfect marker -'''yə''' was probably derived from '''ìa''' "to finish/to complete" in its verb chain form. It has been suggested that it could have been derived from '''yái''' "to have/to possess" in its verb chain form but this is now considered very unlikely. The perfect aspect occurs in roughly half of the languages of the world ...
=== ... Two habituality particles ===


Also it appears that 5 categories being appended to the verb is typical of languages of the world. See ...  [If I have understood the chapter properly]


=== ... The imperative===
Every verb can be considered to have a default probability distribution over time.  
[[Image:TW_984.png]] .... By the way, don't worry too much about the time scale in these sketched.


You use the following forms for giving orders ... for giving commands. When you use the following forms you do not expect a discussion about the appropriateness of the action ... although a discussion about the best way to perform the action is possible.
'''timpa''' and '''nko''' have very simple default probability shapes. But the typical (possible) probability distribution for '''kludau toili''' is more complicated.


For non-monosyllabic verbs ...

The final vowel of the '''maŋga''' is deleted and replaced with '''u'''.
Likewise the typical (possible) probability distribution for '''bunda tìa'''.

'''doika''' = to walk
We can group all verbs into 3 classes occording to their probability distribution over time.

'''doiku''' = walk !
1) Punctual event ... '''timpa'''

2) Steady state ....... '''nko'''

For monosyllabic verbs the base form by itself can be used for giving orders.  
3) Process ............ '''kludau toili''' or '''bunda tìa'''

'''gàu''' = "to do"
Now every verb (actually "very situation" would be more acurate) have a range of typical probability distributions associated with them. However the '''béu''' aspect markers IMPOSE a typical probability distributions on any verb they touch.

'''gàu''' = "do it" ... often '''''' is added fot extra emphasis.
For example the particle '''awa''' imposes a probability distribution quite similar to '''kludau toili''' on ANY verb that it come in contact with.

'''só gàu''' = do it !
'''awa*''' gives a "habitual but irregular" (maybe best translated as "now and again" or "occasionally" or even "not usually") meaning to the verbal block.

One verb has an irregular form.
The particle '''bolbo*''' is similar to '''awa''' in a way. However it implies quite a bit of regularity. Maybe the regularity implied by ...

'''jò''' = "to go"

'''ojo''' = "go" ... actually a bit abrupt, probably expressing exasperation, veering towards "fuck off" ... '''jò''' itself can be used as a very polite form.
'''bolbo''' gives a "habitual and regular" (best translated as "normally" or "usually" or "regularly") meaning to the verbal block.  


The imperative cab be directed at second person singular or second person plural. When addressing a group and issuing a command to the entire group you sort of let your eyes flick over the entire group. When addressing a group and issuing a command to one person you keep your eyes on this person when issuing the command ... maybe saying their name before the command ... probably preseded by '''''' which is a vocative marker as well as being an emphatic particle.
We saw earlier that of the five tenses. The first is a sort of habitual tense. For example ...
'''doikar''' = I walk (with a sort of habitual meaning) ... OR ... I can walk (with a sort of potential meaning)

'''beucar''' = I am sick ... OR ... I am prone to sickness

=== ... The advisory===
So we have a sort of habitual meaning without needing to use either  '''awa''' or '''bolbo'''.

However, if we wanted to restrict the habitualness to either the past or the future,  '''awa''' or '''bolbo''' is needed. For example ...

Also called the S-form.
'''bolbo doikari''' = I used to walk (to school)

'''awa beucaru''' = I will be sick (when I start the chemotherapy)

There is a form similar to the R-form. However it only has two slots. The personal pronoun slot and A slot that has "s". Basically it is used for giving advice. The speaker is not upset if the hearer doesn't act (as he would be if it was a command) and he is not upset if he doesn't get  feedback/advice/approval/disapproval (as he would be if it was a hortative). He is simply giving the listener some advice and the listener can chew it over at his leisure ...
'''awa''' or '''bolbo''' most often co-occur with tense (2) and tense (3). It is quite rare to have the right circumstances to use '''awa''' or '''bolbo''' with the other three tenses.
or he can completely disregard what is said ... up to him/her.
The advice could be for the common good or the good of the listener (not realy for the good of the speaker ... unless the speaker and the listener identify together ... in which case we are talking about the common good). Maybe this form is equivalent to "should" in English.


'''solbis moze''' = You should drink some water
'''*''' '''awa''' is possibly related to the verb '''awata'''  which means "to wander". '''bolbo''' is possibly related to the verb '''bolbolo''' which means "to roll". [by the way '''boloi''' means "to turn over" (as in "to turn over a mat"). '''boloi''' also means revolution [ '''boloi peugan''' means "social revolution" or '''boloi tun''' means "political revolution" ... i.e. the French Revolution ]. '''gwò''' is possibly related to the verb '''gwói''' which means "to pass (by)".

'''solbas moze''' = I should drink some water

'''solbos moze''' = He should drink some water
=== ... Three aspect particles ===


For mono-syllables an '''be'''- is prefixed as well ...
Three aspect and a negating particle

'''jò''' = to go
'''bejis nambon''' = You should go home
'''bejas nambon''' = I should go home

'''bejos mambon''' = She should go home.


I simply call this the S-form instead of making up a silly name.
With the three particles '''pín''', '''gwò''' and '''juku''', the fifth tense (present tense) never co-occurs.


The R-form when used with '''náu''' "to give" results in two forms ... '''benis''' and '''benes''' that when followed by '''tà''' play an important role in the grammar of '''béu'''
Maybe the best way to approach '''pín''' and '''gwò''' is to consider process verb like "read the book" or "build a house" '''*'''

'''benis''' means "you allow" or "let" ['''benes''' being the form used when talking to more than one person]
Well you could say ...

'''benis tà nambon jàr''' = Let me go home
'''bù bundar tìa''' = "I don't build houses" ... which would put you out of the running.

'''benis tà nambon jùar''' = Let us go home (not including you)
But if you said '''bundar tìa''' ... and you were expected to build a house, one of the following might be applicable ...

'''benis tà nambon jòr''' = Let him go home
1) '''hogi bù bundar tìa''' = I still haven't started to build the house

'''benis tà nambon jùr''' = Let them go home
2) '''pín bundar tìa''' = I am in the process of building a house

It is usually only used with one of the 4 third parties listed above.
3) '''gwò bundar tìa''' = I have built the house

In linguistic jargon the '''benis tà'''  form would be called the "cohortative". So we have ...
It is (2) and (3) we are interested in at the moment.  

Notice that '''bù bundara tìa''' = "I am not building a house" can be true when (2) is true. Remember that tense 5 refers to the EXACT time of speaking.

=== ... The prohibitive===


This is also called the negative imperative. Semantically it is the opposite of the imperative. It is formed by putting the particle '''kyà''' before '''maŋga'''.
In English, it is a bit of a mouthful to say "I am in the process of building a house". So you can see that '''pín''' is a useful little particle when you want to be specific in this particular situation. However '''pín''' is the rarest out of '''pín''', '''gwò''' and '''juku'''.

'''kyà doika''' =  don't walk
[Is '''pín''' also a preposition meaning during ... preceding a noun which is a period of time ?]
That is pretty much all there is to say about it.


=== ... The optative===
Lets talk about '''gwò''' now.


This form expresses a wish or hope of the speaker ...  but there is no appeal for the addressee to act. Also it is not <u>really</u> giving information as such. It is more about letting the speaker express his emotions [ maybe "ventative would be a suitable name for it  :-) ]
As we can see in (3), '''gwò''' is linked to the idea of completion. It is also linked to the idea of having done something at least once (to have "experienced" some action, in other words). For example ...

The form is introduced by the particle ''''''. This particle has no other uses. It always comes utterance initial.
'''gwò jàr glasgoh''' = "I've been to Glasgow" as opposed to '''jari glasgoh''' = I went to Glasgow

It expresses wishful thinking. For example ... '''fò pás blèu doika''' = "if only I could walk"
As I said above, the present tense never co-occurs with '''pín''', '''gwò''' and '''juku'''. However the other 3 tenses are possible ...

This form is used for curses and benedictions ... by frequency of usage the former outnumber the latter by about 10 to 1. For example ...
'''gwò jaru glasgoh''' = I will have been to Glasgow

'''fò diablos ò ʔáu''' = "May the Devil take him"
'''gwò jari glasgoh''' = I had been to Glasgow (with reference time sometime before today)

There are some formula type expressions that are used in certain situations/ rituals that use this form.. For example '''xxx''' = "God save the king"
'''gwò jare glasgoh''' = I had been to Glasgow  (with reference time earlier today)

The most common use of '''''' is the greeting '''fò fales sàu gipi''' "may peace be upon you"
'''gwò''' could be called an experiential/resultative perfect. '''béu''' also has a resultative perfect expressed with the copula '''sàu''' and the suffix -'''in'''.

The verb form in this construction is usually '''maŋga'''. Most often hopes and wishes are for the future, but sometimes they are orientated towards the past (I suppose they should be called regrets in these cases). For example ...
The aspect distinctions available in '''béu''' are pretty fine-grained in some areas. Maybe if '''béu''' were to become a natlang, many of the fine-grain distinctions I have given it would fall by the wayside.

"If only you had arrived yesterday"

In these cases the R-form is used after the particle ''''''.
And now it's time to introduce '''juku'''. When '''gwò''' expresses the experiential idea (as it does above) '''juku''' expresses the non-experiential idea ...

"If only you had arrived yesterday" => '''fò tà diriyə jana'''
'''juku jare glasgoh''' = I had never been to Glasgow (with reference time, earlier today)

The table below shows the optative construction ... either with the particle '''''' plus '''maŋga''' <u>OR</u> with the particles '''fò tà''' plus the R-form.
'''juku jari glasgoh''' = I had never been to Glasgow (with reference time, before today)

'''juku jaru glasgoh''' = I will never go to Glasgow (with reference time, before today)

'''juku''' like '''gwò''' is most often referenced to NOW. Hence ...

=== ... Soliciting opinion===
'''juku jàr glasgoh''' = I have never been to Glasgow.


We have come across '''kái''' before. In chapter 2.10 we saw that it was a question word meaning "what kind of". It normally follows a noun being an adjective. For example ...
It is useful to compare the usage of '''juku''' against the usage of ''''''.This can best be explained by taking a punctual verb such as '''timpa'''. For example, suppose we were discussing "John hitting Paul yesterday afternoon". That particular instance of "hitting" can be negated with '''bù'''. However suppose it is wished to widen what is negated. Suppose that you want to say that there has been no instances of "John hitting Paul" (up until the present time of course), then you would use '''juku''' to negate the proposition. This is equivalent to "never" in English and I consider it an aspect particle.

'''báu kái''' = what type of man ?
'''jonos polo bù timpori''' = John did not hit Paul

'''ò r báu kái''' = what type of man is he ?
'''jonos polo juku timpori''' = John never hit Paul .... Notice that both '''timpori''' or '''timpore''' could be used. It depends upon what has been said before.

'''ò r deuta kái''' = what type of soldier is he ?
'''''' is purely negation. It has no aspect to it.

'''nendi kái''' = this is what type ?
[Note 1 ... The way '''juku''' negates '''gwò''' keeping the same aspect is similar to the way 没 méi (or 没有 méiyǒu) negates 了 le the perfect aspect particle, in Mandarin. 不 [bù] not being involved, just as '''bù''' isn't involved in '''béu'''. ]

But just as a normal adjective can be a copula complement, so can '''kái'''.
[Note 2 ... One little thing you should be aware off. I have equated '''juku''' with "never". Taking more strictly it should be equated with "have never". Let me expand on this ...
a) "he has never worked" => '''juku kodor'''.
b) "he doesn't work" or "he never works" => '''bù kodor''' .... in this one "never" in English is equivalent to the timeless tense plus the normal negator ... '''juku''' doesn't make an appearance ]
So to restate the '''béu''' aspect system ...

'''ò r kái''' = what type is he ?

'''nendi r kái''' = this is what type ?
'''juku kludar toili dè''' = I have never read that book ... not one word

'''ʃì r kái''' = what type of thing is it ?
'''pín kludar toili dè''' = I have not completed that book (but I have read some of it)

However when you see '''kái''' utterance initial you know that it has a slightly different function : it is introducing the "soliciting opinion" mood. For example ...
'''gwò kludar toili dè''' = I have read that book .............. every word

'''kái wìa nyáu nambon jindi''' = How about we go home now ? <u>OR</u> Let's go home now.

Now ... as with the "optative", the "soliciting opinion" mood is usually orientated towards the future and uses '''maŋga'''. However their are circumstances where you solicit opinion about past events [for example a group of detectives on a crime scene discussing the possible steps taken by the perpetrator]. In these circumstances the R-form would be used preceded by the particle '''''' ...  [see the table in the section above]
It is not really felicitous to say '''*bù kludar toili dè'''. However if you dropped the object, then '''bù kludar''' is acceptable.

The <u>main</u> thing about this mood is that the speaker is asking for feedback/advice/approval or disapproval. But it overlaps with the field "gently suggesting a course of action" somewhat.
'''bù kludar''' => "I don't read" or "I never read" or even "I can't read" [This can be regarded as an event with a probability distribution over time, similar to '''nko'''. That is it is a sort of generic steady state event. For these sort of events '''bù''' is the normal negator]

"I don't intend to read this book" would be '''bù kludarua toili dè''' [And I think that exhausts everything I could want to do regarding "a/the book"]

=== ... The interrogative===
In a similar way constructions like "horses never fly" '''*kài fanfa juku ngur''' are frowned upon. "horses don't fly" '''kài fanfa bù ngur''' is considered more felicitous.


Also called Polar Questions. A polar question is a question that can be answered with "yes" or "no".
To restate the system yet again'''**''' ...
{| border=1
  |align=center| '''gwò kodor'''
  |align=left| he has worked
  |align=center| '''juku kodor'''
  |align=left| he has never worked
  |align=center| '''gwò kodori'''
  |align=left| he had worked
  |align=center| '''juku kodori'''
  |align=left| he had never worked
  |align=center| '''gwò kodore'''
  |align=left| he has worked (earlier today)
  |align=center| '''juku kodore'''
  |align=left| he hasn't worked (so far) today
  |align=center| '''gwò kodoru'''
  |align=left| he will have worked
  |align=center| '''juku kodoru'''
  |align=left| he will never have worked


To turn a normal statement ( i.e. with the verb in its R-form) into a polar question the particle '''ʔai?''' is stuck on at the very end.
These three aspect particles also occur quite frequently in fronted adverb clauses. In these, '''pín''', '''gwò''' or '''juku''' are followed by an base form (plus any other bits and pieces relevant to the clause), then the main clause follows. English has similar. Here are three examples from English, illustrating the possible uses of these fronted adverb clauses ...

It has its own symbol (and I transcribe it as '''ʔai?''') because it possesses its own tone contour.
1a) '''pín doika ... ''' : Walking dejectedly home, Peter noticed a sudden movement in the hedgerow.

I have mentioned this particle in chapter 1 (if you look back you can see its exact tone contour). Here is its symbol again ... [[Image:TW_399.png]]
1b) '''tìa pà pín bunda''', I HAD TO LOOK AFTER TWO DAUGHTERS

And here is an example of it in action ...
2a) '''gwò doika ... ''' : Having walked all the way home in the rain, Peter was ready for a hot bath and a cosy night in, in front of the TV.

[[Image:TW_492.png]] ... '''jono jaŋkori ʔai?''' = Did John run ?
2b)'''gwò''' TO TAKE CITY, HE BURNT IT : urbem captem incendit

3) '''juku jò ... ''' : Never having gone to Casablanca before, Peter soon got lost in a warren of small streets just north of the Bazaar.

'''ʔai?''' is neutral as to the response expected ... well at least in positive questions.
These type of fronted adverb clauses are considered good style. One comes across them quite often. Notice that the tense of the whole sentence is determined by the main clause.

To answer a positive question you answer '''ʔaiwa''' "yes" or '''aiya''' "no" (of course if "yes" or "no" are not adequate, you can digress ... the same as any language).  

Here is an example of a positive question ...
Note ... '''pín''' can also stand before a noun, a noun that represents a period of time. In which case it means "during". Or is can stand before a base verb, in which case it is equivalent to "while" or "during". Or it can appear in an active predicate, where it specifies a certain aspect type.

'''glá r hauʔe ʔai?''' = Is the woman beautiful ?

If she is beautiful you answer '''ʔaiwa''', if not you answer '''aiya'''<sup>*</sup>.
NOTE TO SELF ... does '''pín''' cover all occurrences of "while" and "when" in English ?


To answer a negative question it is not so simple. '''ʔaiwa''' and '''aiya''' are deemed insufficient to answer a negative question on their own. For example ...
'''*''' I do not consider "read" and "build" in themselves to be process verbs, they are sort of open-ended affairs. But for "read the book" and "build a house" there is a definite completion time ... and completion state, implied.

'''glá bù r hauʔe ʔai?''' = Is the woman not beautiful ?
'''**''' You can't have too much of a good thing.

If she is not beautiful, you should answer '''bù hauʔe'''<sup>**</sup>, if she is you can answer either '''hù hauʔe''' or '''glá r hauʔe'''

I guess a negative question expects a negative answer, so a positive answer must be quite accoustically prominent (that is a short answer ("yes" or "no") is not enough)
=== ... Aspectual operators ===


We have mentioned '''só''' already ... in the above section about '''seŋko'''. This is the focus particle. It has a number of uses. When you want to emphasis one word in a clause, you would stick '''hù''' in front of it<sup>***</sup>.
Two overlapping-action particles

Another use for '''só''' is when hailing somebody .... '''só jono''' = Hey Johnny

You can also stick it in front of someone's name when you are talking to them. However it is not a "vocative case" exactly. Well for one thing it is never mandatory. When used the speaker is gently chiding the listener : he is saying, something like ... the view you have is unique/unreasonable or the act you have done is unique/unreasonable. When I say unique I mean "only the listener" hold these views : the listener's views/actions are a bit strange.
When stuck in front of a non-multi-syllable verb you get an imperative. For example ... '''só nyáu''' = Go home
'''só''' can also be used to highlight one element is a statement or polar question. For example ...
Statement ... '''bàus glán nori alha''' = the man gave flowers to the woman
Focused statement ... '''bàus só glán nori alha''' = It is the woman to whom the man gave flowers.<sup>****</sup>
Unfocused question ... '''bàus glán nori alha ʔai?''' = Did the man give flowers to the woman ?
Focused statement ... '''bàus só glán nori alha ʔai?''' = It is to the woman that the man gave flowers ?


Any argument can be focused in this way.
I call '''ʔés''' and '''hogi''' "overlap words".

Sometimes referred to as "aspectual operators" or "aspectual particles" in the Western Linguistic Tradition.
<sup>*</sup>These words have a unique tone contour as well ... at least when spoken in isolation. I suppose I should have given these two words a symbol each ... if I wanted to be consistent.
<sup>**</sup>Mmm ... maybe you could answer '''ʔaiwa''' here ... but a bit unusual ... not entirely felicitous.
<sup>***</sup>In English, when you want to emphasis a word, you make it more accoustically prominent : you don't rush over it but give it a very careful articulation. This is iconic and I guess all languages do the same. It is a pity that there is no easy way to represent this in the English orthography apart from increasing the font size or adding exclamation marks.

<sup>****</sup>English uses a process called "left dislocation" to give emphasis to an element in a clause.
Most languages have equivalents to these two particles ...


The other type of question ... the content question was covered in the last chapter.
|align=center| English
|align=center| already
|align=center| still
=== ... The conflative===
|align=center| German
|align=center| schon
|align=center| noch
Also called the i-form. [By the way "conflative" is my term ... I thought I would join in the fun and make up a silly name myself]
|align=center| French
I will only touch on this here. Nearer the end of this chapter there is a section that goes into this in a lot more detail. OK one quick example ...
|align=center| déjà
|align=center| encore
to walk = '''doika'''
|align=center| Mandarin
road = '''komwe'''
|align=center| yîjing
|align=center| hái
to follow = '''plèu'''
  |align=center| Dutch
to whistle = '''wiza'''
|align=center| al
|align=center| nog
From the above we could make three short sentences.
|align=center| Russian
John walked => '''jono doikori'''
|align=center| uže
|align=center| eščë
John followed the road => '''jonos komwe plori'''
|align=center| Serbo-Croatian
John whistled => '''jono wizori'''
|align=center| već
|align=center| još
|align=center| Finnish
However as all three verbs seem to take part in the same action they can be combined. The first verb in the combination is normal (whether it is r-form, u-form, s-form or in fact '''manga''').
|align=center| jo
  |align=center| vielä
The following verbs in the combination take a special ending ... -'''i''' for multi-syllable words and the schwa '''ə''' for mono-syllable words. So we get the form ...
|align=center| Swedish
John walked along the road whistling => '''jono doikori komwe plə wiʒi'''
|align=center| redan
|align=center| än(nu)
|align=center| Indonesian
|align=center| sudah
|align=center| masih
|align=center| '''béu'''
|align=center| '''ʔés'''
|align=center| '''hogi'''


=== ... Other rubbish===
'''hogi''' indicates ...

A few languages use a hypothetical mood, which is used in sentences such as "you could have cut yourself", representing something that might have happened but did not.
1) An activity is ongoing.

"If you had done your homework, you wouldn't have failed the class", had done is an irrealis verb form.
2) The activity must stop some time in the future, possibly quite soon.

3) There is a certain expectation<sup>*</sup> that the activity should have stopped by now.

'''ʔés'''  indicates ...

1) An activity is ongoing.

2) The activity was not ongoing some time in the past, possibly quite recently.

Let me introduce three dependent clause types here ... the "when" clause, the reason clause and the purpose clause.
3) There is a certain expectation<sup>*</sup> that the activity should not have started yet.

1) ... the "when" clause is intoduced by the particle '''kyù'''. For example ...

'''kyù twaru jene ʃì òn fyaru''' = When I see Jane I will tell her.
<sup>*</sup> Inevitably a connotation of "contrary to expectation" will develope to a certain degree. This is because if the situation was according to expectation often nothing would need be utterred. Hence '''hogi'''
and '''ʔés''' are often found in contrary to expectation situation which in turn colours their meaning.

The English conditional particle "if"'''*''' is also translated as '''kyù'''

So ... "if I see Jane I will tell her" =>  '''kyù twaru jene ʃì òn fyaru''' also.

Now let's give the example sentence a habitual meaning ... say Jane fervantly supports Manchester United and the speaker always hears the latest results before Jane. So we have ...

'''kyù twár jene ʃì òn fyar''' = When I see Jane I will tell her.
A very interesting thing about the overlap couplet is how they are negated cross-linguisticly. Either the particle can be negated or the verb can be negated. The first case I represent with a bar  over the operator+verb. The second case with a bar over the verb only.

'''*'''Other languages to conflate ? "when" and "if" are German (wenn) and Dutch (als). Actually if you really needed to disambiguate in '''béu''' you could use '''jindu''' meaning "as soon as" or '''fesʔa''' meaning "case"(as you can disambiguate in German, by using "sobald" and "falls")

'''*''' In English, there is another function for "if" ... it introduces a complement clause when the main clause verb is an "asking" verb. "whether" can also fulfill this function. The particle in '''béu''' that fulfills this function is '''wai.a'''. '''wai.a''' has only this function.
Notice ... compared to the positive case, if the operator+verb is negated ... the line that represents onset/cessation of activity is moved to the other side of the dashed line representing "now".

2) ... the reason clause is intoduced by the particle '''sài'''  "because"
Notice ... compared to the positive case, if the verb is negated ... then the yellow place becomes white and the white space becomes yellow.

3) ... the "in order to" clause is intoduced by the particle '''gò'''  "in order to"

[[Image:SW_007.png]] .... [[Image:TW_996.png]]


As part of stand alone clauses
As you see by above ... by changing whether the negator act on the operator+verb or whether only on the verb give diametrically opposite meanings.

Note that there are 4 possible negative cases to choose from and a language only needs 2. A language (to cover all negative cases) should be either "(a) (b) type" or "(c) (d) type" or " (a) (c) type" or "(b) (d) type"

Cross linguistically there are interesting variations. All Slavic languages prefer verb negation, hence they are (c) (d) types.

'''doikas''' = "should I walk" or "let me walk" or "how about me walking" or "can I walk" or "maybe I should walk"
In German, only (a) and (c) are allowed in positive declarations.

'''doikis''' = "maybe you should walk" or "why don't you walk" or "how about you walking"
Nahuatl has negation of the operator so is (a) (b) type.

'''doikos''' = "let him walk"
English is a bit tricky ... it has suppletion and uses "not yet" for situation (c) and "no longer" for situation (d). Now in English "yet" means pretty much the same as "still". I believe "yet" was the original particle but "still" over time largely usurped it in the positive case. However the form "not yet" ... if taken at face value would seem to negate the operator. But it doesn't. Logically it would make more sense if we said "yet not" instead of "not yet" [i.e. we have situation (c) rather than (b)]. I am sure there is a perfectly good explanation for this reversal but unfortunately I do not know it ... anyway ... nothing to worry about too much. [ The form "not work yet" seems more logical in its word order ... how can "not" in "not yet work" have "work" under its scope but not "yet" ... but apparently that is the way it works ]

'''doikos jono''' = "let John walk"
In '''béu''', '''bù''' negates the verb and comes immediately before the verb. It has scope only over the verb, rather than the whole verb phrase.

For transitive verbs ...

'''timpos baus waulo''' = let the man hit the dog
! hogi || kod-a-r-a || dían
| still || work-{{small|1SG-IND-PRES}}  || here
|} ==> I am still working here

The negative subjunctive is formed by adding '''bù''' (or should that be '''jù'''). For example ...

'''bù doikos''' = best not to let him walk
! ʔés || kod-a-r-a || dían
| already || work-{{small|1SG-IND-PRES}}  || here
|} ==> I already work here

They locked him up so that he would starve to death

They let him out at night so that he would not starve to death
! hogi || bù || kod-a-r-a || dían
| still || not || work-{{small|1SG-IND-PRES}}  || here
|} ==> I don't work here yet


The words '''kyò'''  "show" and '''fyá''' "tell"  follow the same pattern as 1) and 2) ... at least when the object is a noun and not a complement clause.
! ʔés || bù || kod-a-r-a || dían
| already || not || work-{{small|1SG-IND-PRES}}  || here
|} ==> I no longer work here


However although '''hogi bù''' and '''?é bù''' are possible, they are rarely encountered. Usually the terms '''jù dìa''' and '''uhoge''' are used. The provenance of these two terms is interesting ...

'''jü''' means zero and is also used for negating nouns. '''dìa''' is a verb with quite a norrow meaning. It is what the sun does when it is revealing itself first thing in the morning.

Who/what is responsible
I guess '''jù dìa''' is an idiomatic expression.

'''hò''' means "long" [not to be confused with '''hó''' the 13th '''pila?o'''). '''hoge''' means "longer". So '''uhoge''' means "no longer".

1) '''pintu lí mapa''' = the door became closed ... this uses the adjective form of '''mapa''' and the "copula of becoming" '''láu'''.  
So the actual system for these two negatives are ...

Agent => Anything ...  It could be that the agent was the wind ... or even some evil spirits ... use your imagination.
! jù dìa || kod-a-r-a || dían
|  "not yet" || work-{{small|1SG-IND-PRES}}  || here
|} ==> I don't work here yet

2) '''pintu bwori mapau''' = the door was closed ... this is the standard passive form. (By the way ... I don't mean '''pintu rì mapa''' when I say "the door was closed")

Agent => Human and the action deliberate ... It strongly implies that the agent was human but is either unknown or unimportant.
Now lets consider '''gèudu''' = "to turn green" ... ambitransitive, S and A ... as in English.
! uhoge || kod-a-r-a || dían
| "no longer" || work-{{small|1SG-IND-PRES}}  || here
|} ==> I no longer work here

1) '''báu lí gèu''' = The man became green ... this uses the adjective form of '''gèu''' and the "copula of becoming" '''láu'''.  This form has no implication as to the humanness of the agent.

Agent => Anything and the action could be accidental.
These operators are usually used to specify overlap with present time ... (I call the present time, NOW, in the diagrams). I would think this is true of every language (notice that the above examples the tense is always -'''a'''). However it is a trivial matter to reference the time of onset/cessation of activity to a different time ... you just change the tense.

2) '''báu bwori geudu''' = The man was made green ... this is the standard passive form. It strongly implies a human agent but the agent is either unknown or unimportant.

Agent => Human and the action deliberate
== ... Verbal Moods==
3) '''báus tí geudori''' = The man made himself green ... this form implies that there was some effort involved and definitely a deliberate action.
Agent => The man and the action deliberate


When people speak they have different intentions. That is they are trying to achieve different things by speaking ... maybe they are trying to convey information, or wanting somebody to do something, or not to do something, or they are just expressing their feelings about something. All these are examples of what is called moods. Different languages have different methods of coding their moods. Also the various moods of a languages cover a different semantic range compared to other languages.

There are 6 moods in '''béu'''. The prohibitive, indicative, optative, imperative, suggestive and interrogative ... 2 of these are represented by changes to the root and 4 by adding particles.

Two verb forms ... the inflinitive and the conflative ... do not represent moods, but I present them here along with the moods. These both are represented by changes to the root.

'''helga''' = life,  '''helgai''' = alive,    '''helgais''' = finite verb,    '''helkas''' = a clause ( '''helkas''' <= '''helgaiskas''' ), '''swevan''' = a sentence

Lets take the  '''solbe''' to explain these different forms. '''solbe''' is a '''maŋga''' and it would be found in the dictionary ... and if it was an English/ '''béu''' dictionary ... the translation "to drink" would lie alongside it.

An example of one of its (many)  r.forms is '''solbori''' = He/she/it drank  ....... so the r.form corresponds to a verb in indicative mood.

An example of one of its (handful of) s.forms is '''gò solban''' = I wish I could drink  .......   corresponds to a sort of subjunctive mood.
How the different moods and forms interact are shown above. This will al be explained later.


..... The primary verb
=== ... The base form===


If then the
About 32% of multi syllable '''maŋga''' end in "a".

A V2 that can take a thing.kas dead.kas sa.kas or takas as the naked noun.
About 16% of multi syllable '''maŋga''' end in "e", and the same for "o".

1) '''ʔár wèu''' => I want a car
About 9% of  multi syllable '''maŋga''' end in "au", and the same for "oi", "eu" and "ai".

2) '''ʔár jó nambon''' => I want to go home

3) '''ʔár jís nambon''' => I want you to go home
Note that no '''maŋga''' end in "i", "u", "ia" and "ua"

4) '''ʔár tà gís  timpiru ò''' => I want YOU to hit her/him
"i" is reserved for marking verb chains, which will be explained later.

2) Is a very common construction ... the same subject for "want" and the second verb. The second verb is dead.
"u" is used for the imperative mood ... i.e. for commanding people.

3) Different subjects for the two verbs ... not so common ... second verb is half-dead.
"ia" is used for a past passive participle. For example ...

4) As the complement to '''ʔár''' gets more complicated there is more a tendency to use the '''tà''' construction.
'''yubako''' = to strengthen

Note that in '''béu''' there is no verb equivalent to "wish". You would use the construction ...
'''yubakia''' = strengthened ... as in '''pazba dí r yubakia''' => "this table is strengthened"

'''hà jau.e timpis ò''' = "if only you would hit him" to express this sentiment.
"ua" could be called the future passive participle I guess. For example ...

'''ndi r yubakua''' => these ones must be strengthened

So in the above ... the construction as in 1) is used when the person doing the wanting, is also the subject (A or O) of the action required and the second action sort of "follows on" from the "wanting".
To form a negative base form the word '''jù''' is placed immediately in front of the verb. For example ...

The construction as in 2) and 3) is used when the person doing the wanting is different from the subject (A or O) of the action required. The second action again sort of "following on" from the "wanting".
'''doika''' = to walk

The construction as in 4) is used when the person doing the wanting is different from the subject (A or O) of the action required AND the second action DOES NOT "following on" from the "wanting".
'''jù doika''' = to not walk .... not to walk


== ..... Short verbs==
=== ... The imperative===


In a previous lesson we saw that the first step for making an R-form or an S-form verb is to delete the final vowel from the infinitive. However this is only applicable for multi-syllable words.  
You use the following forms for giving orders ... for giving commands. When you use the following forms you do not expect a discussion about the appropriateness of the action ... although a discussion about the best way to perform the action is possible.
With monosyllabic verbs the rules are different.


For a monosyllabic verbs the indicative endings and subjunctive suffixes are simply added on at the end of the infinitive. For example ...
For non-monosyllabic verbs ...

'''swó''' = to fear  ... '''''' = I fear ... '''''' = you fear ... '''swo.or''' = she fears ...  '''''' = I should fear ... '''''' = you should fear ... '''swo.or''' = she should fear
The final vowel of the '''maŋga''' is deleted and replaced with '''u'''.
'''doika''' = to walk
'''doiku''' = walk !


For a monosyllabic verb ending in '''ai''' or  '''oi''', the final '''i''' => '''y''' for the R-form or an S-form. For example ...
For monosyllabic verbs -'''hu''' is appended.

'''gái''' = to ache, to be in pain ... '''gayar''' = I am in pain ... '''gayir''' = you are in pain ... and so on
'''gàu''' = "to do"

'''gauhu''' = "do it" ... often '''só''' is added fot extra emphasis.

For a monosyllabic verb ending in '''au''' or  '''eu''', the final '''u''' => '''w''' for the R-form or an S-form. For example ...
'''só gauhu''' = do it !

'''ʔáu''' = to take, to pick up ... '''ʔawar''' = I take ...'''ʔawir''' = you take ... and so on
One verb has an irregular form.

'''jò''' = "to go"

== ..... The Copulaa==
'''ojo''' = "go" ... actually a bit abrupt, probably expressing exasperation, veering towards "fuck off" ... '''jò''' itself can be used as a very polite form.


The three components of a copular clause have a strict order. The same order as English in fact. Also the copula subject is always unmarked.  
The imperative cab be directed at second person singular or second person plural. When addressing a group and issuing a command to the entire group you sort of let your eyes flick over the entire group. When addressing a group and issuing a command to one person you keep your eyes on this person when issuing the command ... maybe saying their name before the command ... probably preseded by '''só''' which is a vocative marker as well as being an emphatic particle.

The copula is '''sàu'''.  
[ Note ... I think that in English, the infinitive usually has "to" in front of it, in order to distinguish it from the imperative. In '''béu''' too there is a need to distinguish between these two verb forms. However as the imperative occurs less often than the infinitive, I have decided to mark the imperative. ]

However the indicative mood is not derived from the infinitive in the usual method.

For the indicative usually the first 3 slots are mandory (with aotist = null ??)
=== ... The prohibitive===

But for '''sàu''' things are radically different. The '''àu''' is deleted as before ... but here the initial '''s''' is also dropped. Also slot 1 is empty. The first part of the copula in indicative mood is '''r'''.

If we have the aortist tense, then '''r''' is the complete copula.
This is also called the negative imperative. Semantically it is the opposite of the imperative. It is formed by putting the particle '''kyà''' before '''maŋga'''.

It is a clitic attached the the last vowel of the copula subject (however it is always written as a seperate word). For example ....
'''kyà doika''' =  don't walk

'''tomo r tumu''' = Thomas is stipid
That is pretty much all there is to say about it.

It takes the tone of the copula subject (if the copula subject has one).

If the copula subject ends in a consonant, a schwa is inserted before the '''r''' (however this schwa is not represented in the writing system). For example ...
=== ... The interrogative===

'''géus r solki''' = the green one is smoothe

In this case '''r''' has a neutral tone.
The interrogative, also called a polar question. This is a question that can be answered with "yes" or "no".

However for the indicative copula in any tense other than aortist has its own full vowel and hence retains the tone of the original '''sàu'''. For example ...

'''jene gáu rìs hauʔe''' = "They say old Jane used to be beautiful"
To turn a normal statement ( i.e. with the verb in its '''r'''-form) into a polar question the '''r''' is simply changed into '''?'''.

'''rìs''' above is not a clitic but an independent word.

Also note that for copular clauses, the subject pronoun can never be dropped, because the pronoun information is gone (that is there is no component to the left of the "r").
And here is an example of it in action ...

'''wài r wikai tè nù r yubau''' = "we are weak but they are strong"

'''ʃì r''' broken = "it is broken"
[[Image:SW_195.png]] ... '''lea r tiji''' = Lea's small  [[Image:SW_190.png]] ... '''lea sòr tiji''' = Lea is small    [[Image:SW_191.png]]  ... '''lea so?o tiji''' = Is Lea small ?


Polar questions also exhibit a certain pitch contour ... the pitch rises towards the end of the utterance. There is a symbol to show this utterance pitch contour ... [[Image:SW_192.png]]

Often the O argument of a V2 is dropped if it is considered too trivial be to worth bothering about. For example '''solbe''' (to drink) is a transitive verb but often the O argument can be unceremoniously dropped. The copula subject in certain situations is also dropped. These situations largely correspond to when English used the dummy subject "it". The reason for dropping the copula subject is almost the mirror image with respect to the dropping of the O argument. Whereas the O argument is thought too "trivial" or "predictable" the dropped copula subject is thought "all encompassing" or "so obvious that no need to mention it".
However the '''béu''' question mark is never used when it is obvious that we have a question. But sometimes a single name, noun or adjective can constitute a question by itself. In these cases the special symbol is used.

In these situations ... '''sòr''' (or occasionally '''sùr''') is used.
[[Image:SW_193.png]] ... Lea ?

Often used for talking about the weather (as in English).

This construction is used in particular with the words '''neʒi''', '''boʒi''', '''fain''' and '''aufain'''.
The interrogative is neutral as to the response expected ... well at least in positive questions.

'''neʒi''' ... an adjective = "necessary" ...  '''neʒis''' = a necessity
To answer a positive question you answer '''ʔaiwa''' "yes" or '''aiya''' "no" (of course if "yes" or "no" are not adequate, you can digress ... the same as any language).

'''boʒi''' ... an adjective = "best" .... '''boʒis''' = the optimum ... '''boʒizgan''' = calculus ??
Here is a positive question ...

'''fàin''' ... an adjective = "fitting", "appropriate", "a good"(course of action)
'''glá so?o hauʔe''' = Is the woman beautiful ?

and of course '''ufain''' is the opposite of '''fain'''. So ... for example ...
To which you answer '''ʔaiwa''' "yes" or '''aiya''' "no". [Actually these two words have their own unique intonation pattern ... at least when said in isolation (see CH1 : Some interjections) ]

'''sòr neʒi tà ....''' = "you need to ..."

'''sòr boʒi tà ....''' = "best if you ..."
To answer a negative question it is not so simple. '''ʔaiwa''' and '''aiya''' are deemed insufficient to answer a negative question on their own. For example ...

'''sòr fàin tà ....''' = "you had better ..."
'''glá bù so?o hauʔe''' = Isn't the woman beautiful ?

xxxxxx which method is the best ??
If she is not beautiful, you should answer '''bù sòr'''<sup>*</sup>, if she is you can answer either '''sòr''' or '''soro''' or '''sòr hau?e'''

'''ʃì r neʒi tà ....''' = "you need to ..."

'''ʃì r boʒi tà ....''' = "best if you ..."
We have mentioned '''só''' already ... in the above section about '''seŋko'''. This is the focus particle. It has a number of uses. When you want to emphasis one word in a clause, you would stick '''só''' in front of the word<sup>**</sup>.

'''ʃì r fàin tà ....''' = "you had better ..."
Another use for '''só''' is when hailing somebody .... '''só jono''' = Hey Johnny

[the copula would be '''sùr''' if two course of action were being proposed]
You can also stick it in front of someone's name when you are talking to them. However it is not a "vocative case" exactly. Well for one thing it is never mandatory. When used the speaker is gently chiding the listener : he is saying, something like ... the view you have is unique/unreasonable or the act you have done is unique/unreasonable. When I say unique I mean "only the listener" hold these views : the listener's views/actions are a bit strange.

Now these three have a pretty fine degree of distinction between their meanings.  
'''só''' can also be used to highlight one element is a statement or polar question. For example ...

Of course people will not always pick the absolute correct word for every occasion. But there are nuances of meaning between the 3 words ...
Statement ... '''bàus gláh nori alha''' = the man gave flowers to the woman

'''fàin''' should be used when the advantage that the proposed course of action brings, is for the benefit of a third party and/or the proposed course of action will be approved of by society at large.  
Focused statement ... '''bàus só gláh nori alha''' = It is the woman to whom the man gave flowers.

'''boʒi''' should be used when the benefits of the proposed course of action is mainly to the speaker or the speakee.
Unfocused question ... '''bàus gláh no?i alha''' = Did the man give flowers to the woman ?

'''neʒi''' ... when followed by a clause in the past or perfect tense, means that from things apparent now, the course of action contained in the clause, must have happened in the past [i.e.  so it is not a hundred miles away from the '''n''' evidential in the verb train]. When followed by a clause in the aortist or future tense ... then the meaning is not a hundred miles away from the modal sentences introduced by '''yái''' or '''byó'''.
Focused statement ... '''bàus só gláh no?i alha''' = It is to the woman that the man gave flowers ?

And we have one other word that is commonly used with the above construction. That is '''maible'''. For example ...

'''sòr maible tà ....''' = "it's possible that ..."
Any argument can be focused in this way. ['''béu''' also has a means of "fronting" to emphasize an element in a sentence. This is discussed elsewhere]

'''sòr maible hè tà ....''' = "it's probable that ..."

Of course this usage is equivalent to using the particles '''màs''' and '''lói'''. The copula construction would be used when the main point of the utterance is to indicate the probability. '''màs''' and '''lói''' are used when the probability information is just an optional extra that was thrown in.
<sup>*</sup>Mmm ... maybe you could answer '''ʔaiwa''' here ... but a bit unusual ... not entirely felicitous.

In careful speach the copula is retained in the above constructions. However in rapid informal speech, you will hear the copula dropped also.
<sup>**</sup>In English, when you want to emphasis a word, you make it more accoustically prominent : you don't rush over it but give it a very careful articulation. This is iconic and I guess all languages do the same. It is a pity that there is no easy way to represent this in the English orthography apart from increasing the font size or adding exclamation marks.


There is another verb that also looses its subject for the same reason. '''yái''' is a normal V2 in every respect [i.e. its A argument takes the s-marker, it can be put in the passive form] apart from the fact that when its subject is missing it acts as an existential verb. For example ...
=== ... The suggestive===
We have come across '''kái''' before. In chapter 2.10 we saw that it was a question word meaning "what kind of". It normally follows a noun being an adjective. For example ...
'''báu kái''' = what type of man ?
'''òn rò báu kái''' = what type of man is he ?

'''yór dèus''' = "there is a God", "God exists"
'''òn rò deuta kái''' = what type of soldier is he ?

This is negated by negating the noun rather than negating the verb. For example ...
'''dí kái''' = this is what type ?

'''yór jù dèus''' = "there is no God", "God doesn't exists" .... not .. '''*yorj dèus'''
But just as a normal adjective can be a copula complement, so can '''kái'''.

This existential construction often has a location incorporated into it. For example ...
'''òn rò kái''' = what type is he ?

'''yór yiŋki hè swedenʔi''' = "there are many attractive girls in Sweden" ... [the word here order is fixed].
'''dí r kái''' = this is what type ?

The above means pretty much the same is the copula sentence ...
'''?ò r kái''' = what type of thing is it ?

'''yiŋki hè r swedenʔi''' ... [and remember, all copula sentences are fixed word order].
However when you see '''kái''' utterance initial you know that it has a slightly different function : it is introducing the "soliciting opinion" mood. For example ...

Which in turn means pretty much the same as the normal transitive clause ...
'''kái àn nyairu tìah jindi''' => "how about we go home now" =>  "let's go home now"

'''swedenes yór yiŋki hè''' ... [free word order]
Actually '''kái àn''' is sometimes rendered simply '''àn'''. Maybe you come across the two alternatives an equal amount of times.
Is there any difference between the two forms ? Well ... yes. '''kái àn''' is used when the proposed venture is connected to leisure and pleasure. '''àn''' is used in more work-a-day situations.
Now ... as with the "optative", the "soliciting opinion" mood is usually orientated towards the future and uses '''maŋga'''. However their are circumstances where you solicit opinion about past events [for example a group of detectives on a crime scene discussing the possible steps taken by the perpetrator]. In these circumstances the '''r'''-form would be used preceded by the particle '''tà''' ...  [see the table in the section above]
The <u>main</u> thing about this mood is that the speaker is asking for feedback/advice/approval or disapproval. But it overlaps with the field "gently suggesting a course of action" somewhat.


== ..... Special short verbs==
=== ... The conflative===


The above is the general rules for short verbs, however the 37 short verbs below the rules are different.
Actually the verb itself is called an '''i'''-form verb. But a clause that has one or more '''i'''-form verbs is called a conflative clause.

Their vowels of the infinitive are completely deleted for the indicative and subjunctive verb forms. For example ...
I will only touch on this subject here ... in Ch 10 there is a section that goes into this verb form in exhaustive detail. But one quick example ...


'''pòr nambo''' = he enters the house ... not *'''poi.or nambo'''
'''jana jonos holdori nti flə sainyi uya''' => "yesterday John caught, cooked and ate three fish"


{| border=1
yesterday = '''jana'''
  |align=left| '''ʔái''' = to want
  |align=left| '''mài''' = to get
  |align=left| '''myè''' = to store
  |align=left| '''yái''' = to have
  |align=left| '''jò''' = to go
  |align=left| '''jwòi''' = to think
  |align=left| '''féu''' = to exit
  |align=left| '''fyá''' = to tell
  |align=left| '''flò''' = to eat
  |align=left| '''bái''' = to rise
  |align=left| '''byó''' = to own
  |align=left| '''blèu''' = to hold
  |align=left| '''bwí''' = to see
  |align=left| '''gàu''' = to do
  |align=left| '''glù''' = to know
  |align=left| '''gwói''' = to pass by
  |align=left| '''día''' = to arrive / reach
  |align=left| '''dwài''' = to pursue
  |align=left| '''lái''' = to change
  |align=left| '''cùa''' = to leave / depart
  |align=left| '''cwá''' = to cross
  |align=left| '''sàu''' = to be
  |align=left| '''slòi''' = to flow
  |align=left| '''swé''' = to speak, to say
  |align=left| '''kàu''' = to fall
  |align=left| '''kyò''' = to use
  |align=left| '''klói''' = to like
  |align=left| '''kwèu''' = to turn
  |align=left| '''pòi''' = to enter
  |align=left| '''pyá''' = to fly
  |align=left| '''plèu''' = to follow
  |align=left| '''té''' = to come
  |align=left| '''twá''' = to meet
  |align=left| '''wè''' = to pass through, undergo, to bear, to endure, to stand
  |align=left| '''náu''' = to give
  |align=left| '''nyáu''' = to return
  |align=left| '''háu''' = to put

to catch = '''holda'''

to cook = '''ntu'''

Some nouns related to the above ... '''yaifan''' = possessions, property, '''flofan''' = food, '''gaufan''' = products, '''myefan''' = reserves, '''naufan''' = tax, tribute,
to eat = '''flò'''  

'''gàus''' = a task, a thing that must be done, '''gàis''' = a deed, a thing that have been done,  '''''' = behavior.
three = '''uya'''

A particle related to the above ... '''''' ... a particle that indicates possession, occurs after the "possessed" and before the "possessor.
fish = '''sainyi'''


== ..... A SECOND VOICE==
'''totai timpə+ri jw+ daun''' = the child was hit and died (instantly) [Note to self : how to say "the child was hit and died later"]

'''totai''' = a/the child
'''timpa''' = to hit

So far we have only considered what is called the ACTIVE VOICE. Now the PASSIVE VOICE will be introduced.
'''jwòi''' = to undergo

But first a discussion about the English passive construction.
'''dàu''' = to die

'''dàun''' = to kill

'''jwòi dàun''' = to be killed


Now you way wonder why I specified the second construction as 'subject' + 'passive verb' ... why not  'subject' + 'copula' + 'adjective' as in the first case.
In a conflative clause, the first verb is conjugated as normal. However the remaining verbs are in their '''i'''-form. That is ... the final vowel of the '''manga''' is deleted and replaced with "i". If the verb is monosyllabic, the final vowel is replaced with a schwa. Semantically the'''i'''-form verbs follow the first verb. That is '''nti''' means '''ntu.ori''' and '''flə''' means '''flori'''.

Well there can be a difference in meaning between the two sentences. Suppose the lawn is habitually "mown" (albeit at longish intervals) by Jack. Then the second sentence tells us nothing about the present state of the lawn ... it could be quite overgrown. Now look at the first sentence ... imagine it has the same meaning as the second sentence but we were too lazy to mention the agent.
In conflative clauses, there can only be one subject but there can be more than one object. A conflative clause can consist of a mixture of H verbs and ɸ verbs. If the first verb is H then the subject is in its ergative form, otherwise it is in its base form. In the example given here, the three verbs have a definite time order, so the verb order is pretty much set. But we shall see in Ch 10 many examples where this is not the case.
Can you see "an overgrown lawn" ... then think back to the first sentence when you first encountered it. Can you see see a "neat lawn". And then take in the meaning of the second sentence again and look back at the first. Can you see the "overgrown lawn" again. It is a bit like looking at one of these optical illusion ...


Note ... in this example, all three verbs are intransitive and have the same object. So '''léu sainyi uya''' can not come between any of the verbs, but must come either before them all or after them all ...
'''jana jonos sainyi  uya holdori nti flə''' =>  "yesterday John caught, cooked and ate ''the'' three fish"


Now "mow" is a dynanic verb ... if you dwell on the concept you can see action, you can see people doing things. However "mown" is basically an adjective ... hence "is mown" (what I call a passive verb) is a "static verb". It has none of the movement associated with "mow". However we can resurrect this movement by using a "change of state" copula instead of the "static" copula. For example ...
My motivation for having the conflative is to express meanings such as "through" or "into" by pure verbs ... i.e. "to go through", "to enter".  

Someone mows the lawn ..... active voice ......... dymamic
Also the '''béu''' verb tail can get pretty long so I didn't want it to be necessary to repeat it three or four times in quick succession.  

"The lawn is mown" ............. passive voice ....... static situation
Conflative clauses are very often used to describe situations involving motion. But no actual restrictions on what verbs can enter into a conflative clause (of course the verbs plus other arguments must represent a coherent subset of reality. That is the overall clause must make sense semantically).  

"The lawn gets mown" ......... passive voice ....... dynamic situation


OK back to '''béu'''. '''béu''' uses the verb '''wè''' "to pass through, undergo, to bear, to endure, to stand"  '''+ maŋga'''/'''maŋgas''' for its passive construction. For example ...
To say that one activity happens totally within the time of an other activity, we use the conflative plus the particle '''pín''' which we met earlier in this chapter. For example ...

'''jene wore timpas (hí jono)''' = jane was hit (by john) earlier on today
'''jonos lailore pín doiki''' = "John sang while walking earlier today"

This method conserves the original dynamic-ness/static-ness of the base verb (unlike the German, English, Swedish, Spanish and Italian method of passivization)  ...
'''jonos lailore pín doiki tunheun''' = "John sang while walking to the civic centre earlier today"

Notice if Jane "underwent an examination", or "passed through many hardships", or "endured a long journey with a frightful bore" then Jane would be '''jenes''' ... she would be ergative.
The whole constuctions (i.e. '''pín doiki''' and '''pín doiki tunheuh''') are equivalent adverbs.  

But as we have '''maŋga'''/'''maŋgas'''and not a noun, she takes the unmarked case.
An adverb meaning "the '''r'''-form (matrix verb) happened during the time of the '''pín''' + -'''i''' verb".

'''hí''' is a particle that reveals the agent. Similar to "by" in English.

Remember that '''maŋgas''' is one instance of the action. Usually ? when '''wè''' has a non-aortist tense we have a '''maŋgas''', but '''wè''' has the aortist tense we have '''maŋga''' . For example ...
=== ... The optative===


1) Jane was hit => '''jene wori timpas'''
See Ch 4 : The particles '''àn''' and '''gò'''

2) Jane will be hit =>  '''jene woru timpas'''
3) Jane is being hit => '''jene wora timpas'''

4) Jane is hit''*''' => '''jene wor timpa'''
== ..... Negativity==


Now evidentials can be added as well. For example ...
'''béu''' has three particles/prefixes for expressing negativity.

5)  '''jene woria timpas''' => I saw Jane being hit
Different particles for different parts of speech. Usually the particle is immediately to the left of the concept it modifies.

6)  '''jene worun timpas''' => I guess Jane will be hit

7)  '''jene woras timpas''' => They say Jane is being hit ...
and even ... 8) '''jene worua timpas''' => Jane intends to be hit
9) '''jene woron timpa''' ('''hí bàu''')  => I guess Jane is hit'''*''' (by her husband)


Note ... 1 & 9 have '''maŋgas''' while 2-> 7 have '''maŋga'''
'''''' negates the live verb (i.e. the verb in its r-form). We have encountered '''''' already in the section "probability/aspect/negation".

The verb in its u-form is negated by the particle '''kyà''' to the left of the '''maŋga'''. For example ...
However  '''''' is not normally seen with the perfect aspect ... it is a bit infelicitous.. It is usual to use the copula + "past participle"'''**''' in these situations. For example ...


?''' jene woriyə timpas''' => '''jene ri timpia''' = Jane was hit '''***'''
'''sauhu bòi'''= be good

? ''' jene woruye timpas''' => '''jene ru timpia''' = Jane will be hit '''***'''
However '''kyà sàu bòi''' = "don’t be good" instead of '''*bù sauhu bòi'''
?''' jene woryə timpas''' =>  '''jene r timpia''' = Jane is hit '''***'''


'''*'''This is about "action" not a "state" ... a habitual action in fact. [ See the discussion about Engish at the top of this section ]
The verb in its u-form can not be negated.
'''**'''Actually I prefer to call this the "passive" participle". However the name is not important. Whether it is called the "past participle" or the "passive" participle" will not change how it acts by one iota.
'''***'''"hit" is actually an adjective here (I think ... it all can get quite confusing)


To allow someone to do something.
'''u'''- can connect to any adjective.  

'''?ár wèu''' = I want a nonwhite car (I want a car, any colour but white)

If John was feeling a bit sick ... the teacher would say to him ...
'''u'''- can on occasion be prefixed to nouns, the same as "non"- is used in English. However this construction is quite rare.  

"I give to you to go home now" => '''gìn nár nyáu nambon jindi'''
'''u'''- can connect to some verbs. The number of verbs it can connect to is limited ... about 20 or 30. Here are some examples ...


{| border=1
  |align=center| '''kunja'''
! gì-n || n-á-r || nyáu || nambo-n || jindi
  |align=center| to fold
  |align=center| '''ukunja'''
| {{small|2SG-DAT}} ||  give-{{small|1SG-IND}} || return.{{small|INF}} || house-{{small|DAT}} || now
  |align=center| to unfold
  |align=center| '''laiba'''
  |align=center| to cover
  |align=center| '''ulaiba'''
  |align=center| to uncover
  |align=center| '''tata'''
  |align=center| to tangle
  |align=center| '''utata'''
  |align=center| to untangle
  |align=center| '''fuŋga'''
  |align=center| to fasten, to lock
  |align=center| '''ufuŋga'''
  |align=center| to unfasten, to unlock
  |align=center| '''benda'''
  |align=center| to assemble, to put together
  |align=center| '''ubenda'''
  |align=center| to take apart, to disassemble
  |align=center| '''pauca'''
  |align=center| to stop up, to block
  |align=center| '''upauca'''
  |align=center| to unstop
  |align=center| '''senza'''
  |align=center| to weave
  |align=center| to unravel
  |align=center| '''fiŋka'''
  |align=center| to put on clothes, to dress
  |align=center| '''ufiŋka'''
  |align=center| to undress


Now '''náu''' "to give" is a strange word. It is never put in the passive. Instead the word '''mài''' "to receive/get" is used.
'''''' negates nouns. In the next chapter we will encounter it in the section on numbers. It means "zero".

So when John gets home he says to his mother ...
It also negates  '''maŋga''' or dead verbs.

"I get to return home early by teacher" => '''mare nyáu nambon''' early '''hí''' teacher '''*'''
It also negates clauses. For example ...

'''jù àn ?ár jò''' = "not that I want to go"

Sometimes '''béu''' uses two of these three methods in the same sentence. I guess you could call this double negation. Double negation does NOT cancel, and it does NOT produce emphatic negation.
! m-a-r-e ||  nyáu || nambo-n || "early" || hí || "teacher"
| receive-{{small|1SG-IND-PST}} ||  return.{{small|INF}} || house-{{small|DAT}} ||  early ||  by  ||  teacher


Note ... the particle '''hí''' is not used for anything else. So you come across it when you see '''jwè''' + '''maŋga''' or '''mài''' +  '''maŋga''' ... well you might. Specifying the agent is not mandatory.
Here is an example of ''''''/'''''' double negation ... '''jenes bù mbor jù flò cokolata''' ... meaning "Jane lacks the willpower to resist chocolates".


'''*'''Of course alternatively he could have used the direct voice and have said ... "teacher give to me to go home early"
And here is an example of ''''''.-'''u''' double negation ...


More on the give/receive construction
[[Image:SW_149.png]] ..................... [[Image:SW_148.png]]


'''náu''' = "to give" or "to allow" / "to let".
'''mutu/umutu''' "important/unimportant" patterns with such antonym pairs as big/small ( '''jutu/tiji''' ) in that the two pole values together do not fill up the entire semantic space.
'''mài''' = "to receive" / "to get"


1) '''jonos noryə toili jenen''' = John has given a book to Jane
Sometimes you have a choice, as to which negative to use. As in English, where "I don't have a house" can also be exressed as "I have no house". in '''béu''' you can say '''bù byár tìa''' or '''byár jù tìa'''. For both languages the latter form comes across as being more vivid, carries greater emotion [I am not 100% sure why this should be so].

2) '''jonos norye jene toilitu''' = John has given Jane a book

3) '''jenes moryə toili (hí jono)''' = Jane has received a book (from John)
== ..... Six useful verbs==


The same action but from two different perspectives.
Six verbs of a kind
Note that examples 1) and 2) mean exactly the same thing. But different pairs of '''pilana''' are used. So you always have a choice with the "give" construction ... well when the thing given is tangible and not '''maŋga'''.


The causative construction
{| border=1
  ||  '''bala'''
  || to open
  ||  '''kala'''
  || to shut/close
  ||  '''bana'''
  || to let go, to release, to free ...
  ||  '''kana'''
  || to connect, to make fast, to join
  ||  '''baza'''
  || to empty
  ||  '''kaza'''
  || to fill


'''gàu''' = "to do" or "to make"
And we have six common adjectives derived from the above ...


'''(pás) gari gò jono doika''' = I made john walk
{| border=1
  ||  '''balya'''
  || open
  ||  '''kalya'''
  || shut/closed
  ||  '''banya'''
  || free, seperate
  ||  '''kanya'''
  || connected, joined
  ||  '''baʒya'''
  || empty
  ||  '''kaʒya'''
  || full

'''(pás) gari gò jonos timpa jene''' = I made John hit Jane ... in this sort of construction, '''jono''', '''timpa''' and '''jene''' must be contiguous and '''jono''' should be to the left of '''jene'''.

'''(pás) gari gò ós timpa glá''' = I made him/her hit the woman
{| border=1
  ||  '''balo'''
  || an key
  ||  '''kalo'''
  || a (window)shutter/valve
  ||  '''bano'''
  || padding
  ||  '''kano'''
  || link/connector
  ||  '''bazo'''
  || a void/vucuum
  ||  '''bano'''
  ||  fill


'''(pás) gari tá (ò) donor''' = I made him/her walk

Is the below OK ?
The '''o''' suffix implies something solid.  "connection", "association" or "relationship" would be covered by the '''manga''' ... '''kana'''.

'''mari náu jò''' = I received permission to go = I received to give to go.
'''bazda''' = desert ?? : '''kazda''' = ocean " '''kanda''' = an intersection ?? : '''balda''' = a gap/opening

'''bano''' originally padding to separate a warriors leather armour from his tunic.

'''gari jene doika''' = I made Jane walk

'''jene jwori gàu doika''' = Jane has been made to walk
== ..... Valency==


'''nari jene doika''' = I allowed Jane to walk
In every language a particular verb can be associated with a number of nouns (we usually called these nouns arguments of the verb). For example ....

'''jene mori doika''' = Jane has been allowed to walk
! jono-s || jene-h || slaigau || haun-o-r-a || eŋglaba-tu
| John-{{small|ERG}} || Jane-{{small|DAT}}|| calculus || teach-{{small|3SG-IND-PRES}} || English-{{small|INST}}
|} ==> John is teaching calculus to Jane in English

In the above example "teach" is associated with 4 nouns.

Now things can get a bit confusing here. Some people hold that it is easy to distinguish between "core arguments" which are essential and "peripheral arguments" which simply add more information. But this is questionable. The consensus w.r.t. English seems to be that if an argument requires a preposition, then it is a "peripheral arguments", if no preposition required then it is a "core argument". A simple to implement system at the least.

'''jene nawori doika''' = "Jane has been made to walk??? OR "Jane has been allowed to walk"
In the above example "English" can be dismissed as a peripheral argument because of "using". But what about "Jane". In the above example Jane's roll in the clause is defined by the prefix "to". But what if "John is teaching calculus to Jane in English" is re-arranged as "John is teaching Jane calculus in English"? Here you have three nouns not qualified by a prefix. In English "teach" is sometimes called a ditransitive verb (a verb that can take three essential (unmarked) arguments).

'''jene jwore gàu doika''' = "Jane has been made to walk"
In '''beu''' no verbs are considered ditransitive ... Jane will always be marked by the dative suffix.  Now you might argue that every instance of teaching involves "somebody getting taught" ... well this is true, but it is also true that every instance of teaching involves some language being used. At the end of the day ... the English verb "teach" means ''exactly'' the same as its '''béu''' equivalent ( '''haun''' ). It is just that there are two different conventions for expounding an action (verb) in two different linguistic traditions. The '''béu''' linguistic tradition is the simplest :-)

'''jene more (gò) doika''' "Jane has been allowed to walk"
The '''béu''' linguistic tradition divides all verbs in into two types .... H (transitive) and Ø (intransitive). In dictionaries all verbs are marked by the simbol H or Ø. H means a transitive verb ( called a "dash verb" ) and Ø means an intransitive verb ( called a "stroke verb" ). The rule is ...

('''pà''') '''jwari gàu solbe moze''' ('''hí jono''') = I was made to drink the water (by John)

'''moze jwore solbe''' ('''hí jene''') = The water has been drunk (by Jane)
A verb is H  if it is ever associated with a noun that has the ergative marker  "-'''s'''".

A verb is Ø if it is never associated with a noun that has the ergative marker  "-'''s'''".


Now I will introduce the S A O convention which was devised by RMW Dixon. This convention is a useful way to refer to the arguments of transitive and intransitive verbs. The one argument of the intransitive verb is called the S argument. The argument of the transitive verb in which the success of the action most depends is referred to as the A argument. The argument of of the transitive verb is most affected by the action is called the O argument.

O was probably chosen from "object", A from "agent" and S from "subject" ( I find this useful to keep in mind as a memory aid). However O does not "mean" object and A does not mean agent and S does not mean subject. I (and many other linguists) use the word subject to refer to either A or S. Easier to talk about "subject" that to talk about "A or S" all the time.

[ In the '''béu''' linguistic tradition, the A argument is "the '''sadu''' noun", the O argument is the "the dash noun" and the S argument is the "the stroke noun".]


Now in English certain verbs appear to be Ø in some situations and H in others. These are called ambitransitive verbs.


1) The old woman knitted a sweater

2) The old woman knitted

About the optical illusion. Maybe you initially see a young woman glancing away ... then the semicircle + dot near the centre is an ear.  
"knit" is regarded as a  "A=S ambitransitive". In (1) "old woman" is A ... in (2) "old woman" is S ... [ (2) is partially the reality described by (1) ]

Or maybe you initially saw an older woman looking this way ... then the semicircle + dot near the centre is an eye.  

3) The old woman opened the door

(John has let Jane go => '''jonos nori gò jene jò''' ... old thoughts ??? )
4) The door opened

== ..... The reciprocal construction==
"open" is regarded as a  "O=S ambitransitive". In (3) "the door" is O ... in (2) "the door" is S ... [ (4) is not inconsistant'''*''' to being partially the reality described by (3) ]


The reciprocal particle is '''bèn'''
In '''béu''', there are no "ambitransitives. "knit" is considered H but with the O argument being dropped when it is unimportant or unknown. Similarly "open" is also considered H but with the A argument dropped'''**''' when it is unimportant or unknown.

'''jonos jenes timpur bèn''' = "John and Jane are hitting each other" = "John and Jane hit one and other"
'''bala''' "to open" is always H in '''béu'''. In  English, "open" is sometimes transitive and sometimes intransitive.

Note ...  '''''' "and" is not used when two nouns in the ergative case occur adjacent to each other.
Take '''pintu baləri***''' "the door opened". In English the proper analysis is "door" = "S argument". Well it is subject because it comes before the verb, and as it is the only argument it must be S.  

The particle also comes after adjectives occasionally. For example ...
In '''béu''' the proper analysis is "door" = "O argument". We know '''bala''' "to open" is H becuse on occasion it can occur with A arguments. However in this case the only noun ('''pintu''') is not marked for the ergative hence it must be the "O argument".

'''jono lè jene r ʔài bèn''' = John and Jane are the same.
'''pintu baləri''' could also be translated as "the door was opened".

No real reason why it should be added to the above sentence ... except that it is judged to sound good.
'''*'''(4) leave open the question whether human action brought about the action or it was due to some other cause. This question could be answered by rewriting (4) as either "The door was opened" or "The door opened by itself".

'''**'''Actually it would be possble to drop A arguments in English if the imperative was not the base verb. For example in English "knit a jersey" is a command ... but if English ... say ... suffixed "ugu" for the imperative, then the command would be "knitugu a jersey". That would allow "knit a jersey" to be interpreted as "jersey being knitted".  

== ..... 9 derived verbs==
'''***'''We haven't come across the schwa before the "r" before. This will be explained very soon.


{| border=1
So in '''béu''' …. each verb is either  H or Ø … no ambitransitives or ditransitives.
  |align=right| '''pòi'''
Also “the passive” is not talked about … rather it is just considered a particular case of “dropping”. And actually “dropping” is not considered a bit deal … just an very obvious thing to do.
  |align=left| to enter, to join
  |align=center| '''poinau'''
  |align=left| to put in
  |align=right| '''féu'''
  |align=left| to exit, to leave
  |align=right| '''feunau'''
  |align=left| to take out
  |align=right| '''bwí'''
  |align=center| to see
  |align=right| '''bwinau'''
  |align=left| to show
  |align=center| '''glù '''
  |align=center| to know
  |align=center| '''glunau'''
  |align=left| to inform ............. Note : '''fya''' means "to tell", basically the same thing but less formal.
  |align=center|  '''pyà'''
  |align=center| to fly
  |align=center|  '''pyanau''' 
  |align=left| to throw
  |align=center|  '''jó'''
  |align=center| to go
  |align=center|  '''jonau'''
  |align=left| to send
  |align=center|  '''tè'''
  |align=center| to come
  |align=center|  '''tenau'''
  |align=left| to summon
  |align=right| '''bái'''
  |align=center| to rise
  |align=right|  '''bainau'''
  |align=left| to raise
  |align=center|  '''kàu'''
  |align=center| to fall
  |align=right|  '''kaunau'''
  |align=left| to lower


Now one problem with dropping arguments is that the subject (S or A) must be represented in slot "1" of the indicative verb. How should we know what to put in here ( see Ch3.1.2.1 ). One solution could be to use the 3 person plural suffix -'''u'''- ... chances are that it is a 3rd person agent and the plural is more generic than the singular. This is what Russian does to make a sort of a passive. Another solution would be to use a vowel not already appropriated for pronoun agreement. This is what '''béu''' does. The schwa is inserted in the slot just before the "r".

'''pyà _ jó _ tè _ bái''' and '''kàu''' are intransitive.
Everything collapses in ... to the schwa ... an impersonal schwa.


== ..... 4 slots before the verb==
"the door opened" = "the door was opened"  = '''pintu baləri'''  (Actually I do not think the schwa symbol is visually distinct enough ... from now on I will use a cross)  =>  '''pintu bal+ri'''


We have already covered the indicative with the 4 slots for "agent", "tense/aspect", " '''r''' " and "evidentiality" at the end of the denuded infinitive. As well as the nuances given by these post verbal slots, there are a set of nine particles which give further nuances to the basic indicative verb. These are called (near-standers ?). These particles occur in 4 pre-verbal slots. However these particles are independent word, not affixes.
Here are some examples of this construction [ I will call it the impersonal construction from now on ]
These are shown (along with the 4 post-verbal slots) below  ...

'''beuba bl+r dían''' = "The language of '''béu''' is spoken here"

=== ... Slot 1===
'''pí gaudoheu dè_blanyo g+r''' = "In this factory telephones are made"

'''toilia bù ost+r pí duka dí''' = "Books are not sold in this shop"

These two particles indicate probability.
'''pintu by+r bala''' = '''pintu r balwa''' = the door has to be opened

'''màs''' = possibly
'''pintu mb+r bala''' = the door can be opened ...........  [ to understand this example and the one above it ... see Ch 4.7 ]

'''lói''' = probably
'''hala dè nyal+ryə''' = that rock is eroded .......... '''nyale''' = to erode, to wear
Of course they cover a wide probability range but the average probability gleaned from hearing '''màs''' would probably be around 50 %, and for '''lói''', maybe up near 90 %.


=== ... Slot 2===
Note ... the schwa can not support any tone. And as it is only used in the grammer and not in any base words as such it was not introduced in Chapter 1 (as '''r''' was not). The schwa is represented in fact by a cross in the '''béu''' writing system ...



'''''' is a negative particle which has scope over the entire sentence ... equivalent to "not" in English.
Note ... Some '''béu''' speakers  pronounce "schwa" + "syllable final rhotic" as  "ø" or "ør". These people also tend to give "ø" the proper tone. However the majority pronoun a schwa followed by a rhotic appoximant with neutral tone.

'''awa''' gives a "habitual but irregular" (maybe best translated as "now and again" or "occasionally" or even "not usually") meaning to the main verb. Possibly related to the verb '''awata''' ? which means "to wander".

'''bolbo''' gives a "habitual and regular" (best translated as "normally" or "usually" or "regularly") meaning to the main verb. Possibly related to the verb '''bolboi''' which means "to roll".
Now "door" is a man-made object and probably it exists in a place with many people around. So it is reasonable to expect there to be ''human volition'' involved when it opens. But what about when we get out into nature. When we see a river freezing. There is no agent to be seen behind this "freezing" ... it just happens. For this reason the verb "to freeze" '''doska''' is Ø.

But now we have become clever ... we hold dominion over nature. Hence we need to derive a word for freeze that is H. And that deriration is arrived at by appending -'''n'''. 

OK ... but if you are only allowed one of these five, how would you translate .. "I don't usually come to these parent-teacher meetings but ...."
Hence ...

Well you wont say ... '''awa tár''' to these parent-teacher '''nò twás _ ...."
'''doska''' = to freeze

'''moze doskori''' = the water froze

=== ... Slot 3===
'''moze doskanaru''' = I will freeze the water


These are called aspectual operators or aspectual particles.
Actually any Ø can take this suffix and become H. Here are a few more examples ...


In English the nearest translations<sup>*</sup> are '''ʔàn''' = "still" and '''ʔès''' = "already".  
{| border=1
  ||  '''ngeu'''
Many many languages have equivalents to these two particles. For example ...
  || to fly
  ||  '''ngeun''' 
  || to throw
  ||  '''jó'''
  || to go
  ||  '''jón'''
  || to send
  ||  '''tè'''
  || to come
  ||  '''tèn'''
  || to summon
  || '''bái'''
  || to rise
  ||  '''báin'''
  || to raise
  ||  '''kàu'''
  || to descend
  ||  '''kàun'''
  || to lower
  ||  '''dàu'''
  || to die
  ||  '''dàun'''
  || to kill
  ||  '''slài'''
  || to change
  || '''slàin'''
  || to change
  ||  '''diadia'''
  || to happen
  ||  '''diadian'''
  || to cause

|align=center| English
|align=center| still
And here are a few more examples ....
|align=center| already
|align=center| German
{| border=1
|align=center| noch
  |align=center| '''ʔoime'''
|align=center| schon
  |align=center| to be happy, happyness
  |align=center| '''ʔoimor'''
|align=center| '''béu'''
  |align=center| he is happy
|align=center| '''ʔàn'''
  |align=center| '''ʔoimen'''
|align=center| '''ʔès'''
  |align=center| to make happy
  |align=center| '''ʔoimin'''
|align=center| French
  |align=center| pleasant
|align=center| encore
|align=center| déjà
  |align=center| '''heuno'''
  |align=center| to be sad/sadness
|align=center| Mandarin
  |align=center| '''heunor'''
|align=center| hái
  |align=center| she's sad
|align=center| yîjing
  |align=center| '''heunon'''
  |align=center| to make sad
|align=center| Dutch
  |align=center| '''heunin'''
|align=center| nog
  |align=center| depressing
|align=center| al
  |align=center| '''taude'''
|align=center| Russian
  |align=center| to be annoyed
|align=center| eščë
  |align=center| '''taudor'''
|align=center| uže
  |align=center| he is annoyed
  |align=center| '''tauden'''
|align=center| Serbo-Croatian
  |align=center| to annoy
|align=center| još
  |align=center| '''taudin'''
|align=center| već
  |align=center| annoying
|align=center| Finnish
  |align=center| '''swú'''
|align=center| vielä
  |align=center| to be scared, fear
|align=center| jo
  |align=center| '''swor'''
  |align=center| she is afraid
|align=center| Swedish
  |align=center| '''swún'''
|align=center| än(nu)
  |align=center| to scare
|align=center| redan
  |align=center| ''''''
  |align=center| frightening, scary
|align=center| Indonesian
|align=center| masih
  |align=center| '''centa'''
|align=center| sudah
  |align=center| to be angry, anger
  |align=center| '''centor'''
  |align=center| he is angry
  |align=center| '''centan'''
  |align=center| to make angry
  |align=center| '''centin'''
  |align=center| really annoying
  |align=center| '''yode'''
  |align=center| to be horny, lust
  |align=center| '''yodor'''
  |align=center| she is horny
  |align=center| '''yoden'''
  |align=center| to make horny
  |align=center| '''yodin'''
  |align=center| sexy, hot
  |align=center| '''gái'''
  |align=center| to ache, pain
  |align=center| '''gayor'''
  |align=center| he hurts
  |align=center| '''gáin'''
  |align=center| to hurt (something)
  |align=center| '''gai.iin'''
  |align=center| painful
  |align=center| '''gwibe'''
  |align=center| to be ashamed/shame/shyness
  |align=center| '''gwibor'''
  |align=center| she is ashamed/shy
  |align=center| '''gwiben'''
  |align=center| to embarrass
  |align=center| '''gwibin'''
  |align=center| embarrassing
  |align=center| '''doimoi'''
  |align=center| to be anxious, anxiety
  |align=center| '''doimor'''
  |align=center| he is anxious
  |align=center| '''doimoin'''
  |align=center| to cause anxiety, to make anxious
  |align=center| '''doimin'''
  |align=center| worrying
  |align=center| '''ʔica'''
  |align=center| to be jealous, jealousy
  |align=center| '''ʔicor'''
  |align=center| she is jealous
  |align=center| '''ʔican'''
  |align=center| to make jealous
  |align=center| '''ʔicin'''
  |align=center| causing jealousy
'''jài ?oime''' is an adjective meaning happy by nature.
Six H can also take -'''n''' as well.  They are ...
{| border=1
  ||  '''flò'''
  || to eat
  ||  '''flòn'''
  || to feed, feeding
  ||  '''heca'''
  || to see
  ||  '''hecan'''
  || to show, showing
  ||  '''háu'''
  || to learn
  || '''háun'''
  || to teach, tuition
  || '''nko'''
  || to know
  || '''nkon'''
  || to inform, informing
  || '''pòi'''
  || to enter, to join
  || '''pòin'''
  || to put in, insertion
  || '''féu'''
  || to exit, to leave
  || '''féun'''
  || to take out, extraction


'''ʔàn''' indicates ...
In English, all the above except the last would be considered ditransitive verbs. "to take out" would not be considered ditransitive because one argument would be marked by the preposition "from". In '''béu''' they are all still H although they have undoubtedly one extra noun compared to their non-derived counter parts. Remember H and Ø were defined as ...

1) an activity is ongoing
A verb is H  if it is  ever associated with a noun that has the ergative marker  "-'''s'''".

2) the activity must stop some time in the future, possibly quite soon.
A verb is Ø if it is never associated with a noun that has the ergative marker  "-'''s'''".

3) there is a certain expectation<sup>*</sup> that the activity should have stopped by now.
(Note : '''fyá''' "to tell" means basically the same as '''nkon''' but is less formal. Also '''gàu''' means basically the same as '''diadian''' but is less formal. )

Possibly related to the verb '''ʔanto''' which means "to continue".

'''ʔès''' indicates ...
We have discussed '''bala''' and '''doska''' so far. The first is considered basically H and the second one basically Ø. There is a third type of verb ... for this type it is hard to say if it is more basic as Ø or more basic as H. So these verbs have <u>two</u> basic forms. For example ...

1) an activity is ongoing
2) the activity was not ongoing some time in the past, possibly quite recently.

3) there is a certain expectation<sup>**</sup> that the activity should not have started yet.
'''cwamo hulkori''' = the bridge broke

Possibly related to the verb '''ʔesto''' which means "to start".
'''deutais cwamo helkuri''' = the soldiers broke the bridge


Actually for the first example .. the chances are that the breakage was due to wear and tear caused by human activity. But the important thing is that it is non-volitional. Also there might have been no humans around when the bridge actually did break. So we can talk about the bridge breaking by itself ... as if by an act of nature. And another example ...


A very interesting thing about these two words is their negation. Either the particle plus verb can be negated (shown by one bar above the two word) or the verb by itself can be negated (shown by a bar above the verb).
'''jono wiltore''' = John woke up (earlier today)
If the verb is negated ... then, on the diagram ... the yellow place becomes white and the white space becomes yellow.

If the particle plus verb is negated ... then, on the diagram ... the dashed line representing now, is translated to the other side of the barrier that represents onset/cessation of activity.
'''jenes jone woltore ''' = Jane woke up John  (earlier today)


There are about 40 of these pairs. If the Ø has '''u''' the H will have '''e''' ...  if the  Ø has '''i''' the H will have '''o'''.
So lets summarize these three typre of verb ...


As you see by above ... by changing whether the negator act on the verb plus the operator or whether the operator acts on the negator plus the verb, negative sentenced with '''ʔàn''' and '''ʔès''' give diametrically opposite meanings<sup>***</sup> (the proper technical term is to call them "dual operators").  

Note that there are 4 possible negative cases to choose from and a language only needs 2. I guess a language (to cover all negative cases) should have either "(a) and (c)" or "(b) and (d)" or "(a) and (b)" or "(c) and (d)".

For example, all Slavic languages prefer verb negation, hence they tend to have (c) and (d). In German, only (a) and (c) are allowed in positive declarations. Nahuatl has negation of the operator so uses (a) and (b). It can be said that English is an a/b language also. However in the negative English uses suppletive forms for the two operators ... "yet" for "already" and "anymore" for "still" ... hence "not yet" and "not anymore".

In '''béu''', '''bù''' negates the whole sentence<sup>****</sup> (or maybe I should say ... the whole clause). So '''béu''' is an a/b language as well.
So to wrap it all up about verbs and arguments ...

No verbs are ambitrasitive. They are either Ø or H.  However it is easy to drop the A or the O argument from a H clause if either of them is considered trivial or is unknown.

<sup>*</sup>  However the English pattern is a bit irregular in that it has the particle "yet" which corresponds to  '''ʔàn''' in some circumstances and to '''ʔès''' in other circumstances.
Now in '''béu''' any H can be given a Ø meaning ( grammatically the structure is still H ) by making the the O argument '''tái''' ... meaning himself, herself, yourself etc. etc. However only animate A arguments do this. Hence ...

<sup>**</sup> I believe that this expectation is a connotation that will inevitable develop if you have prolonged usage of a particle with meaning 1 and 2.  
'''bàus tái timpori''' = the man hit himself ................. acceptable

<sup>***</sup> I find this stuff very interesting. If you want to know more, read "The Meaning of Focus Particles" by Ekkehard König.
'''*pintus tái balori''' = the door opened itself ...... unacceptable

<sup>****</sup>  In '''béu''' the particle '''jù''' negates one element in a sentence (the element immediately following it). So instead of using (a) and (b) we might have had (c) and (d) in the form ... *'''?àn jù doika''' and *'''?ès jù doika'''.
In English there are two ways to report on a door opening without mentioning any agent ... "the door opened" and "the door was opened"

..... A speaker of '''béu''' ... while recognizing the logic of *'''?àn jù doika''' and *'''?ès jù doika''', would deem them ungrammatical.
In '''béu''' only one ... '''pintu bal+ri''' ... which is just a H clause with the A argument dropped. Comparable to how "the old woman knitted"(as this would appear in '''béu''' of course) is a H clause with the O argument dropped.


=== ... Slot 4===
In '''béu''' you can make a "passive participle" by suffixing -'''ia'''.

'''liga''' makes verbs which in themselves are quite compact timewise, more spread out. For example ...
If you come across something broken and you know it was broken by human volition ... you would call it '''helkia'''.

If you come across something broken and you did not know how it was broken ... you would call it '''hulkia'''.

If you come across something frozen you would call it '''doskia'''. There is no such word as '''*doskania'''.
  |align=left| '''koʕia'''
  |align=center| to cough
  |align=center| '''liga koʕia'''  
  |align=center| "to be coughing", "to have a coughing fit"
  |align=left| '''timpa'''
  |align=center| to hit
  |align=center| '''liga timpa'''
  |align=center| "to be hitting" or "to assault"


'''liga''' is never used with verbs that typically have an inherent long time duration. For example ...
In '''béu''' you can make the "general obligation participle" by suffixing -'''ua'''.
*'''liga glarua beuba kewe''' would be translated as "I intend to be knowing the language of '''béu''' well" ... Not really good English either.

'''lglarua beuba kewe''' = "I intend to know the language of '''béu''' well" ... is more felicitous in both languages.
If you come across something that has to be broken ... you could refer to it as '''helkua'''.

If you come across something that had to be frozen ... you could refer to it as '''doskanua'''.  

'''liga''' gives an imperative slant to the main verb. Possibly related to the verb '''ligai''' which means "to stay" or "to lie". Now in the very best register of '''béu''' this particle is used for a certain ''poetic'' effect, it is used sparingly and is not necessary for understanding what is being said. However people that are L1 speakers of a language having a perfective/imperfective tend to over-use '''liga'''. This is not really a problem, it just shows that they are not L1 '''béu''' speakers. Conversely people that are L1 speakers of language that lacks this distinction tend to not use '''liga''' enough. Again ... no real problem.
There is no such words as '''*doskua''' or '''*hulkua'''


'''teka''' is the opposite of '''liga'''. It means "momentarily". Possibly related to the verb '''telka''' which means "to slip a little bit". While in theory it can be used with almost any verb, it tends to be used disproportionately with a dozen or so verbs. For example ...
The above method of presenting a verb like '''bala''' hints at human volition. To get rid of this connotation (to suggest that the event happened naturely) we must use '''tezau''' "to become" plus an adjective. This is demonstrated below ...

Consider '''geuko''' = "to turn something green" ... H ... derived from '''gèu''' "green"

{| border=1
  |align=left| '''bwí'''
  |align=center| to see
  |align=center| '''teka bwí'''
  |align=center| to catch a glimpse
  |align=left| '''wòi'''
  |align=center| to think
  |align=center| '''teka wòi'''
  |align=center| to think for a moment
  |align=left| '''ʕái'''
  |align=center| to want
  |align=center| '''teka ʕái'''
  |align=center| for a moment, to want

=== ... Restrictions===
1) '''báu tezori gèu''' = The man became green .. ........................ ''natural''

2) '''báu  geuk+ri''' = The man was made green .................... ''human volition''

3) '''báus tái geukori''' = The man made himself green ......... ''human volition''


Certain members of slots 1,2 and 3 can only co-occur with a subset of the affixes in post-verbal slots 3 and 4.
Now consider '''bala''' = "to open" ... H

YELLOW ... if you have '''màs''' or '''lói''' then in post-verbal slot 4 you can only have the -'''a''' that follows the future tense '''u''' (that is, the one that isn't really an evidential). However all affixes in slot 4 are not compulsary.

GREEN ... if you have '''awa''' or '''bolbo''' then in post-verbal slot 3 you can only have the aortist tense (the one that is the null affix).
1) '''pintu tezori balya''' = the door became opened = the door opened .......... ''natural'' ................ [ here the agent could be anything ... the wind ... or even some fairy '''cái''' ... use your imagination ]

RED ... if you have '''ʔàn''' or '''ʔès''' then in post-verbal slot 3 you can only have the present, future and past tenses.
2) '''pintu bal+ri''' = the door was opened ............................................... ''human volition'' .... [ this one implies that the agent was human but is either unknown or unimportant and the action  deliberate ]

BLUE ... we introduce another particle here ... '''juku''' meaning "never". It is a more emphatic negative than '''bù''', but can only be used with the 3 perfect aspects in slot 3.
Note ... there is no (3) here as a door is non-human.


Most of the above restrictions don't need much comment. Hoewver in English there appears to be some conflation between "already" and the perfect aspect. For example "I've done it already". Maybe the reduced phonological prominence of the aspectual marker (i.e. "v") is a major contributing factor of this conflation. In '''béu''' '''ʔès''' and the three perfect aspectual markers are two different things.
In either of the (1)'s '''wistia''' "deliberately/carefully" or '''wistua''' "accidently/carelessly" can be added after'''*''' '''tezori'''. This automatically makes Agent => Human

1) When you use  '''ʔès''' (or '''ʔàn''') you are concerned about the onset/cessation of an event ... probably in the recent past or near future.
The same for the (2)'s, but the incidence of '''wistua''' should greatly excede the incidence of '''wistia''' as "intention" is the default for this construction.

2) When you use the perfect aspect you are concerned about the state of the subject (A or S) which has resulted from some event that might be quite far in the past ... impinging on this is a stong "experential" connotation. For example ... if John has read a book on geometry, you can assume he has some knowledge of this subject. If he has been to London, you can assume he has many sounds and sights of London stored away in his memory.  
With (3) the connotation of intent is so strong that '''wistia'''/ '''wistua''' could be considered a bit infelicitous ... not impossible but indicative of an unusual situation.
'''*''' or '''wistiwe''' or '''wistuwe''' if not immediately after the verb. [by the way ... '''wisto''' = "mind/brain" by the way]

Not to be confused with '''lò''' = "other" and '''kyulo''' = "again"
These two particles come just in front of the verb. They are only used with the indicative verb and the '''maŋga'''.


== ..... Tying two clauses together==

There are many actions that are kind of fluid as to the number of participants involved. When languages code an action they take into account whether the action is normally'''*''' involves a single paricipant or two participants [ three participants is also possible but that is another story ]. And then the relevant language will add extra stuff (an extra word … bit of word … something like that) when this action involves more or less participants than suggested by the basic word coding this action.

In '''béu''' we have live clauses and dead clause.
Two examples from French.

The head of a live clause is a verb in its declarative form.
The action of boiling is deemed => single paricipant => bouillir
When two participants, we add the word faire => faire bouillir

The head of a dead clause is a verb in its declarative form.
The action of breaking is deemed => double paricipant => casser
When only a single participant, we add the word se => se casser

A live clause has its main elements in any order, the S term is marked as the ergative. The A and O terms are unmarked.
Certain languages deem certain actions pretty evenly split between single-participant manifestations and double-participant manifestations. In these cases, it can be impossible to determine what is the basic form of the verb.

A dead clause has word order VS or VAO, the O term being marked as the dative. The A and S terms are unmarked.
An example from Swahili.

'''tàin''' = before
cham-k-a = to boil as the soup over the open fire boils
cham-sh-a = to boil as your mother boils the water for a cup of tea

'''jáus''' = after
Further examples, Japanese this time.

'''ʔéu''' = while, as

'''í kyù''' = until => '''iyu'''

'''fì kyù''' = ever since => '''fiyu'''
{| border=1
  ||  生きる
  || ikiru
  ||  to live
  ||  活かす
  || ikasu
  || to revive
  ||  逃げる
  || nigeru
  || to escape
  || 逃がす
  || nigasu
  || to set free
  || 揺れる
  || yureru
  || to sway
  || 揺らす
  || yurasu
  || to shake

If the subjects (that is S or A) of two clauses are different then they can be conjoined timewise by using one of the above stand-alone particles. For example ...

1) '''jenes bwori jono ʔéu jonos fori nambo tí''' = Jane saw John as he was leaving his house.
Japanese has a many verbs pairs of this sort.

Also ... as in English we can have the two clauses in the other order ...

2) '''ʔéu jonos fori nambo tí_jenes bwori ò''' = As John was leaving his house, Jane saw him
'''*''' The choice can be culturally determined in some circumstances. Imagine a community in which each grown male visits the barber to get shaved every morning versus a community in which shaving is a private affair. The language of the former will inevitably pattern "shave" as transitive, anf the latter will inevitably pattern "shave" as intransitive.

Notice that in this sentence, the second '''jono''' has been replaced by the pronoun '''ò''' ... in actual fact ... in 1) the chances are that '''jonos''' would be replaced by '''ós''' ... but this makes the sentence ambiguous.

John whistled as he left his house = '''jono wizori ʔéu ò fori nambo tí ''' = '''*jono wizori ʔéu féu í nambo tí'''
== ..... To undergo==


Now if the subjects of two clauses are the same, one of the clauses can becomes a dead clause. Only a very short and simple clause can become a dead clause ... both ...
We have seen the subjectless verb form above where the vowel before the '''r''' becomes a schwa.`However there is another way to drop a subject ... by using the verb '''jwòi''' "to undergo" followed by the base form. Of these two ways of dropping the subject, the former is overwhelmingly preferred. However for forming present participles and infinitives, the second method is necessary.

'''timp+ra pà''' = I am being hit : '''jwola timpa''' = being hit : '''jwòi timpa''' = to be hit

A) Any time,place or manner adjuncts will stop a clause collapsing to a dead clause.
[Note to self .... sort out the below ... and also all the RUBBISH PARTICIPLE stuff I have]

B) An O argument that is longer than a single word.
'''hecari jono katala lazde''' = I saw John cutting the grass ....................... '''katala lazde''' is a '''saidau kaza''' ..... '''katala''' is a '''saidau baga'''

'''hecari lazde jwola kata''' = I saw the grass being cut ............................. '''jwola kata''' is a '''saidau kaza'''

When the above requirements are met ....
'''hecari lazde jwola kata hí jono''' = I saw the grass being cut by John .... '''jwola kata hí jono''' is a '''saidau kaza'''

A) S or A is dropped completely.
Note ... although the '''là''' suffix is probably connected to the second '''pila?o''' it should be recognized as a separate siffix here. If it was the '''pila?o''' we would have ... '''bwari lazde là jwòi kata'''

B) The linker word is appended to the infinitive.
'''hecari lazde kataya''' = I saw the grass that has been cut

C) if there is an O it immediately follows the infinitive and has the dative marker -'''n''' affixed.
'''hecari lazde katawa''' = I saw grass that must be cut = I saw that the grass must be cut

'''lazde katawa hecari'''  = I saw the grass that must be cut

'''hecari lazde nài r katawa'''

1) S  while  S    ................... '''jono wizori ʔéu ò huzori''' ... (pronoun used in second clause)

=>'''jono wizori huzuaʔeu''' = John whistled while smoking ... (must drop S, the linker must be appended to the infinitive)
== ..... The copula==

2) A  O    while    A  O  .....  '''jonos timpori jene ʔéu ós huzori ʃiga''' ... (pronoun used in second clause)

=>  '''jonos timpori jene huzuaʔeu ʃigan''' ... (must drop A, the linker must be appended to the infinitive. O must be a single word)
The three'''*''' components of a copular clause usually have a strict order'''***''' ... "copular subject" => "copula" => "copula complement". For example ...

3) A  O    while    S    ..........    '''jonos timpori jene ʔéu ò huzori''' ... (pronoun used in second clause)

=> '''jonos timpori jene huzuaʔeu ''' ... (must drop S, the linker must be appended to the infinitive)
| "copular subject" ||align=center| "copula" || "copula complement"
! align=center| jono ||align=center| r || koduʒi
|align=center| John ||align=center| is ||align=center| diligent
|align=center| - ||align=center| - ||align=center| -
! align=center| jono ||align=center| r || moltai
|align=center| John ||align=center| is ||align=center| doctor

4) S        while      A  O ........... '''jono huzori ʔéu ós timpori jene''' ....  (pronoun used in second clause)

=> '''jono huzori timpaʔeu jenen''' .... (must drop A, the linker must be appended to the infinitive. O must be a single word)
The copula's base form is '''sàu'''. You will see that it is listed among the 37 short verbs. However it patterns differently from the other 36. And indeed it patterns differently from all other verbs. Below are the '''r'''-forms of  '''sàu''' ...

John left his house whistling = '''Jonos fori nambo tí  ʔéu wiʒia'''

'''wiʒia''' = to whistle

'''koʔia''' = to cough

'''huzua''' = to smoke
The copula form rule ...  "When the copular subject noun (or noun phrase) is overtly stated, use the short form. At all other times, use the long form"


== ... Introducing Verb Chains==
The short form is used when the copular subject noun (or noun phrase) is overtly stated. In other situations the full form is used. For example when the copular subject is a pronoun'''**''', the long form must be used.
You can see in the above chart that the short form of the aortist tense has two forms. '''ró''' is used in two situations ...

1) If the copula subject ends in a consonant.  For example ....

'''béu''' has a technique that integrates two clauses even further. It is called the "verb chain".
'''sòs rò hau?e''' = the snow is beautiful

In certain situations it is considered unnecessary to include person-tense information on an active verb. If there are a number of verb concepts that can be thought of as partaking in sort of "composite" activity, then only the initial verb gets person-tense-evidentiality information. The non-initial verbs have the final verb of their base form deleted and the vowel '''i''' added. For example ... '''slanje''' (to cook) => '''slanji'''.  If the verb only has one syllable, then the final verb of their base form (the only vowel) is replaced with a schwa and the word looses its tone. For example ...  '''flò''' (to eat) => '''flə'''.
2) If an evidential is tagged on. For example ...

Below are three verb chains ... each one having a different time structure.
'''tìa ròn hau?e''' = the house is beautiful (I guess)


=== ... Similtaneous Time===
'''r''' by itself is used in all other is a clitic attached the the last vowel of the copula subject. However it is always written as a separate word. For example ....

'''tomo r tumu''' = Thomas is stupid

John walked along the road whistling => '''jono doikori komwe plə wiʒi'''<sup>*</sup>
It takes the tone of the copula subject.


to whistle = '''wiza'''
The aortist form is the form corresponding to "am", "are" ans is in English. The present tense is "marked" (i.e. the unusual case that carries extra eaning). For example ...

to walk = '''doika'''

to follow = '''plèu'''
'''sòs rò hau?e''' = snow is beatiful ….. a timeless truth

road = '''komwe'''
'''sòs rà hau?e''' = the snow is beatiful (for now) ... maybe the speakers are contemplating the snow melting and the consequent slush


We can also say ...
And another example ...

"John walked along the road whistling" =>  '''jonos komwe plori doiki wiʒi'''.

In fact there are six ways in which the three verbs can be arranged. The meaning of the sentence would be exactly the same in all six cases.
'''jono r bòi''' = John is good (it is his nature)

Note that "John" appears "naked" or in his "s-marked" form depending on whether the first verb is transitive or intransitive. The first verb has the full verb train ( it is "r-form" however later verbs in the chain are in their reduced form (i.e. their "i-form")
'''jono rà bòi''' = John is being good ... maybe to impress somebody who is visiting.

<sup>*</sup>Actually this sentence is more likely to be expressed as '''jono doikori komwewo wiʒi'''
Note ... to say '''jono rà bòi''' invalidates '''jono r bòi''' to a certain extent.


=== ... Interleaved Time===
Because there is a strict word order, definiteness can not be expressed as it usually is with other verbs (S, O, A, dative ... left of verb if definite, right of verb if not). However the particles '''èn''' and '''ín''' can be drafted for this purpose.

[Note to self : should every '''pila?o''' defined argument act thus ... what about other arguments ? ]

All afternoon I was writing reports and answering the telephone => '''falaja ú kludari fyakas sweno nyauʒi'''
It is only the '''r'''-form of the copula which is irregular. All other forms are perfectly normal. For example ...

'''sauhu bòi''' = be good ................................................................. '''u'''-form

afternoon = '''falaja'''
'''kodor sə kludado''' = he works as a clark .................................... '''i'''-form

to write = '''kludau'''
'''kodi sòr kludado''' = he/she works as a clark …........................…  '''i'''-form .............. Actually, I think this way is better (change the rest of the website ?)

report(noun) = '''fyakas'''

telephone(noun) = '''sweno'''
There is also the change of state copula, '''tezau'''. While '''tezau''' < '''té''' + '''sàu''', I would not call it a calque on English "become", rather the deep semantic process that formed "become" in English, worked also in '''béu'''.

to answer = '''nyauze'''
There is strict word order with this copula as well ...


| "copular subject" ||align=center| "copula" || "copula complement"
! align=center| jono ||align=center| tezori || koduʒi
|align=center| John ||align=center| became ||align=center| diligent
|align=center| - ||align=center| - ||align=center| -
! align=center| jono ||align=center| tezori || moltai
|align=center| John ||align=center| became ||align=center| doctor

Note .... in the first example the times of the different verbs were similtaneous, in this example the times of the different verbs are randomly interleaved throughout the afternoon.
It would also be possible to render the above as '''falaja ú sweno nyauzari kludi fyakas ''' ... means the same thing.

Notice that in this example we have two verb-object-pairs, ('''kludau''', '''fyakas''') and ('''sweno''', '''nyauze'''). While an object must stay next to its verb, there is a tendency for it to precede the verb when it is definite and to follow it when indefinite).
As you can see there is no erosion here.

[ And with a change of tense ... "All afternoon I have been writing reports and answering the telephone" => '''falaja ú kludar fyakas sweno nyauʒi''' ]
Notice that for the two copulas the copuls subjects are always unmarked ... that is they never take the ergative suffix.


=== ... Sequential Time===
How to negate a copular sentence ? Some examples ...

'''jono bù r jutu''' = john isn’t big

Yesterday John caught, cooked and ate three fish => '''jana jonos holdori slanji flə léu fiʒi'''
'''bù sòr jutu''' = he/she isn’t big

'''òn bù sòr jutu''' = HE isn’t big (I am)

yesterday = '''jana'''
In the last example, it is not necessary to have the full copula form to show 3SG ... '''*òn bù r jutu''' ... would not be confusing. However we continue to abide by "the copula form rule"
to catch = '''holda'''
three = '''léu'''
fish = '''fiʒi'''


In this example, the three verb concepts happened in a definite order, and must be expressed in that order.
'''*''' Well sometimes the copular subject is dropped so two components. It is dropped if the subject is "the world"/"the environment". Under the section "Valancy" we introduced the impersonal form of the verb ... normally used when the subject is "unknown"/"trivial". The copula also has an impersonal form. However now the reason is not because the subject is trivial : rather the opposite, the subject is all encompassing.

A verb chain must be contained in one clause. However the verb form used in a verb chain (the i-form ... both '''slanji''' and '''flə''' are considered the i-forms of the verbs '''slanje''' and '''flò''' ... even though there is no "i" in the form '''flə''') can be used over multiple clauses. For example ...
Note ... Other languages use "world" or "environment" as the subject in similar situations, English used "it".

"Yesterday John caught three fish, then cooked then and then ate them" => '''jana jonos holdori léu fiʒi _ slanji _ flə''' .... actually, is this a good idea (i-form over multiple clauses) ???
As with English, this construction is often used for the weather ...

You can continue adding "i-form" verbs indefinitely. However if the subject changes, you have to go back to an "r-form". Also if the internal time structure of the composite action was to change, then one must revert to an "r-form". '''jana jonos holdori léu fiʒi _ slanji _ flə''' is definitely three clauses because of the mandatory intonation breaks. The object of the last two clauses is the same as the object of the first clause. However this need not be the case ( I can not think of a good example at the moment ??? ).
'''fona''' = rain : '''fonia''' = rainy/raining : '''fonua''' = dry (well not raining). So ...

[ Note ... Although the verb chain is the common way to express when two actions happen at the same time, another method is possible. That is to make one of the verbs into an adjective. And then by placing this directly behind another verb you get an adverb. For example ... '''wizari doikala''' = I whistled while I walked] .... ???
'''s+ra fonia''' = it's raining

Note that in these three examples, that the  internal time structure of the composite action (i.e. simultaneous, interleaved and sequential) are never formally stated. Rather they are known due to the listeners knowledge of the situation being described.
'''tez+ra fonia''' = it's starting to rain
The internal time structure of a situation is not always clear. But if it is thought necessary to clarify it one can always fall back to conjoining clauses with conjunctions.


== ... Motion Verb Chains==
'''**'''But actually to come across "pronoun" followed by "full copuls" is quite rare. As with all other verbs, ‘’’béu’’’ demands that the subject pronouns be dropped. Or at least you only hear them in exceptional circumstances.
For example, normally you would say ...

'''tìa bundari''' : "I built the house"

Verb chains are used a lot for verbs of motion. In certain languages (for example Cantonese, verbs do the job that prepositions do in European languages. Now '''béu''' does have a set of prepositions (the '''pilana'''). So for defining exactly what non-core NP's are doing in a sentence (that is everything that is not S, A or O) ... in '''béu''' this task is shared about equally between prepositions and minor verbs.
However upon hearing '''jono tia bundari''' (John built the house) you would say ...

The rules are the same as stated in the previous section.
aiya _ pás tìa bundari = No, I built the house

Now as you would expect, there are preferred orders. The diagram below shows the order that would probably be used for a future tense situation. Also this order would be preferred if someone was narrating a story and wanted to keep everything in sequence. For example ...
And another example, normally you would say

'''jene corua doiki pofe jwə london də''' => "Jane intends to walk through the forest to London" (from here)
'''sar jutumo''' : "I am biggest"

'''jene cori doiki pofe jwə london də''' => "Jane walked through the forest to London" (from here)
However upon hearing '''jono r jutumo''' (John is biggest) you would say ...

However in other situations'''*''', the actual sequence of individual events might be deemed less relevant, and there might be a tendancy to place the most important/surprising'''**''' event to the left. (No example)
'''aiya _ pà sar jutumo''' : "No, I am biggest"

'''kulua''' is leftmost, if present.
'''*'''For a verb chain that was ongoing. There would be a tendency for the first verb of unrealised part of the verb chain to take be in its base form with an '''n''' affix (perhaps preceded by '''gò'''). For example ...

'''jene core doiki gò pofe jwèn london də''' => "Jane has left on foot, she was intending to go through the forest and then on to London" ... [ there are actually two verb chains in this sentence ]
'''***'''There are two exceptions to this rule.
'''**'''This basically means that the elements most commonly used in verb chains appear towards the right (such as '''jò''' and '''té''') and less common elements are towards the left ... types of locomotion would qualify here (actually '''doika''' is quite a common element, but maybe because it is deemed to be the same class as '''pyà''', '''liwai''', etc.,  it tends to be expressed quite early)


1)  If the copula subject is a '''manga''' or a '''manga''' phrase you have two possible orders.


All the "Directional" verbs, "Types of locomotion" verbs and the "Haste" verb are intransitive.
All the "Relative motion" verbs are transitive (it sometimes looks like '''cùa''' "depart" and '''nyáu''' "return" are intransitive, they are actually transitive but the object ... has been dropped as it is obvious ... often "here").
! nyáu ||align=center| r  || bòi
| to return ||align=center| is ||  good
|} ==> To return is good


The subject takes its ergative form or its naked form, depending on whether the first verb of the chain is transitive or intransitive. For example ...
! sòr ||align=center| bòi || nyáu
| "is" ||align=center| good ||  to return
|} ==> It is good to return

'''ós byor (gò) kuluan nambo tə''' = He must hurry home .............................. '''ós''' as '''byó''' is transitive

'''ò kulor nambo tə''' = He hurries home ........................................................ '''ò''' as '''kulua''' is intransitive
The more accoustic weight the '''manga''' phrase has, the bigger the tendency to use the second order ...
'''ós london corua nambo tə''' = He will leave London and come home ......... '''ós''' as '''cùa''' is transitive


Now, just as in a non verb chain clause (i.e. if a noun appears to the left of the verb it is definite, if it appears to the right of the verb, it is indefinite), if a motion reference object is to the left of a relative motions verb it is definite, if it is to the right of a relative motions verb it is indefinite. This is demonstrated below ...
! sòr ||align=center| bòi || nyáu || tìa || jindi
| "is" ||align=center| good ||  to return ||  home-{{small|DAT}} ||  now
|} ==> It is good to return to home now


{| border=1
With the copula coming initially the short eroded form can never be used ... that is '''*r bòi nyáu''' or '''*rò bòi nyáu''' are illegal.
  |align=left| '''nambo féu tə'''
  |align=center| to come out of the house
  |align=center| '''féu nambo tə'''
  |align=center| to come out of a house
  |align=left| '''nambo pòi jə'''
  |align=center| to go into the house
  |align=center| '''pòi nambo jə'''
  |align=center| to go into a house
  |align=left| '''nambo féu jə'''
  |align=center| to go out of the house
  |align=center| '''féu nambo jə'''
  |align=center| to go out of a house
  |align=left|  '''nambo pòi tə'''
  |align=center| to come into the house
  |align=center| '''pòi nambo tə'''
  |align=center| to come into a house


2) If copula subject is a clause'''****''' with the particle '''gò''' at the front, you have only one possible order ...  "copula" and then  "copula complement"  and then "copular subject".

! sòr ||align=center| bòi || gò || t-o-r-e || heute
| "is" ||align=center| good ||  that || come-{{small|3SG-IND-PAST}} ||  today
|} ==> It is good that he/she came today


'''tezau''' follows '''sàu''' when it comes to word order.


The directionals
'''****''' this construction is covered in the Ch 4 in the section "The particle '''gò''' "


Often '''jə''' or '''tə''' / '''bə''' or '''kə''' are tagged on at the end of a motion clause. Like a sort of afterthought. They give the utterance a bit more clarity ... a bit more resolution. For example ...


[[Image:TW_398.png]] .............................. '''jaŋkori tə''' = "he ran towards us"
The above has all you need to know about the copula's ... not much to them ... just a few rules.

Note ... in the script the schwa is simply left out, so if you see a consonant standing by itself, you know that you have part of a verb chain.
However I am appending a bit about the adverb '''wautus''' to this section as nowhere else really seems appropriate.

If two directionals were to be used, '''''' or '''''' would follow '''''' or ''''''.
'''wautus''' can be broken down into '''wáu''' "a pair of eyes" : ''''''' "particle giving the intrumental case" : '''s''' "adverbial marker". It means "apparently" or "seemingly".

Obviously these 4 verbs often occur independently. In which case they are in their r-form.
In English "by eye" usually means "by not measuring as such but roughly estimating (whatever) only using ones eyes". '''wautu''' does not mean this : it means "apparent".  

More often come across in the form '''wautus''' "apparently".

'''jono boizor wautu''' = "John is OK apparently

'''wautus jono boizor''' = "John appears to be health"

'''jene r wautu maumala''' = "it seems as if Jane is asleep"

'''jene maumora_wautus''' = "Jane is asleep, apparently" ... Note, in the last example '''wautus''' was added as an afterthought so it needs the adverbial '''s''' (not usually necessary when an adjective follows a live verb).

The adverb has connotations of surprise ... "mirative ?"

----this section  is nothing to do with verb chains, just a bit to do with the usage of '''té''' and '''jò'''----

'''té''' is always intransitive. '''jò''' can be transitive or intransitive. For example ...
== ..... Existence==

I am going to London => '''(pás) jar london''' ... however if the destination is not immediately after the verb '''í london (pás) jar'''

"I am going" or "I will go" => '''(pà) jaru'''
In the above section we saw how the impersonal form of '''sàu''' links an adjective to the universe at large (well at least to the local environment).

By the way ... if you go to meet somebody, '''''' and '''twá''' form a verb chain. For example ...
In a similar way, the impersonal form of '''yáu''' "to have on your person" links an noun to the universe at large.

'''jò twə jono''' => to go and meet John
But first let us run through some of the usages of '''yáu'''.

'''ojo twə jene''' => go and meet Jane (notice the irregular imperative)

The basic usage is to link an object to a person.

'''jonos yór kli.o''' = John has a knike


The basic usage can be expanded and it can be used to link objects to a location.

<sup>*</sup> In contradistinction, when a origin comes immediately after the verb '''dwé''' "to come" the '''pilana''' '''-fi''' is never dropped.
!  tunheu-s ||  y-o-r-e || yiŋki || hè || yildos
|  townhall-{{small|ERG}} ||  have-{{small|3SG-IND-PST}} || "attractive girls" || a lot || morning
|} ==>(1) the townhall had many attractive girls this morning

The above usage can become impersonalized (i.e. the locative subject is deleted and the person slot gets a schwa) and the meaning then becomes ... the physical object exists somewhere in the Universe. For example ...


'''y+r dèus''' = "there is a God" or "God exists"

This construction can be negated in two ways ...
'''jó london''' = to go to London

'''jonos jor london''' = John is going to London
'''bù y+r dèus''' = "there isn't a God" or '''y+r jù dèus''' = "there is no God"

'''jonos jori cə london''' = John arrived in London (having travelled from here) ???
So '''y+r''' is basically the '''béu''' existential clause. The English existential clause has "there is"/"there are".

'''jono jori gò cùan london

'''tè londonfi''' = to come from London

'''jono tor londonfi''' = John comes from London ....... ( in this case, it could be 20 years since John was last in London )

'''jono tori cə london''' = John comes from London ... ( in this case, John hs just arrived from London )
Now the basic existential clause can be modified. For example ...

(2) '''y+r yiŋki hè''' = "There are many attractive girls"  
When in verb chains, these 2 verbs tend to be the auxiliary verb. They are used where "up" and "down" are used in English.

Can be modified ... below we modify it with an "adjective phrase of location" '''tunheuʔe''' and an  "adjective phrase of time" '''yildos'''

'''bía''' = to ascend
(3) '''y+re yiŋki hè tunheuʔe yildos''' = "there were many attractive girls at the townhall this morning"

'''kàu''' = to descend

CLIMB '''ʔupai kə''' = to climb down a tree
Which actually means exactly the same as (1) above ... (i.e. '''tunheus yore yiŋki hè yildos''')

'''ʔupai''' CLIMB '''kə''' = to climb down the tree
Which in turn means pretty much the same as the copular sentence ...

CLIMB '''ʔupai bə''' = to climb up a tree
(4) '''yiŋki hè rè tunheuʔe yildos''' = "many attractive girls were at the townhall this morning" ... so ... actually three ways to say the same thing ... (1), (3) and (4)

THROW '''toili kə'''  = to throw down a book ???
But note ...

These are also often inserted in verb chains to give extra information. The usually precede "come" and "go" when "come" and "go" are auxiliary verbs in the chain.
'''*tunheuʔe rè yiŋki hè yildos''' = "at the townhall this morning were many attractive girls"

'''jò kə pə nambo''' = to go down into the house
The above construction that is allowed in English, feels a bit strange in '''béu''' ... in the same way that "green is the man" feels a bit strange in English.

'''jaŋkor kə pə nambo jə''' = he runs down into the house (away from us)
But three ways to say the same thing, should be sufficient ... don't you think ?

'''jaŋkor pə nambo kə tə''' = he runs down into the house (towards us)

The two above sentences could describe the exact same event. However there is some slight connotation in the latter that the descending happened at the same time as the entering (i.e. the entrance of the house was sloping ... somewhat unusual)
== ..... Shapes et al.==

Now '''béu''' has some justification for claiming to be an engelang. The paradigm above is quite engelangish as is the number system. The naming of shapes is also very engelangish. See below ...
Derived from '''dano dailo dauzo''' we have the adjectives '''danai dailai dauzai''' meaning "straight flat regular".
Derived from '''danai dailai dauzai''' we have the adjectives '''unai ulai uzai''' meaning "crooked/bent uneven/bumpy irregular".


He is lowering John down the cliff-face to the ledge => '''ós gora jono''' cliff '''gìa''' ledge'''ye''' ??
Derived from '''dano dailo dauzo''' we have '''dante daite dauste''' meaning "a crooked line" "a rag"(also plate as in plate tectonics) "a lump"

I dragged the dog along the road ??
The above may have some connection with '''dò''' "to move". The below may have some connection with '''kwè''' "to turn".

'''joske pòi nambo''' = let's not let him go into the house ... there are 2 verbs in this chain ... '''jòi''' and '''pòi'''
'''kwane kwaile kwauze''' = "a ring" "disc/plate/dish" "ball/sphere/globe" [Note '''kwante kwailte kwauste''' are imperfect manifestations of <= ('''kwauste'''=blob) ]

'''jaŋkora bwá nambo dwía''' = he is running out the house (towards us) ... there are 3 verbs in this chain ... '''jaŋka''', '''bwá''' and '''dwé'''
Also note ... '''si.anka''' = a testicle, '''si.ankau''' = a pair of testicles, '''''' = the earth (not used for other worlds), '''si.ana''' = a globe (a facsimile of <=)

'''doikaya gàu pòi nambo jìa''' = Walk (command) down into the house (we are in the house) ... there are 4 verbs in this chain ... '''doika''', '''gàu''', '''pòi''' and '''jòi'''
{Note to self : should -'''ana''' derive other words ? '''taime''' = angle ? '''taume''' = solid angle ? ]

Extensive use is made of serial verb constructions (SVC's). You can spot a SVC when you have a verb immediately followed (i.e. no pause and no particle) by another verb. Usually a SVC has two verbs but occasionally you will come across one with three verbs.
'''dalnoban''' = a triangle < '''uban dalno'''
'''dalnogan''' = a square < '''egan dalno'''

<sup>*</sup>Well maybe not always. For example '''jompa gàu''' means "rub down" or "erode". Now this can be a transitive verb or an intransitive verb. For example ...
Note ... '''dailo''' is the usual word for square, '''dailo uzai''' would mean rectangle. However you might hear '''dalnogan''' in a mathematical context.

1) The river erodes the stone
'''dalnodan''' = a pentagon < '''odan dalno'''

2) The stone erodes
'''dalnolan''' = a hexagon < '''oilan dalno'''

With the transitive situation, the "river" is in no way going down, it is the stone. Cases where one of the verbs in a verb chain can have a different subject are limited to verbs such as erode (at least I think that now ??). Also the verbal noun for '''jompa gàu''' is not formed in the usual way for word building. Erosion = '''gaujompa'''
etc. etc.

'''gaujompa''' or '''gajompa''' a verb in its own right ... I suppose that this would happen given time ??

I work as a translator ??? ... I work '''sàu''' translator ??
a tetrahedron = '''daizlogan''' < '''egan daizlo''' (i.e. a foursome of facets)

"want" ... "intend" ... etc. etc. are never part of verb chains ??
a cube = '''daizlolan''' < '''oilan daizlo'''

Note ... '''dauzo''' is the usual word for cube, '''dauzo uzai''' would mean block. However you might hear '''daislolan''' in a mathematical context.

............... across & along & through
an octahedron = '''daizlozan''' < '''aizan daizlo'''

a dodecahedron = '''daizlojain''' < '''ajain daizlo'''

When in verb chains, these 3 verbs tend to be the main verb.
an icosahedron = '''daizlojaizan''' < '''ajaizan daizlo'''

'''kwèu''' = to cross, to go/come over

'''plèu''' = to follow, to go/come along
Note ... side as in flank is '''kebo''' ... face as in human/animal face is '''muka'''
'''cwá''' = to go/come through
'''komwe kwèu''' = to cross the road
'''komwe kwèu doika''' = to walk across the road
'''kwèu komwe doiki''' = to walk across a road
'''kwèu komwe doiki tə''' = to walk across a road (towards the speaker)
'''plèw''' and '''cwá''' follow the same pattern
Note ... some postpositions
'''komwe kwai''' = across the road = across a road
'''pintu cwai''' = through the door = along a road
Above are 2 postpositions ... derived from the participles '''kwewai''' and '''cwawai'''
'''komwe plewai''' = along the road

'''yildos''' = storehouse,barn, '''yildos yè''' = barns, '''yildos ú''' = all barns
'''seklas''' = a glass, '''seklas yè''' = glasses (<u>not</u> spectacles)
'''yè''' belongs to a small set of words that are never spelt out. They have a special "short hand" symbol. The '''yè''' symbol is shown below.
'''húa''' = head, '''húa yè''' = heads ..........[[Image:SW_72.png]]
The main derivation pathways
Derivational morphology often involves the addition of a derivational suffix or other affix. Such an affix usually applies to words of one lexical category (part of speech) and changes them into words of another such category. For example, the English derivational suffix -ly changes adjectives into adverbs (slow → slowly).
Examples of English derivational patterns and their suffixes:
*adjective-to-noun: -ness (slow → slowness)
*adjective-to-verb: -ize (modern → modernize)
*adjective-to-adjective: -ish (red → reddish)
*adjective-to-adverb: -ly (personal → personally)
*noun-to-adjective: -al (recreation → recreational)
*noun-to-verb: -fy (glory → glorify)
*verb-to-adjective: -able (drink → drinkable)
*verb-to-noun (abstract): -ance (deliver → deliverance)
*verb-to-noun (agent): -er (write → writer)
Derivation can be contrasted with inflection, in that derivation produces a new word (a distinct lexeme), whereas inflection produces grammatical variants of the same word.
Generally speaking, inflection applies in more or less regular patterns to all members of a part of speech (for example, nearly every English verb adds -s for the third person singular present tense), while derivation follows less consistent patterns (for example, the nominalizing suffix -ity can be used with the adjectives modern and dense, but not with open or strong).
Derivation can also occur without any change of form, for example telephone (noun) and to telephone. This is known as zero derivation. [ All the above from "wikipedia" under "linguistic derivation" ]
The diagram below shows the ten main derivational processes which are absolutely fundamental to the working of the language.
[Remember the base verb should be considered a noun]
Most nouns can be used as adjectives just by placing them directly after the noun they are qualifying. Like "school bus" in English. For example ...
'''pintu tìa''' = a/the door of the house
Also to indicate possession the possessee is usually just placed after the possessed.
'''tìa jono''' = John's house
(Actually there is a particle '''yó''' joining the possessed to the possessee ... however it is rarely used. '''yó''' is also a noun meaning possessions, '''yái''' an item possessed, '''yáu''' "to have")
"John's house" => '''tìa yó jono''' .... but more usually '''tìa jono'''
This is zero derivation and is marked as [[Image:TW_816.png]] in the above diagram.
'''gèu''' = green
'''+ gèu''' = the green one
'''?azwodus''' = lactose intolerant
'''+ ?azwodus''' = a/the lactose intolerant one
'''gèu''' = green
'''k+ gèu''' = the green ones
'''k+ gèu làu oila''' = six green ones
'''sadu''' = elephant
'''k+ sadu''' = elephant-kind
'''k+ sadu làu oila''' = six elephants ... well, it is legitimate to say this ... but '''oila sadu''' is so easier.
'''gèu''' = green
'''kuwai gèu''' = greenness
'''yubau''' = strong
'''yubako''' = to strengthen
'''pona''' = hot
'''ponako''' = to heat up
'''poma''' = kick (also means leg) .... '''pomora''' = He/she is kicking
'''pomako''' = to kick ..... NOW '''kaupa''' = leg ... '''kipa''' = kick
However if the base noun ends in '''n''' ...
'''kwofan''' = bicycle
'''gàu kwofan''' = to (do) bicycle
'''pazba yubara'''  "I am strengthening the table"
! pazba || yub-a-r-a
| table || strengthen-{{small|1SG-IND-PRES}} 
'''ponara moze'''  "I am heating up some water"
! pon-a-r-a || moze
|  "heat up"-{{small|1SG-IND-PRES}} || water
'''tunheun kwofanaru''' "I will bicycle to the townhall"
! tunheu-n || kwofan-a-r-u
| townhall-{{small|DAT}} || bicycle-{{small|1SG-IND-FUT}} 
This will be covered in detail in the next chapter. However here is a quick example ...
'''solbara moze'''  "I am drinking water"
! solb-a-r-a || moze
| drink-{{small|1SG-IND-PRES}} || water
from the verb base '''solbe''' "to drink"
-'''s''', -'''n''', -'''a''', -'''o''' take -'''is''', all other endings take -'''s''' (including -'''ia''' and -'''ua''')
'''saco''' = fast, '''sacois''' = quickly
'''pudus''' = timid (of an animal), '''puduʒis''' = timidly
'''yubau''' = strong, '''yubaus''' = strongly
For [7] and [8] if the root that is to be transformed is monosyllabic, then we need -'''ko''' as well as -'''r'''-. For example ...
'''bàu''' = man
'''bauko''' = to man (exact same meaning as in English)
'''baukara téu dí''' = I am manning this position.
'''gèu''' = green
'''geuko''' = to make green
'''geukara pazba dí''' = I am painting this table green
You can say, that for monosyllabic words [7] = [5] + [9] and  [8] = [6] + [9].
Unadorned adjective can be used as nouns in many situations. Similar happens in many languages. For example ... '''klár gèu''' is ambiguous.
To disambiguate => '''klár kuwai gèu''' "I like greenness"  /  '''klár k+ gèu''' "I like the green ones" /  '''klár + gèu''' "I like the green one"

The remaining two transformations shown on the diagram are for verbalization. Actually the affix -'''ko''' is added to all adjectives or nouns in order to make a verb. However in one circumstance this affix is not needed. This is for the '''r'''-form based on a multi-syllable adjective or noun. For example ...


'''pazba yubaku''' = strengthen the table (a command)

.............. here and there
'''pazba yubakis''' = you should strengthen the table


'''awata''' = to wonder
'''ponaku moze''' = heat up some water  (a command)
'''jaŋka awata''' = to run around

............. bring and take
'''ponakos moze''' = he/she should heat up some water


'''kli.o''' = a knife

'''kli.o ʔáu jə''' = to take the knife away

'''kli.o ʔáu tə''' = to bring the knife

'''ʔáu kli.o jə''' = to take a knife away
'''bauku téu dí''' = man this position  (a command)

'''kli.o uʔau jə nə jono''' = take the knife and go give to John
'''baukos téu dí''' = he/she should man this position

'''kli.o uʔau tə nə jono''' = bring the knife and give to John

If however the knife was already in the 2nd person's hand, you would say ...

'''ute nə jono kli.o''' = come and give john the knife ... or ...
'''naike''' = sharp : '''naikeko''' = to sharpen

'''ute nə kli.o jonon''' = come and give the knife to john
'''keŋkia''' = salty : '''keŋkiko''' = to add salt  ... when the adjective ends is a diphthong (and is non-monosylabic) the last vowel is dropped.

Note ... the rules governing the 3 participants in a "giving", are exactly the same as English. Even to the fact that if you drop the participant you must include '''jowe''' which means away. For example ...
'''keŋkikara''' = "I am adding salt"  .... note <u>not</u> '''*keŋkara''' ... this is because '''keŋkia''' is a derived word.

'''nari klogau tí jowe''' = I gave my shoes away.
'''sài''' = colour : '''saiya''' = colourful : '''saiwa''' = colourless : '''saiko''' = to paint (maybe via '''*saiyako''')
Note ... In arithmetic '''ʔaujoi''' mean "to subtract" or "subtraction" : '''ledo''' means "to add" or "addition".
Note ... when somebody gives something "to themselves", '''tiye''' = must always be used, no matter its position.


The motion termini
Note ... -'''ko''' is possibly an eroded version of '''gàu''' ( "to do" or "to make" ).

Note ... There seems to be a method of deriving a two place verb from a one place verb by affixing -'''n'''. For example ... '''diadia''' = "to happen" : '''diadian''' = "to cause". While this mechanism is seen all over the language I have not mentioned it in the chart above. This is because I consider it non-productive. I count '''daidia''' and '''diadian''' both as base words. In a similar way that English speakers consider "rise" and "raise" independent words, "lie" and "lay" independent words and "sit" and "set" independent words.
'''día''' = arrive / reach
'''cùa''' leave / depart
The question about these is "how do they differ from -'''n''' and -'''fi''' ?"
The answer is that -'''n''' and -'''fi''' can sometimes mean "towards" and "away from".
'''día'''  and  '''cùa''' always mean "until" / "up to" / "all the way to" and "all the way from"
Also note that -'''n''' and -'''fi''' have a slightly more abstract usage ... for example -'''n''' indicated the dative for '''náu''' (to give) or '''bwinau''' (to show) etc. etc.


== ... Other Verb Chains==
== ... Intensifiers==
....... for and against


HELP = to help, assist, support
'''gompa''' = to hinder, to be against, to oppose
FIGHT = to fight
FIGHT '''jonotu''' = to fight with john ......... john is present and fighting

FIGHT HELP ''' jono''' = to fight for John ... john is present but maybe not fighting
Remember earlier in this chapter, we mentioned the numerative slot (for the '''senko'''). To recap, this slot can contain ...

FIGHT '''jonoji''' = to fight for John ...........probably john not fighting and not present
'''''' "plural" ... '''aʔa''' "one" ... '''ima''' "two" ... '''uya''' "three" ... '''iyo''' "few" ... '''eja''' "four" ... '''ofa''' "five" ..... up to ..... '''afaufaifa''' "215<sub>10</sub> ... '''hài''' "many"and '''ú''' "all"

FIGHT '''gompa jono''' = to fight against John
Below is show how '''hài''' and '''iyo''' divide up the semantic space of quantity(intensity).


.......... to change


'''lái''' = to change
Now all '''saidau'''(adjectives) can be affixed by -'''ge''' to form the comparative'''*''' form. For example ...

'''kwèu''' = to turn
'''bàu jutu''' = "the big man" : '''bàu jutuge''' = "the bigger man"

'''lái sàu''' = to change into, to become
This affix can also be used with the numbers ...

'''kwèu sàu''' = to turn into
'''juge''' "more than zero", '''a?age''' "more than one" : '''image''' "more than two" .... up to '''afaufaifage''' "more than 215<sub>10</sub>'''**'''

The above 2 mean exactly the same
Now -'''ge''' can also be affixed to '''iyo''' letting us fill in every box of the chart given above ... [[Image:TW_789.png]]
Note ...
paint'''ori pintu nelau''' = he has painted a blue door
paint'''ori pintu ʃìa nelau''' = he has painted a door blue


??? How does this mesh in with clauses starting with "want", "intend", "plan" etc. etc. ... SEE THAT BOOK BY DIXON ??
Now when attached to '''saidau''', -'''ge''' gives a relative value (i.e. you are comparing one thing with another). However when -'''ge''' is attached to a numbers you get an absolute value (i.e. you are not comparing the modified item with anything).

??? How does this mesh in with the concepts ...  
When you want to compare two items as to their numerative value, you must use the particle '''yú'''.

"start", "stop", "to bodge", "to no affect", "scatter", "hurry", "to do accidentally" etc.etc. ... SEE THAT BOOK ON DYIRBAL BY DIXON
(The word '''yú''' and the suffix -'''ge''' both can be translated as "more", however '''yú''' only qualifies nouns and -'''ge''' only qualifies adjectives)

'''jonos byór yú klogau jenewo''' = "John has more pairs of shoes than Jane"

== ... IA and UA==
'''?ár yú halmai''' = "I want more apples"

'''?ár hài halmai''' = "I want a lot of apples" or "I want many apples"
{| border=1
  |align=center| '''ìa'''
  |align=left| to finish, to complete
  |align=center| '''úa'''
  |align=left| to run out, to be exhausted, to be used up


The first one being a transitive verb and the second one an intransitive verb.
Now a number can immediately follow ''''''. For example ...
Two fundamental concepts ... needed ever since humans started doing complex tasks and since humans started storing stuff for later use.
These two, as well as appearing in their "r-form" also appear as sentence final particles which could be analized as the final verb of a verb chains. Their forms are slightly irregular, but '''''' could be imagined as the i-form that '''ìa''' would take and '''wə''' could be imagined as the i-form that '''úa''' would take. These particles always appear to the extreme right of a sentence (but left of the '''@''' particle). In the script, they are represented as simply '''y''' and '''w'''.
I finished building the house => '''(pás) nambo bundari yə'''
She finished off the cake => CAKE '''humpori wə'''

Notice that in the first example the object is fully formed (fully appeared) hence ''''''. In the second example the object has fully disappeared hence  '''wə'''.
'''?ár yú léu halma''' = "I want three more apples"

In some situations, either '''''' or '''''' would be appropriate.
'''yár yú halmai jenewo''' = "I have more apples than Jane" ....... [ note ... '''halma''' with '''léu''' but '''halmai''' with '''yú''' ]
For example "I finished reading the book" ... here the "pages to be read" have disappeared, but the "read pages" are at a maximum.


[[Image:TW_548.png]] => '''(pás) nambo bundari yə'''  
To indicate "less" ... use ''''''. For example ...

'''jenes yór wì halmai pawo''' = "Jane has less apples than me"

There does not seem to be any diachronic connection with the two affixes ('''ia''' and '''ua''') which turn nouns into adjectives.
'''jenes yór wì hói halma pawo''' = "Jane has two less apples than me" .... but it would sound better to rephrase these as ...

'''kloga''' = shoe : '''klogia''' = shod : '''klogua''' = unshod, shoeless
'''yár yú halmai jenewo''' = "I have more apples than Jane" : '''yár yú hói halmai jenewo''' = "I have two more apples than Jane"
So it seems that any hint of semantic familiarity is just due to co-incidence.
'''yə''' and '''wə''' would be the i-form of the verbs '''yái''' "to have" and '''wòi''' "to think" (check this one out ???) but as these never participate in verb chains, there is no confusion.


Actually ... what would actually constitite the O argument of  '''ìa''' is worth discussing.
'''*'''The affix -'''mo''' is the superlative for adjectives. When joined to '''hài''' and '''iyo''' ... we get "the majority" '''haimo''' and "the minority" '''iyomo'''
There is always some underlying verb being referenced by  '''ìa''' even though it is not expressed.
'''nambo ia.iri @''' = have you finished the house ? ... here the underlying verb is '''bunda''' "to build"
And as another example ...

CAKE '''ia.iri @''' = have you finished the cake ? ... actually here we have two possible underlying verbs : '''gàu''' "to make" or '''humpa''' "to eat" ...  the one which is appropriate would be known from the background knowledge of the situation.
'''**'''Note ... the words '''noge''', '''haige''' and '''uge''' do not exist.
You could analyse  '''ìa''' as
1) Always having a complement clause as O argument (with the '''maŋɡa''' usually dropped because it is so predictable.
2) Sometimes having a noun as O argument, and sometimes having a complement clause as O argument.
If analysis (1) is accepted, then '''ìa''' is the only verb that doesn't ... sometimes ... take a noun as its O argument.
Using R.M.W. Dixon's terminology ... '''ìa''' would be the only SECONDARY VERB'''*''' in the language of '''béu'''.
Actually in this case I think there is no benefit in analyzing  '''ìa'''  as (1) or (2). I know this leaves things a bit messy ... i.e. "pehaps there is only one SECONDARY VERB in '''béu'''. But one of the characteristics of natlangs is that they ARE messy. Think of '''ìa''' as my tribute to the messiness of natural languages :-)
[ As there is no benefit in analyzing an electron as either a particle alone or a wave alone. I find it a bit baffling to hear linguists arguing at length over ... say ... what is the "head" of a prepositional phrase is. "head" is just a construct to make it easy for linguists to talk about languages ... unfortunately it is part of the human psyche to believe that if you have a name for something, then that something must exist ... but I am digressing a bit here. ]
'''*''' This term is explained in "Complementation, a cross-linguistic typology" by Dixon and Aikhenvald.

Line 2,130: Line 2,408:

How these two particles impinge on the "perfect" aspects is worth discussing also.
Above we have talked about numeratives and in detail about how to quantify '''senko'''.
The first example I used was ...
I finished building the house => '''(pás) nambo bundari yə'''
Perhaps in English it would be more usual to say "I have built the house" rather than "I finished building the house"
Now in '''béu''' ... "I have built the house" => '''(pás) nambo bundare''' ... which should we use ?
OK ... '''béu''' is a bit more "finely-grained" than most natural languages when it comes to shades of meaning on the verb.

Try not and worry about the distinction between the perfect aspect and the use of these "completive particles" too much.
Below we will touch on how other categories of words have their own intensifiers ...
But here are some pointers to get the proper shade of meaning.
1) If you want to emphasis the state of the object ... use a "completive particle".
2) If you want to emphasize the knowledge (experience) of the subject ... use the perfect aspect.
3) If you want to show "current state" of whatever ... use the perfect aspect. Especially with intransitive verbs ... (because, of course, there is no object that you can emphasize).
Some examples ... 
'''wiske solbori wə''' => "he drank the whiskey up" or "he has drunk the whiskey" ... EMPHASIS => "the whiskey is finished"
'''solbore wiske''' => "he has drunk whiskey" .... EMPHASIS => "He has experienced drinking whiskey"


== ... Consequence Couplets==


These have different from verb chains .... they are semantically different and have a different form.
'''hài bàu''' = many men
Semantically ...

1) The second verb is a consequence of the first verb.
'''moze hè''' = a lot of water

2) The O argument of the first verb is the S argument of the second verb .... well they would be if it was written out the long way as two connected clauses.

The form ...
'''hè''' also can qualify verbs. As with normal adverbs, if it doesn't immediately follow the verb it must take the form '''hewe'''.

1) Whereas with a verb chain, the first verb is in its r-form and subsequent verbs are in i-form, here the second verb is in r-form ... (one can never have more than two verbs in a Consequence Couplets)'''*'''
(Note to self : I can't think of a reason you would want to separate '''''' from its verb)
2) The first verb ends in the schwa, whether mono-syllabic or poly-syllabic.

3) Although written as two words, they must always be adjacent ... that is, no argument can come between the two verbs.
'''glá doikori hè''' = the woman walked a lot

Example .... bla, bla, bla ....
'''hewe glá doikori''' = the woman walked a lot

'''báus timpori glá hewe''' = the man hit a woman a lot

'''*'''Although a Consequence Couplets can appear in a verb chain ... EXAMPLE ???
And also can intensify '''manga''' and '''mangas'''

Note ... '''ia''' and '''ua''' that we covered in the previous section are a bit strange ... semantically they are Consequence Couplets but formally they are verb chains.
'''solbe hè moze''' = "to drink a lot of water"

'''solbe moze hè''' = "to drink a lot of water"

== ... The Copula==
The above two forms are equally likely to be found. There is a difference in meaning but you would be a real nitpicker to worry about that.


The three components of a copular clause have a strict order. The same order as English in fact. Also the copula subject is always unmarked.
'''saidau''' and '''saidaun''' are both intensified by '''sowe''' ...  
The copula is '''sàu'''.
However the indicative mood is not derived from the infinitive in the usual method.
For the indicative usually the first 3 slots are mandory (with aotist = null ??)
But for '''sàu''' things are radically different. The '''àu''' is deleted as before ... but here the initial '''s''' is also dropped. Also slot 1 is empty. The first part of the copula in indicative mood is '''r'''.
If we have the aortist tense, then '''r''' is the complete copula.
It is a clitic attached the the last vowel of the copula subject (however it is always written as a seperate word). For example ....
'''tomo r tumu''' = Thomas is stipid
It takes the tone of the copula subject (if the copula subject has one).
If the copula subject ends in a consonant, a schwa is inserted before the '''r''' (however this schwa is not represented in the writing system). For example ...
'''géus r solki''' = the green one is smoothe
In this case '''r''' has a neutral tone.
However for the indicative copula in any tense other than aortist has its own full vowel and hence retains the tone of the original '''sàu'''. For example ...
'''jene gáu rìs hauʔe''' = "They say old Jane used to be beautiful"
'''rìs''' above is not a clitic but an independent word.
Also note that for copular clauses, the subject pronoun can never be dropped, because the pronoun information is gone (that is there is no component to the left of the "r").

'''wài r wikai tè nù r yubau''' = "we are weak but they are strong"
'''jutu sowe''' = "very big"

'''ʃì r''' broken = "it is broken"  
'''jutun sowe''' = "the very big one"


Notice that '''mangan''' and '''saidaun''' can take two intensifiers ...
Often the O argument of a V2 is dropped if it is considered too trivial be to worth bothering about. For example '''solbe''' (to drink) is a transitive verb but often the O argument can be unceremoniously dropped. The copula subject in certain situations is also dropped. These situations largely correspond to when English used the dummy subject "it". The reason for dropping the copula subject is almost the mirror image with respect to the dropping of the O argument. Whereas the O argument is thought too "trivial" or "predictable" the dropped copula subject is thought "all encompassing" or "so obvious that no need to mention it".
In these situations ... '''sòr''' (or occasionally '''sùr''') is used.
Often used for talking about the weather (as in English).
This construction is used in particular with the words '''neʒi''', '''boʒi''', '''fain''' and '''aufain'''.
'''neʒi''' ... an adjective = "necessary" ...  '''neʒis''' = a necessity
'''boʒi''' ... an adjective = "best" .... '''boʒis''' = the optimum ... '''boʒizgan''' = calculus ??
'''fàin''' ... an adjective = "fitting", "appropriate", "a good"(course of action)
and of course '''ufain''' is the opposite of '''fain'''. So ... for example ...
'''sòr neʒi tà ....''' = "you need to ..."
'''sòr boʒi tà ....''' = "best if you ..."
'''sòr fàin tà ....''' = "you had better ..."
xxxxxx which method is the best ??
'''ʃì r neʒi tà ....''' = "you need to ..."
'''ʃì r boʒi tà ....''' = "best if you ..."
'''ʃì r fàin tà ....''' = "you had better ..."
[the copula would be '''sùr''' if two course of action were being proposed]
Now these three have a pretty fine degree of distinction between their meanings.
Of course people will not always pick the absolute correct word for every occasion. But there are nuances of meaning between the 3 words ...
'''fàin''' should be used when the advantage that the proposed course of action brings, is for the benefit of a third party and/or the proposed course of action will be approved of by society at large.
'''boʒi''' should be used when the benefits of the proposed course of action is mainly to the speaker or the speakee.
'''neʒi''' ... when followed by a clause in the past or perfect tense, means that from things apparent now, the course of action contained in the clause, must have happened in the past [i.e.  so it is not a hundred miles away from the '''n''' evidential in the verb train]. When followed by a clause in the aortist or future tense ... then the meaning is not a hundred miles away from the modal sentences introduced by '''yái''' or '''byó'''.
And we have one other word that is commonly used with the above construction. That is '''maible'''. For example ...
'''sòr maible tà ....''' = "it's possible that ..."
'''sòr maible hè tà ....''' = "it's probable that ..."

Of course this usage is equivalent to using the particles '''màs''' and '''lói'''. The copula construction would be used when the main point of the utterance is to indicate the probability. '''màs''' and '''lói''' are used when the probability information is just an optional extra that was thrown in.
'''hài solben hè wiski''' = the many times a lot of whisky was drink ... '''hài solben hè wiski hí pà''' = the many times I have drunk a lot of whisky

In careful speach the copula is retained in the above constructions. However in rapid informal speech, you will hear the copula dropped also.
'''hài gèun sowe''' = the many very green ones


There is another verb that also looses its subject for the same reason. '''yái''' is a normal V2 in every respect [i.e. its A argument takes the s-marker, it can be put in the passive form] apart from the fact that when its subject is missing it acts as an existential verb. For example ...
We will take about the opposite of intensifiers and other quantifiers in a later chapter. These are a lot rarer. The intensifiers are the ones most commonly used.
'''yór dèus''' = "there is a God", "God exists"
This is negated by negating the noun rather than negating the verb. For example ...
'''yór jù dèus''' = "there is no God", "God doesn't exists" .... not .. '''*yorj dèus'''
This existential construction often has a location incorporated into it. For example ...
'''yór yiŋki hè swedenʔi''' = "there are many attractive girls in Sweden" ... [the word here order is fixed].
The above means pretty much the same is the copula sentence ...
'''yiŋki hè r swedenʔi''' ... [and remember, all copula sentences are fixed word order].
Which in turn means pretty much the same as the normal transitive clause ...
'''swedenes yór yiŋki hè''' ... [free word order]


Latest revision as of 20:57, 7 August 2020

TW 415.png Welcome to béu

..... Person/Tense/Evidence


Also called the r-form or the indicative.


To make a verb in the indicative mood, you must first deleted the final vowel from the base form. Then add affixes that indicate "agent", "indicative mood", "tense", "evidentiality" and "perfectness". We will refer to these as slots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. All these affixes together are known as the verb tail. The "agent", "indicative mood", "tense" are mandatory ... however one tense, the aortist is a null morpheme.


... Seven Persons


Slot 1 is for the agent ..

One of the 7 vowels below is must be added. These indicate the doer..

TW 109.png

Notice that there are 2 entries that represent the 1st person plural subject (i.e. we). The top one represents first person inclusive and the bottom one represents first person exclusive.

Some people might have difficulty remembering whether to use ai or au. The diagram below might help some ...


SW 08.png ............... SW 09.png


Mathematically it is as if ... ai = me + you ... and ... au = me + they ....... (sort of)

The vowels of the first person plural inclusive pronoun magi are reflected in the infix -ai-.

As are the vowels of the first person plural exclusive pronoun manu reflected in the infix -au-.


Note that the ai form is used when you are talking about generalities ... the so called "impersonal form" ... English uses "you" or "one" for this function.

The above defines the "person" of the verb. Then follows an "r" which indicates the word is an verb in the indicative mood. For example ...

doika = to walk

doikar = I walk

doikair and doikaur = we walk

doikir = you walk

doiker = you walk

doikor = he/she/it walks

doikur = they walk


... The R-form


One mood


Slot 2 is for the indicative mood marker.


At this point we must introduce a new sound and a new letter.

TW 355.png

This letter has not been mentioned so far because it doesn't occur in any words as such. It only occurs in grammatical suffixes and it indicates the indicative mood.

If you hear an "r" you know you are hearing the main verb of a clause.


... Five Tenses


Slot 3 is for tense markers. There are 5 tense markers in béu


1) *doikaro => doikar = I walk (habitually)

This could be called "the open tense" ... timewise there are no limits to an action marked in this way. Also called "the timeless tense". A sort of habitual tense. Often used for generic statements. For example ...

ngur jwadoi = "birds fly"

Actually you can say this tense has an underlying o which appears again if there is an n or s in slot 4.

2) doikaru = I will walk

This is the future tense

3) doikari = I walked

This is the past tense. This means that the action was done before today (by the way ... the béu day starts at 6 in the morning).

4) doikare = I walked

This is the near-past tense. This means that the action was done earlier on today (a good memory aid is to remember that e is the same vowel as in the English word "day")

5) doikara = I am walking

This is the present tense ... it means that the action is ongoing at the time of speaking.


It can be seen that béu is more fine-grained, tense-wise than most of the world's languages ... and


... Evidentials


Two Evidentials


Slot 4 can have one of the evidential markers a, a, n, s or it can be empty. Actually the first a defines the subjects attitute rather than any evidentiality, however all 4 are usually just called evidential markers.


There are three markers that cites on what evidence the speaker is saying what he is saying. However it is not mandatory to stipulate on what evidence you are saying what you are saying. In fact most occurrences of the indicative verb do not have an evidence marker.

The markers are as follows ...

1) -n

For example ... doikorin = "I guess that he walked" ... That is the speaker worked it out from circumstances/clues observed.

I will mention waron here. It means "I think so" and is nearly as common an answer as aiwa "yes"

2) -s

For example ... doikoris = "They say he walked" ....... That is the speaker was told by some third party(ies) or overheard some third party(ies) talking.

3) -a

For example ... doikoria = "he walked, I saw him" ...... That is the speaker saw it with his own eyes.

Note that the above evidential only co-occurs with the past tense and near-past tense. Actually when used with the near-past tense, *ea => ia so the distinction between "past" and "near-past" is lost for this evidential.

Now there is a forth possibility for this slot ... and it is not actually an evidintial. Furthermore it has the same form as 3).

4) -a

For example ... doikorua = "he intends to walk" ... the agent in this case must be a sentient being of course.

This evidential marker only co-occurs with the future tense.

If the speaker doesn't know the evidential or deems it unimportant then this slot can be left empty. According to corpus studies in béu, 60% - 70% of r-form have nothing in this slot.


So the complete verb prefix system is ...

TW 980.png


It can be seen that the béu evidentiality inventory is quite substantial compared to other languages ...

Also it appears that 4 or 5 categories being appended to the verb is typical of languages of the world. See ... [If I have understood the chapter properly]


... For brevity


We have seen that in the verb tail, o is not pronounced if it comes final (the aortist tense).

The reason for this is brevity of speech.

For brevity of writng, every occurrence of o is not written (in the verb tail). For example ...


TW 795.png


... Probability/Aspect/Negation


We have already covered the 4 slots for "agent", r, "tense" and "evidentiality" at the end of the verb. As well as the nuances given by these suffixes, there are particles which add further information to the basic verb. These are called (near-standers ?). These particles occur in three pre-verbal slots.

The two particles in the first slot show probability.

The seven particles in the second slot have to do with aspect in some way. Aspect can be tricky.

In the third slot, only one particle : the negating particle .


... Two probability particles


SW 051.png


lói = probably

màs = possibly

If nothing is in this slot, one assumes probability is 100% ... the option to challenge the underlying premise is never really considered.

The probability distribution for lói centres around 85 %.

The probability distribution for màs centres around 50 %.

One can indicate a probability distribution centred around 15 % by using lói + . For example ... lói bù doikor = He/she probably doesn't walk.


... Two habituality particles


SW 052.png


Every verb can be considered to have a default probability distribution over time.

TW 984.png .... By the way, don't worry too much about the time scale in these sketched.


timpa and nko have very simple default probability shapes. But the typical (possible) probability distribution for kludau toili is more complicated.


SW 001.png

Likewise the typical (possible) probability distribution for bunda tìa.

We can group all verbs into 3 classes occording to their probability distribution over time.

1) Punctual event ... timpa

2) Steady state ....... nko

3) Process ............ kludau toili or bunda tìa

Now every verb (actually "very situation" would be more acurate) have a range of typical probability distributions associated with them. However the béu aspect markers IMPOSE a typical probability distributions on any verb they touch.

For example the particle awa imposes a probability distribution quite similar to kludau toili on ANY verb that it come in contact with.

awa* gives a "habitual but irregular" (maybe best translated as "now and again" or "occasionally" or even "not usually") meaning to the verbal block.

The particle bolbo* is similar to awa in a way. However it implies quite a bit of regularity. Maybe the regularity implied by ...

TW 985.png

bolbo gives a "habitual and regular" (best translated as "normally" or "usually" or "regularly") meaning to the verbal block.


We saw earlier that of the five tenses. The first is a sort of habitual tense. For example ...

doikar = I walk (with a sort of habitual meaning) ... OR ... I can walk (with a sort of potential meaning)

beucar = I am sick ... OR ... I am prone to sickness

So we have a sort of habitual meaning without needing to use either awa or bolbo.

However, if we wanted to restrict the habitualness to either the past or the future, awa or bolbo is needed. For example ...

bolbo doikari = I used to walk (to school)

awa beucaru = I will be sick (when I start the chemotherapy)

awa or bolbo most often co-occur with tense (2) and tense (3). It is quite rare to have the right circumstances to use awa or bolbo with the other three tenses.


* awa is possibly related to the verb awata which means "to wander". bolbo is possibly related to the verb bolbolo which means "to roll". [by the way boloi means "to turn over" (as in "to turn over a mat"). boloi also means revolution [ boloi peugan means "social revolution" or boloi tun means "political revolution" ... i.e. the French Revolution ]. gwò is possibly related to the verb gwói which means "to pass (by)".


... Three aspect particles


Three aspect and a negating particle


SW 053.png


With the three particles pín, gwò and juku, the fifth tense (present tense) never co-occurs.


Maybe the best way to approach pín and gwò is to consider process verb like "read the book" or "build a house" *

Well you could say ...

bù bundar tìa = "I don't build houses" ... which would put you out of the running.

But if you said bundar tìa ... and you were expected to build a house, one of the following might be applicable ...

1) hogi bù bundar tìa = I still haven't started to build the house

2) pín bundar tìa = I am in the process of building a house

3) gwò bundar tìa = I have built the house

It is (2) and (3) we are interested in at the moment.

Notice that bù bundara tìa = "I am not building a house" can be true when (2) is true. Remember that tense 5 refers to the EXACT time of speaking.

SW 056.png


In English, it is a bit of a mouthful to say "I am in the process of building a house". So you can see that pín is a useful little particle when you want to be specific in this particular situation. However pín is the rarest out of pín, gwò and juku.

[Is pín also a preposition meaning during ... preceding a noun which is a period of time ?]


Lets talk about gwò now.

As we can see in (3), gwò is linked to the idea of completion. It is also linked to the idea of having done something at least once (to have "experienced" some action, in other words). For example ...

gwò jàr glasgoh = "I've been to Glasgow" as opposed to jari glasgoh = I went to Glasgow

As I said above, the present tense never co-occurs with pín, gwò and juku. However the other 3 tenses are possible ...

gwò jaru glasgoh = I will have been to Glasgow

gwò jari glasgoh = I had been to Glasgow (with reference time sometime before today)

gwò jare glasgoh = I had been to Glasgow (with reference time earlier today)

gwò could be called an experiential/resultative perfect. béu also has a resultative perfect expressed with the copula sàu and the suffix -in.

The aspect distinctions available in béu are pretty fine-grained in some areas. Maybe if béu were to become a natlang, many of the fine-grain distinctions I have given it would fall by the wayside.


And now it's time to introduce juku. When gwò expresses the experiential idea (as it does above) juku expresses the non-experiential idea ...

juku jare glasgoh = I had never been to Glasgow (with reference time, earlier today)

juku jari glasgoh = I had never been to Glasgow (with reference time, before today)

juku jaru glasgoh = I will never go to Glasgow (with reference time, before today)

juku like gwò is most often referenced to NOW. Hence ...

juku jàr glasgoh = I have never been to Glasgow.


It is useful to compare the usage of juku against the usage of .This can best be explained by taking a punctual verb such as timpa. For example, suppose we were discussing "John hitting Paul yesterday afternoon". That particular instance of "hitting" can be negated with . However suppose it is wished to widen what is negated. Suppose that you want to say that there has been no instances of "John hitting Paul" (up until the present time of course), then you would use juku to negate the proposition. This is equivalent to "never" in English and I consider it an aspect particle.

jonos polo bù timpori = John did not hit Paul

jonos polo juku timpori = John never hit Paul .... Notice that both timpori or timpore could be used. It depends upon what has been said before.

is purely negation. It has no aspect to it.

[Note 1 ... The way juku negates gwò keeping the same aspect is similar to the way 没 méi (or 没有 méiyǒu) negates 了 le the perfect aspect particle, in Mandarin. 不 [bù] not being involved, just as isn't involved in béu. ]

[Note 2 ... One little thing you should be aware off. I have equated juku with "never". Taking more strictly it should be equated with "have never". Let me expand on this ...

a) "he has never worked" => juku kodor.

b) "he doesn't work" or "he never works" => bù kodor .... in this one "never" in English is equivalent to the timeless tense plus the normal negator ... juku doesn't make an appearance ]


So to restate the béu aspect system ...

juku kludar toili dè = I have never read that book ... not one word

pín kludar toili dè = I have not completed that book (but I have read some of it)

gwò kludar toili dè = I have read that book .............. every word

It is not really felicitous to say *bù kludar toili dè. However if you dropped the object, then bù kludar is acceptable.

bù kludar => "I don't read" or "I never read" or even "I can't read" [This can be regarded as an event with a probability distribution over time, similar to nko. That is it is a sort of generic steady state event. For these sort of events is the normal negator]

"I don't intend to read this book" would be bù kludarua toili dè [And I think that exhausts everything I could want to do regarding "a/the book"]

In a similar way constructions like "horses never fly" *kài fanfa juku ngur are frowned upon. "horses don't fly" kài fanfa bù ngur is considered more felicitous.


To restate the system yet again** ...

gwò kodor he has worked juku kodor he has never worked
gwò kodori he had worked juku kodori he had never worked
gwò kodore he has worked (earlier today) juku kodore he hasn't worked (so far) today
gwò kodoru he will have worked juku kodoru he will never have worked


These three aspect particles also occur quite frequently in fronted adverb clauses. In these, pín, gwò or juku are followed by an base form (plus any other bits and pieces relevant to the clause), then the main clause follows. English has similar. Here are three examples from English, illustrating the possible uses of these fronted adverb clauses ...

1a) pín doika ...  : Walking dejectedly home, Peter noticed a sudden movement in the hedgerow.

1b) tìa pà pín bunda, I HAD TO LOOK AFTER TWO DAUGHTERS

2a) gwò doika ...  : Having walked all the way home in the rain, Peter was ready for a hot bath and a cosy night in, in front of the TV.

2b)gwò TO TAKE CITY, HE BURNT IT : urbem captem incendit

3) juku jò ...  : Never having gone to Casablanca before, Peter soon got lost in a warren of small streets just north of the Bazaar.

These type of fronted adverb clauses are considered good style. One comes across them quite often. Notice that the tense of the whole sentence is determined by the main clause.


Note ... pín can also stand before a noun, a noun that represents a period of time. In which case it means "during". Or is can stand before a base verb, in which case it is equivalent to "while" or "during". Or it can appear in an active predicate, where it specifies a certain aspect type.


NOTE TO SELF ... does pín cover all occurrences of "while" and "when" in English ?


* I do not consider "read" and "build" in themselves to be process verbs, they are sort of open-ended affairs. But for "read the book" and "build a house" there is a definite completion time ... and completion state, implied.

** You can't have too much of a good thing.


... Aspectual operators


Two overlapping-action particles


SW 054.png


I call ʔés and hogi "overlap words".

Sometimes referred to as "aspectual operators" or "aspectual particles" in the Western Linguistic Tradition.

Most languages have equivalents to these two particles ...


English already still
German schon noch
French déjà encore
Mandarin yîjing hái
Dutch al nog
Russian uže eščë
Serbo-Croatian već još
Finnish jo vielä
Swedish redan än(nu)
Indonesian sudah masih
béu ʔés hogi


hogi indicates ...

1) An activity is ongoing.

2) The activity must stop some time in the future, possibly quite soon.

3) There is a certain expectation* that the activity should have stopped by now.

ʔés indicates ...

1) An activity is ongoing.

2) The activity was not ongoing some time in the past, possibly quite recently.

3) There is a certain expectation* that the activity should not have started yet.


* Inevitably a connotation of "contrary to expectation" will develope to a certain degree. This is because if the situation was according to expectation often nothing would need be utterred. Hence hogi and ʔés are often found in contrary to expectation situation which in turn colours their meaning.


SW 046.png


A very interesting thing about the overlap couplet is how they are negated cross-linguisticly. Either the particle can be negated or the verb can be negated. The first case I represent with a bar over the operator+verb. The second case with a bar over the verb only.

Notice ... compared to the positive case, if the operator+verb is negated ... the line that represents onset/cessation of activity is moved to the other side of the dashed line representing "now".

Notice ... compared to the positive case, if the verb is negated ... then the yellow place becomes white and the white space becomes yellow.


SW 007.png .... TW 996.png


As you see by above ... by changing whether the negator act on the operator+verb or whether only on the verb give diametrically opposite meanings.

Note that there are 4 possible negative cases to choose from and a language only needs 2. A language (to cover all negative cases) should be either "(a) (b) type" or "(c) (d) type" or " (a) (c) type" or "(b) (d) type"

Cross linguistically there are interesting variations. All Slavic languages prefer verb negation, hence they are (c) (d) types.

In German, only (a) and (c) are allowed in positive declarations.

Nahuatl has negation of the operator so is (a) (b) type.

English is a bit tricky ... it has suppletion and uses "not yet" for situation (c) and "no longer" for situation (d). Now in English "yet" means pretty much the same as "still". I believe "yet" was the original particle but "still" over time largely usurped it in the positive case. However the form "not yet" ... if taken at face value would seem to negate the operator. But it doesn't. Logically it would make more sense if we said "yet not" instead of "not yet" [i.e. we have situation (c) rather than (b)]. I am sure there is a perfectly good explanation for this reversal but unfortunately I do not know it ... anyway ... nothing to worry about too much. [ The form "not work yet" seems more logical in its word order ... how can "not" in "not yet work" have "work" under its scope but not "yet" ... but apparently that is the way it works ]

In béu, negates the verb and comes immediately before the verb. It has scope only over the verb, rather than the whole verb phrase.

hogi kod-a-r-a dían
still work-1SG-IND-PRES here

==> I am still working here

ʔés kod-a-r-a dían
already work-1SG-IND-PRES here

==> I already work here

hogi kod-a-r-a dían
still not work-1SG-IND-PRES here

==> I don't work here yet

ʔés kod-a-r-a dían
already not work-1SG-IND-PRES here

==> I no longer work here

However although hogi bù and ?é bù are possible, they are rarely encountered. Usually the terms jù dìa and uhoge are used. The provenance of these two terms is interesting ...

means zero and is also used for negating nouns. dìa is a verb with quite a norrow meaning. It is what the sun does when it is revealing itself first thing in the morning.

I guess jù dìa is an idiomatic expression.

means "long" [not to be confused with the 13th pila?o). hoge means "longer". So uhoge means "no longer".

So the actual system for these two negatives are ...

jù dìa kod-a-r-a dían
"not yet" work-1SG-IND-PRES here

==> I don't work here yet

uhoge kod-a-r-a dían
"no longer" work-1SG-IND-PRES here

==> I no longer work here

These operators are usually used to specify overlap with present time ... (I call the present time, NOW, in the diagrams). I would think this is true of every language (notice that the above examples the tense is always -a). However it is a trivial matter to reference the time of onset/cessation of activity to a different time ... you just change the tense.


... Verbal Moods


When people speak they have different intentions. That is they are trying to achieve different things by speaking ... maybe they are trying to convey information, or wanting somebody to do something, or not to do something, or they are just expressing their feelings about something. All these are examples of what is called moods. Different languages have different methods of coding their moods. Also the various moods of a languages cover a different semantic range compared to other languages.

There are 6 moods in béu. The prohibitive, indicative, optative, imperative, suggestive and interrogative ... 2 of these are represented by changes to the root and 4 by adding particles.

Two verb forms ... the inflinitive and the conflative ... do not represent moods, but I present them here along with the moods. These both are represented by changes to the root.


SW 189.png


How the different moods and forms interact are shown above. This will al be explained later.


... The base form


About 32% of multi syllable maŋga end in "a".

About 16% of multi syllable maŋga end in "e", and the same for "o".

About 9% of multi syllable maŋga end in "au", and the same for "oi", "eu" and "ai".

TW 626.png

Note that no maŋga end in "i", "u", "ia" and "ua"

"i" is reserved for marking verb chains, which will be explained later.

"u" is used for the imperative mood ... i.e. for commanding people.

"ia" is used for a past passive participle. For example ...

yubako = to strengthen

yubakia = strengthened ... as in pazba dí r yubakia => "this table is strengthened"

"ua" could be called the future passive participle I guess. For example ...

ndi r yubakua => these ones must be strengthened

To form a negative base form the word is placed immediately in front of the verb. For example ...

doika = to walk

jù doika = to not walk .... not to walk


... The imperative


You use the following forms for giving orders ... for giving commands. When you use the following forms you do not expect a discussion about the appropriateness of the action ... although a discussion about the best way to perform the action is possible.


For non-monosyllabic verbs ...

The final vowel of the maŋga is deleted and replaced with u.

doika = to walk

doiku = walk !


For monosyllabic verbs -hu is appended.

gàu = "to do"

gauhu = "do it" ... often is added fot extra emphasis.

só gauhu = do it !

One verb has an irregular form.

= "to go"

ojo = "go" ... actually a bit abrupt, probably expressing exasperation, veering towards "fuck off" ... itself can be used as a very polite form.


The imperative cab be directed at second person singular or second person plural. When addressing a group and issuing a command to the entire group you sort of let your eyes flick over the entire group. When addressing a group and issuing a command to one person you keep your eyes on this person when issuing the command ... maybe saying their name before the command ... probably preseded by which is a vocative marker as well as being an emphatic particle.

[ Note ... I think that in English, the infinitive usually has "to" in front of it, in order to distinguish it from the imperative. In béu too there is a need to distinguish between these two verb forms. However as the imperative occurs less often than the infinitive, I have decided to mark the imperative. ]


... The prohibitive


This is also called the negative imperative. Semantically it is the opposite of the imperative. It is formed by putting the particle kyà before maŋga.

kyà doika = don't walk

That is pretty much all there is to say about it.


... The interrogative


The interrogative, also called a polar question. This is a question that can be answered with "yes" or "no".


To turn a normal statement ( i.e. with the verb in its r-form) into a polar question the r is simply changed into ?.

And here is an example of it in action ...

SW 195.png ... lea r tiji = Lea's small SW 190.png ... lea sòr tiji = Lea is small SW 191.png ... lea so?o tiji = Is Lea small ?


Polar questions also exhibit a certain pitch contour ... the pitch rises towards the end of the utterance. There is a symbol to show this utterance pitch contour ... SW 192.png

However the béu question mark is never used when it is obvious that we have a question. But sometimes a single name, noun or adjective can constitute a question by itself. In these cases the special symbol is used.

SW 193.png ... Lea ?


The interrogative is neutral as to the response expected ... well at least in positive questions.

To answer a positive question you answer ʔaiwa "yes" or aiya "no" (of course if "yes" or "no" are not adequate, you can digress ... the same as any language).

Here is a positive question ...

glá so?o hauʔe = Is the woman beautiful ?

To which you answer ʔaiwa "yes" or aiya "no". [Actually these two words have their own unique intonation pattern ... at least when said in isolation (see CH1 : Some interjections) ]


To answer a negative question it is not so simple. ʔaiwa and aiya are deemed insufficient to answer a negative question on their own. For example ...

glá bù so?o hauʔe = Isn't the woman beautiful ?

If she is not beautiful, you should answer bù sòr*, if she is you can answer either sòr or soro or sòr hau?e


We have mentioned already ... in the above section about seŋko. This is the focus particle. It has a number of uses. When you want to emphasis one word in a clause, you would stick in front of the word**.

Another use for is when hailing somebody .... só jono = Hey Johnny

You can also stick it in front of someone's name when you are talking to them. However it is not a "vocative case" exactly. Well for one thing it is never mandatory. When used the speaker is gently chiding the listener : he is saying, something like ... the view you have is unique/unreasonable or the act you have done is unique/unreasonable. When I say unique I mean "only the listener" hold these views : the listener's views/actions are a bit strange.

can also be used to highlight one element is a statement or polar question. For example ...

Statement ... bàus gláh nori alha = the man gave flowers to the woman

Focused statement ... bàus só gláh nori alha = It is the woman to whom the man gave flowers.

Unfocused question ... bàus gláh no?i alha = Did the man give flowers to the woman ?

Focused statement ... bàus só gláh no?i alha = It is to the woman that the man gave flowers ?


Any argument can be focused in this way. [béu also has a means of "fronting" to emphasize an element in a sentence. This is discussed elsewhere]


*Mmm ... maybe you could answer ʔaiwa here ... but a bit unusual ... not entirely felicitous.

**In English, when you want to emphasis a word, you make it more accoustically prominent : you don't rush over it but give it a very careful articulation. This is iconic and I guess all languages do the same. It is a pity that there is no easy way to represent this in the English orthography apart from increasing the font size or adding exclamation marks.


... The suggestive


We have come across kái before. In chapter 2.10 we saw that it was a question word meaning "what kind of". It normally follows a noun being an adjective. For example ...

báu kái = what type of man ?

òn rò báu kái = what type of man is he ?

òn rò deuta kái = what type of soldier is he ?

dí kái = this is what type ?

But just as a normal adjective can be a copula complement, so can kái.

òn rò kái = what type is he ?

dí r kái = this is what type ?

?ò r kái = what type of thing is it ?

However when you see kái utterance initial you know that it has a slightly different function : it is introducing the "soliciting opinion" mood. For example ...

kái àn nyairu tìah jindi => "how about we go home now" => "let's go home now"

Actually kái àn is sometimes rendered simply àn. Maybe you come across the two alternatives an equal amount of times.

Is there any difference between the two forms ? Well ... yes. kái àn is used when the proposed venture is connected to leisure and pleasure. àn is used in more work-a-day situations.

Now ... as with the "optative", the "soliciting opinion" mood is usually orientated towards the future and uses maŋga. However their are circumstances where you solicit opinion about past events [for example a group of detectives on a crime scene discussing the possible steps taken by the perpetrator]. In these circumstances the r-form would be used preceded by the particle ... [see the table in the section above]

The main thing about this mood is that the speaker is asking for feedback/advice/approval or disapproval. But it overlaps with the field "gently suggesting a course of action" somewhat.


... The conflative


Actually the verb itself is called an i-form verb. But a clause that has one or more i-form verbs is called a conflative clause.

I will only touch on this subject here ... in Ch 10 there is a section that goes into this verb form in exhaustive detail. But one quick example ...


jana jonos holdori nti flə sainyi uya => "yesterday John caught, cooked and ate three fish"


yesterday = jana

to catch = holda

to cook = ntu

to eat = flò

three = uya

fish = sainyi


totai timpə+ri jw+ daun = the child was hit and died (instantly) [Note to self : how to say "the child was hit and died later"]

totai = a/the child

timpa = to hit

jwòi = to undergo

dàu = to die

dàun = to kill

jwòi dàun = to be killed


In a conflative clause, the first verb is conjugated as normal. However the remaining verbs are in their i-form. That is ... the final vowel of the manga is deleted and replaced with "i". If the verb is monosyllabic, the final vowel is replaced with a schwa. Semantically thei-form verbs follow the first verb. That is nti means ntu.ori and flə means flori.

In conflative clauses, there can only be one subject but there can be more than one object. A conflative clause can consist of a mixture of H verbs and ɸ verbs. If the first verb is H then the subject is in its ergative form, otherwise it is in its base form. In the example given here, the three verbs have a definite time order, so the verb order is pretty much set. But we shall see in Ch 10 many examples where this is not the case.


Note ... in this example, all three verbs are intransitive and have the same object. So léu sainyi uya can not come between any of the verbs, but must come either before them all or after them all ... jana jonos sainyi uya holdori nti flə => "yesterday John caught, cooked and ate the three fish"


My motivation for having the conflative is to express meanings such as "through" or "into" by pure verbs ... i.e. "to go through", "to enter".

Also the béu verb tail can get pretty long so I didn't want it to be necessary to repeat it three or four times in quick succession.

Conflative clauses are very often used to describe situations involving motion. But no actual restrictions on what verbs can enter into a conflative clause (of course the verbs plus other arguments must represent a coherent subset of reality. That is the overall clause must make sense semantically).


To say that one activity happens totally within the time of an other activity, we use the conflative plus the particle pín which we met earlier in this chapter. For example ...

jonos lailore pín doiki = "John sang while walking earlier today"

jonos lailore pín doiki tunheun = "John sang while walking to the civic centre earlier today"

The whole constuctions (i.e. pín doiki and pín doiki tunheuh) are equivalent adverbs.

An adverb meaning "the r-form (matrix verb) happened during the time of the pín + -i verb".


... The optative


See Ch 4 : The particles àn and


..... Negativity


béu has three particles/prefixes for expressing negativity.

Different particles for different parts of speech. Usually the particle is immediately to the left of the concept it modifies.


SW 145.png


negates the live verb (i.e. the verb in its r-form). We have encountered already in the section "probability/aspect/negation".

The verb in its u-form is negated by the particle kyà to the left of the maŋga. For example ...


sauhu bòi= be good

However kyà sàu bòi = "don’t be good" instead of *bù sauhu bòi


The verb in its u-form can not be negated.


u- can connect to any adjective.

?ár wèu = I want a nonwhite car (I want a car, any colour but white)

u- can on occasion be prefixed to nouns, the same as "non"- is used in English. However this construction is quite rare.

u- can connect to some verbs. The number of verbs it can connect to is limited ... about 20 or 30. Here are some examples ...


kunja to fold ukunja to unfold
laiba to cover ulaiba to uncover
tata to tangle utata to untangle
fuŋga to fasten, to lock ufuŋga to unfasten, to unlock
benda to assemble, to put together ubenda to take apart, to disassemble
pauca to stop up, to block upauca to unstop
senza to weave uzenza to unravel
fiŋka to put on clothes, to dress ufiŋka to undress


negates nouns. In the next chapter we will encounter it in the section on numbers. It means "zero".

It also negates maŋga or dead verbs.

It also negates clauses. For example ...

jù àn ?ár jò = "not that I want to go"


Sometimes béu uses two of these three methods in the same sentence. I guess you could call this double negation. Double negation does NOT cancel, and it does NOT produce emphatic negation.


Here is an example of / double negation ... jenes bù mbor jù flò cokolata ... meaning "Jane lacks the willpower to resist chocolates".


And here is an example of .-u double negation ...


SW 149.png ..................... SW 148.png


mutu/umutu "important/unimportant" patterns with such antonym pairs as big/small ( jutu/tiji ) in that the two pole values together do not fill up the entire semantic space.


Sometimes you have a choice, as to which negative to use. As in English, where "I don't have a house" can also be exressed as "I have no house". in béu you can say bù byár tìa or byár jù tìa. For both languages the latter form comes across as being more vivid, carries greater emotion [I am not 100% sure why this should be so].


..... Six useful verbs


Six verbs of a kind


bala to open kala to shut/close
bana to let go, to release, to free ... kana to connect, to make fast, to join
baza to empty kaza to fill


And we have six common adjectives derived from the above ...


balya open kalya shut/closed
banya free, seperate kanya connected, joined
baʒya empty kaʒya full


balo an key kalo a (window)shutter/valve
bano padding kano link/connector
bazo a void/vucuum bano fill

The o suffix implies something solid. "connection", "association" or "relationship" would be covered by the manga ... kana.

bazda = desert ?? : kazda = ocean " kanda = an intersection ?? : balda = a gap/opening

bano originally padding to separate a warriors leather armour from his tunic.


..... Valency


In every language a particular verb can be associated with a number of nouns (we usually called these nouns arguments of the verb). For example ....

jono-s jene-h slaigau haun-o-r-a eŋglaba-tu
John-ERG Jane-DAT calculus teach-3SG-IND-PRES English-INST

==> John is teaching calculus to Jane in English

In the above example "teach" is associated with 4 nouns.

Now things can get a bit confusing here. Some people hold that it is easy to distinguish between "core arguments" which are essential and "peripheral arguments" which simply add more information. But this is questionable. The consensus w.r.t. English seems to be that if an argument requires a preposition, then it is a "peripheral arguments", if no preposition required then it is a "core argument". A simple to implement system at the least.

In the above example "English" can be dismissed as a peripheral argument because of "using". But what about "Jane". In the above example Jane's roll in the clause is defined by the prefix "to". But what if "John is teaching calculus to Jane in English" is re-arranged as "John is teaching Jane calculus in English"? Here you have three nouns not qualified by a prefix. In English "teach" is sometimes called a ditransitive verb (a verb that can take three essential (unmarked) arguments).

In beu no verbs are considered ditransitive ... Jane will always be marked by the dative suffix. Now you might argue that every instance of teaching involves "somebody getting taught" ... well this is true, but it is also true that every instance of teaching involves some language being used. At the end of the day ... the English verb "teach" means exactly the same as its béu equivalent ( haun ). It is just that there are two different conventions for expounding an action (verb) in two different linguistic traditions. The béu linguistic tradition is the simplest :-)

The béu linguistic tradition divides all verbs in into two types .... H (transitive) and Ø (intransitive). In dictionaries all verbs are marked by the simbol H or Ø. H means a transitive verb ( called a "dash verb" ) and Ø means an intransitive verb ( called a "stroke verb" ). The rule is ...


A verb is H if it is ever associated with a noun that has the ergative marker "-s".

A verb is Ø if it is never associated with a noun that has the ergative marker "-s".


Now I will introduce the S A O convention which was devised by RMW Dixon. This convention is a useful way to refer to the arguments of transitive and intransitive verbs. The one argument of the intransitive verb is called the S argument. The argument of the transitive verb in which the success of the action most depends is referred to as the A argument. The argument of of the transitive verb is most affected by the action is called the O argument.

O was probably chosen from "object", A from "agent" and S from "subject" ( I find this useful to keep in mind as a memory aid). However O does not "mean" object and A does not mean agent and S does not mean subject. I (and many other linguists) use the word subject to refer to either A or S. Easier to talk about "subject" that to talk about "A or S" all the time.

[ In the béu linguistic tradition, the A argument is "the sadu noun", the O argument is the "the dash noun" and the S argument is the "the stroke noun".]


Now in English certain verbs appear to be Ø in some situations and H in others. These are called ambitransitive verbs.


1) The old woman knitted a sweater

2) The old woman knitted

"knit" is regarded as a "A=S ambitransitive". In (1) "old woman" is A ... in (2) "old woman" is S ... [ (2) is partially the reality described by (1) ]


3) The old woman opened the door

4) The door opened

"open" is regarded as a "O=S ambitransitive". In (3) "the door" is O ... in (2) "the door" is S ... [ (4) is not inconsistant* to being partially the reality described by (3) ]


In béu, there are no "ambitransitives. "knit" is considered H but with the O argument being dropped when it is unimportant or unknown. Similarly "open" is also considered H but with the A argument dropped** when it is unimportant or unknown.

bala "to open" is always H in béu. In English, "open" is sometimes transitive and sometimes intransitive.

Take pintu baləri*** "the door opened". In English the proper analysis is "door" = "S argument". Well it is subject because it comes before the verb, and as it is the only argument it must be S.

In béu the proper analysis is "door" = "O argument". We know bala "to open" is H becuse on occasion it can occur with A arguments. However in this case the only noun (pintu) is not marked for the ergative hence it must be the "O argument".

pintu baləri could also be translated as "the door was opened".


*(4) leave open the question whether human action brought about the action or it was due to some other cause. This question could be answered by rewriting (4) as either "The door was opened" or "The door opened by itself".

**Actually it would be possble to drop A arguments in English if the imperative was not the base verb. For example in English "knit a jersey" is a command ... but if English ... say ... suffixed "ugu" for the imperative, then the command would be "knitugu a jersey". That would allow "knit a jersey" to be interpreted as "jersey being knitted".

***We haven't come across the schwa before the "r" before. This will be explained very soon.


So in béu …. each verb is either H or Ø … no ambitransitives or ditransitives. Also “the passive” is not talked about … rather it is just considered a particular case of “dropping”. And actually “dropping” is not considered a bit deal … just an very obvious thing to do.


Now one problem with dropping arguments is that the subject (S or A) must be represented in slot "1" of the indicative verb. How should we know what to put in here ( see Ch3.1.2.1 ). One solution could be to use the 3 person plural suffix -u- ... chances are that it is a 3rd person agent and the plural is more generic than the singular. This is what Russian does to make a sort of a passive. Another solution would be to use a vowel not already appropriated for pronoun agreement. This is what béu does. The schwa is inserted in the slot just before the "r".

Everything collapses in ... to the schwa ... an impersonal schwa.


TW 664.png

"the door opened" = "the door was opened" = pintu baləri (Actually I do not think the schwa symbol is visually distinct enough ... from now on I will use a cross) => pintu bal+ri


Here are some examples of this construction [ I will call it the impersonal construction from now on ]

beuba bl+r dían = "The language of béu is spoken here"

pí gaudoheu dè_blanyo g+r = "In this factory telephones are made"

toilia bù ost+r pí duka dí = "Books are not sold in this shop"

pintu by+r bala = pintu r balwa = the door has to be opened

pintu mb+r bala = the door can be opened ........... [ to understand this example and the one above it ... see Ch 4.7 ]

hala dè nyal+ryə = that rock is eroded .......... nyale = to erode, to wear


Note ... the schwa can not support any tone. And as it is only used in the grammer and not in any base words as such it was not introduced in Chapter 1 (as r was not). The schwa is represented in fact by a cross in the béu writing system ...


TW 909.png

Note ... Some béu speakers pronounce "schwa" + "syllable final rhotic" as "ø" or "ør". These people also tend to give "ø" the proper tone. However the majority pronoun a schwa followed by a rhotic appoximant with neutral tone.


Now "door" is a man-made object and probably it exists in a place with many people around. So it is reasonable to expect there to be human volition involved when it opens. But what about when we get out into nature. When we see a river freezing. There is no agent to be seen behind this "freezing" ... it just happens. For this reason the verb "to freeze" doska is Ø.

But now we have become clever ... we hold dominion over nature. Hence we need to derive a word for freeze that is H. And that deriration is arrived at by appending -n.

Hence ...

doska = to freeze

moze doskori = the water froze

moze doskanaru = I will freeze the water


Actually any Ø can take this suffix and become H. Here are a few more examples ...


ngeu to fly ngeun to throw
to go jón to send
to come tèn to summon
bái to rise báin to raise
kàu to descend kàun to lower
dàu to die dàun to kill
slài to change slàin to change
diadia to happen diadian to cause


And here are a few more examples ....

ʔoime to be happy, happyness ʔoimor he is happy ʔoimen to make happy ʔoimin pleasant
heuno to be sad/sadness heunor she's sad heunon to make sad heunin depressing
taude to be annoyed taudor he is annoyed tauden to annoy taudin annoying
swú to be scared, fear swor she is afraid swún to scare frightening, scary
centa to be angry, anger centor he is angry centan to make angry centin really annoying
yode to be horny, lust yodor she is horny yoden to make horny yodin sexy, hot
gái to ache, pain gayor he hurts gáin to hurt (something) gai.iin painful
gwibe to be ashamed/shame/shyness gwibor she is ashamed/shy gwiben to embarrass gwibin embarrassing
doimoi to be anxious, anxiety doimor he is anxious doimoin to cause anxiety, to make anxious doimin worrying
ʔica to be jealous, jealousy ʔicor she is jealous ʔican to make jealous ʔicin causing jealousy


jài ?oime is an adjective meaning happy by nature.

Six H can also take -n as well. They are ...


flò to eat flòn to feed, feeding
heca to see hecan to show, showing
háu to learn háun to teach, tuition
nko to know nkon to inform, informing
pòi to enter, to join pòin to put in, insertion
féu to exit, to leave féun to take out, extraction


In English, all the above except the last would be considered ditransitive verbs. "to take out" would not be considered ditransitive because one argument would be marked by the preposition "from". In béu they are all still H although they have undoubtedly one extra noun compared to their non-derived counter parts. Remember H and Ø were defined as ...

A verb is H if it is ever associated with a noun that has the ergative marker "-s".

A verb is Ø if it is never associated with a noun that has the ergative marker "-s".

(Note : fyá "to tell" means basically the same as nkon but is less formal. Also gàu means basically the same as diadian but is less formal. )


We have discussed bala and doska so far. The first is considered basically H and the second one basically Ø. There is a third type of verb ... for this type it is hard to say if it is more basic as Ø or more basic as H. So these verbs have two basic forms. For example ...


cwamo hulkori = the bridge broke

deutais cwamo helkuri = the soldiers broke the bridge


Actually for the first example .. the chances are that the breakage was due to wear and tear caused by human activity. But the important thing is that it is non-volitional. Also there might have been no humans around when the bridge actually did break. So we can talk about the bridge breaking by itself ... as if by an act of nature. And another example ...


jono wiltore = John woke up (earlier today)

jenes jone woltore = Jane woke up John (earlier today)


There are about 40 of these pairs. If the Ø has u the H will have e ... if the Ø has i the H will have o.

So lets summarize these three typre of verb ...


TW 825.png


So to wrap it all up about verbs and arguments ...

No verbs are ambitrasitive. They are either Ø or H. However it is easy to drop the A or the O argument from a H clause if either of them is considered trivial or is unknown.

Now in béu any H can be given a Ø meaning ( grammatically the structure is still H ) by making the the O argument tái ... meaning himself, herself, yourself etc. etc. However only animate A arguments do this. Hence ...

bàus tái timpori = the man hit himself ................. acceptable

*pintus tái balori = the door opened itself ...... unacceptable

In English there are two ways to report on a door opening without mentioning any agent ... "the door opened" and "the door was opened"

In béu only one ... pintu bal+ri ... which is just a H clause with the A argument dropped. Comparable to how "the old woman knitted"(as this would appear in béu of course) is a H clause with the O argument dropped.


In béu you can make a "passive participle" by suffixing -ia.

If you come across something broken and you know it was broken by human volition ... you would call it helkia.

If you come across something broken and you did not know how it was broken ... you would call it hulkia.

If you come across something frozen you would call it doskia. There is no such word as *doskania.


In béu you can make the "general obligation participle" by suffixing -ua.

If you come across something that has to be broken ... you could refer to it as helkua.

If you come across something that had to be frozen ... you could refer to it as doskanua.

There is no such words as *doskua or *hulkua


The above method of presenting a verb like bala hints at human volition. To get rid of this connotation (to suggest that the event happened naturely) we must use tezau "to become" plus an adjective. This is demonstrated below ...

Consider geuko = "to turn something green" ... H ... derived from gèu "green"

1) báu tezori gèu = The man became green .. ........................ natural

2) báu geuk+ri = The man was made green .................... human volition

3) báus tái geukori = The man made himself green ......... human volition


Now consider bala = "to open" ... H

1) pintu tezori balya = the door became opened = the door opened .......... natural ................ [ here the agent could be anything ... the wind ... or even some fairy cái ... use your imagination ]

2) pintu bal+ri = the door was opened ............................................... human volition .... [ this one implies that the agent was human but is either unknown or unimportant and the action deliberate ]

Note ... there is no (3) here as a door is non-human.


In either of the (1)'s wistia "deliberately/carefully" or wistua "accidently/carelessly" can be added after* tezori. This automatically makes Agent => Human

The same for the (2)'s, but the incidence of wistua should greatly excede the incidence of wistia as "intention" is the default for this construction.

With (3) the connotation of intent is so strong that wistia/ wistua could be considered a bit infelicitous ... not impossible but indicative of an unusual situation.

* or wistiwe or wistuwe if not immediately after the verb. [by the way ... wisto = "mind/brain" by the way]




There are many actions that are kind of fluid as to the number of participants involved. When languages code an action they take into account whether the action is normally* involves a single paricipant or two participants [ three participants is also possible but that is another story ]. And then the relevant language will add extra stuff (an extra word … bit of word … something like that) when this action involves more or less participants than suggested by the basic word coding this action.

Two examples from French.

The action of boiling is deemed => single paricipant => bouillir When two participants, we add the word faire => faire bouillir

The action of breaking is deemed => double paricipant => casser When only a single participant, we add the word se => se casser

Certain languages deem certain actions pretty evenly split between single-participant manifestations and double-participant manifestations. In these cases, it can be impossible to determine what is the basic form of the verb.

An example from Swahili.

cham-k-a = to boil as the soup over the open fire boils cham-sh-a = to boil as your mother boils the water for a cup of tea

Further examples, Japanese this time.

生きる ikiru to live : 活かす ikasu to revive
逃げる nigeru to escape : 逃がす nigasu to set free
揺れる yureru to sway : 揺らす yurasu to shake

Japanese has a many verbs pairs of this sort.


* The choice can be culturally determined in some circumstances. Imagine a community in which each grown male visits the barber to get shaved every morning versus a community in which shaving is a private affair. The language of the former will inevitably pattern "shave" as transitive, anf the latter will inevitably pattern "shave" as intransitive.


..... To undergo


We have seen the subjectless verb form above where the vowel before the r becomes a schwa.`However there is another way to drop a subject ... by using the verb jwòi "to undergo" followed by the base form. Of these two ways of dropping the subject, the former is overwhelmingly preferred. However for forming present participles and infinitives, the second method is necessary.

timp+ra pà = I am being hit : jwola timpa = being hit : jwòi timpa = to be hit

[Note to self .... sort out the below ... and also all the RUBBISH PARTICIPLE stuff I have]

hecari jono katala lazde = I saw John cutting the grass ....................... katala lazde is a saidau kaza ..... katala is a saidau baga

hecari lazde jwola kata = I saw the grass being cut ............................. jwola kata is a saidau kaza

hecari lazde jwola kata hí jono = I saw the grass being cut by John .... jwola kata hí jono is a saidau kaza

Note ... although the suffix is probably connected to the second pila?o it should be recognized as a separate siffix here. If it was the pila?o we would have ... bwari lazde là jwòi kata

hecari lazde kataya = I saw the grass that has been cut

hecari lazde katawa = I saw grass that must be cut = I saw that the grass must be cut

lazde katawa hecari = I saw the grass that must be cut

hecari lazde nài r katawa


..... The copula


The three* components of a copular clause usually have a strict order*** ... "copular subject" => "copula" => "copula complement". For example ...


"copular subject" "copula" "copula complement"
jono r koduʒi
John is diligent
- - -
jono r moltai
John is doctor


The copula's base form is sàu. You will see that it is listed among the 37 short verbs. However it patterns differently from the other 36. And indeed it patterns differently from all other verbs. Below are the r-forms of sàu ...


TW 969.png


The copula form rule ... "When the copular subject noun (or noun phrase) is overtly stated, use the short form. At all other times, use the long form"


The short form is used when the copular subject noun (or noun phrase) is overtly stated. In other situations the full form is used. For example when the copular subject is a pronoun**, the long form must be used.

You can see in the above chart that the short form of the aortist tense has two forms. is used in two situations ...

1) If the copula subject ends in a consonant. For example ....

sòs rò hau?e = the snow is beautiful

2) If an evidential is tagged on. For example ...

tìa ròn hau?e = the house is beautiful (I guess)


r by itself is used in all other is a clitic attached the the last vowel of the copula subject. However it is always written as a separate word. For example ....

tomo r tumu = Thomas is stupid

It takes the tone of the copula subject.


The aortist form is the form corresponding to "am", "are" ans is in English. The present tense is "marked" (i.e. the unusual case that carries extra eaning). For example ...


sòs rò hau?e = snow is beatiful ….. a timeless truth

sòs rà hau?e = the snow is beatiful (for now) ... maybe the speakers are contemplating the snow melting and the consequent slush


And another example ...


jono r bòi = John is good (it is his nature)

jono rà bòi = John is being good ... maybe to impress somebody who is visiting.

Note ... to say jono rà bòi invalidates jono r bòi to a certain extent.


Because there is a strict word order, definiteness can not be expressed as it usually is with other verbs (S, O, A, dative ... left of verb if definite, right of verb if not). However the particles èn and ín can be drafted for this purpose.

[Note to self : should every pila?o defined argument act thus ... what about other arguments ? ]

It is only the r-form of the copula which is irregular. All other forms are perfectly normal. For example ...

sauhu bòi = be good ................................................................. u-form

kodor sə kludado = he works as a clark .................................... i-form

kodi sòr kludado = he/she works as a clark …........................… i-form .............. Actually, I think this way is better (change the rest of the website ?)


There is also the change of state copula, tezau. While tezau < + sàu, I would not call it a calque on English "become", rather the deep semantic process that formed "become" in English, worked also in béu.

There is strict word order with this copula as well ...


"copular subject" "copula" "copula complement"
jono tezori koduʒi
John became diligent
- - -
jono tezori moltai
John became doctor


As you can see there is no erosion here.

Notice that for the two copulas the copuls subjects are always unmarked ... that is they never take the ergative suffix.


How to negate a copular sentence ? Some examples ...

jono bù r jutu = john isn’t big

bù sòr jutu = he/she isn’t big

òn bù sòr jutu = HE isn’t big (I am)

In the last example, it is not necessary to have the full copula form to show 3SG ... *òn bù r jutu ... would not be confusing. However we continue to abide by "the copula form rule"


* Well sometimes the copular subject is dropped so two components. It is dropped if the subject is "the world"/"the environment". Under the section "Valancy" we introduced the impersonal form of the verb ... normally used when the subject is "unknown"/"trivial". The copula also has an impersonal form. However now the reason is not because the subject is trivial : rather the opposite, the subject is all encompassing.

Note ... Other languages use "world" or "environment" as the subject in similar situations, English used "it".

As with English, this construction is often used for the weather ...

fona = rain : fonia = rainy/raining : fonua = dry (well not raining). So ...

s+ra fonia = it's raining

tez+ra fonia = it's starting to rain


**But actually to come across "pronoun" followed by "full copuls" is quite rare. As with all other verbs, ‘’’béu’’’ demands that the subject pronouns be dropped. Or at least you only hear them in exceptional circumstances.

For example, normally you would say ...

tìa bundari : "I built the house"

However upon hearing jono tia bundari (John built the house) you would say ...

aiya _ pás tìa bundari = No, I built the house

And another example, normally you would say

sar jutumo : "I am biggest"

However upon hearing jono r jutumo (John is biggest) you would say ...

aiya _ pà sar jutumo : "No, I am biggest"


***There are two exceptions to this rule.


1) If the copula subject is a manga or a manga phrase you have two possible orders.


nyáu r bòi
to return is good

==> To return is good


sòr bòi nyáu
"is" good to return

==> It is good to return


The more accoustic weight the manga phrase has, the bigger the tendency to use the second order ...


sòr bòi nyáu tìa jindi
"is" good to return home-DAT now

==> It is good to return to home now


With the copula coming initially the short eroded form can never be used ... that is *r bòi nyáu or *rò bòi nyáu are illegal.


2) If copula subject is a clause**** with the particle at the front, you have only one possible order ... "copula" and then "copula complement" and then "copular subject".

sòr bòi t-o-r-e heute
"is" good that come-3SG-IND-PAST today

==> It is good that he/she came today


tezau follows sàu when it comes to word order.


**** this construction is covered in the Ch 4 in the section "The particle "

The above has all you need to know about the copula's ... not much to them ... just a few rules.

However I am appending a bit about the adverb wautus to this section as nowhere else really seems appropriate.

wautus can be broken down into wáu "a pair of eyes" : ' "particle giving the intrumental case" : s "adverbial marker". It means "apparently" or "seemingly".

In English "by eye" usually means "by not measuring as such but roughly estimating (whatever) only using ones eyes". wautu does not mean this : it means "apparent".

More often come across in the form wautus "apparently".

jono boizor wautu = "John is OK apparently

wautus jono boizor = "John appears to be health"

jene r wautu maumala = "it seems as if Jane is asleep"

jene maumora_wautus = "Jane is asleep, apparently" ... Note, in the last example wautus was added as an afterthought so it needs the adverbial s (not usually necessary when an adjective follows a live verb).

The adverb has connotations of surprise ... "mirative ?"


..... Existence


In the above section we saw how the impersonal form of sàu links an adjective to the universe at large (well at least to the local environment).

In a similar way, the impersonal form of yáu "to have on your person" links an noun to the universe at large.


But first let us run through some of the usages of yáu.


The basic usage is to link an object to a person.

jonos yór kli.o = John has a knike


The basic usage can be expanded and it can be used to link objects to a location.

tunheu-s y-o-r-e yiŋki yildos
townhall-ERG have-3SG-IND-PST "attractive girls" a lot morning

==>(1) the townhall had many attractive girls this morning


The above usage can become impersonalized (i.e. the locative subject is deleted and the person slot gets a schwa) and the meaning then becomes ... the physical object exists somewhere in the Universe. For example ...


y+r dèus = "there is a God" or "God exists"

This construction can be negated in two ways ...

bù y+r dèus = "there isn't a God" or y+r jù dèus = "there is no God"

So y+r is basically the béu existential clause. The English existential clause has "there is"/"there are".

Now the basic existential clause can be modified. For example ...

(2) y+r yiŋki hè = "There are many attractive girls"

Can be modified ... below we modify it with an "adjective phrase of location" tunheuʔe and an "adjective phrase of time" yildos

(3) y+re yiŋki hè tunheuʔe yildos = "there were many attractive girls at the townhall this morning"


Which actually means exactly the same as (1) above ... (i.e. tunheus yore yiŋki hè yildos)

Which in turn means pretty much the same as the copular sentence ...

(4) yiŋki hè rè tunheuʔe yildos = "many attractive girls were at the townhall this morning" ... so ... actually three ways to say the same thing ... (1), (3) and (4)

But note ...

*tunheuʔe rè yiŋki hè yildos = "at the townhall this morning were many attractive girls"

The above construction that is allowed in English, feels a bit strange in béu ... in the same way that "green is the man" feels a bit strange in English.

But three ways to say the same thing, should be sufficient ... don't you think ?


..... Shapes et al.


Now béu has some justification for claiming to be an engelang. The paradigm above is quite engelangish as is the number system. The naming of shapes is also very engelangish. See below ...


TW 956.png

Derived from dano dailo dauzo we have the adjectives danai dailai dauzai meaning "straight flat regular".

Derived from danai dailai dauzai we have the adjectives unai ulai uzai meaning "crooked/bent uneven/bumpy irregular".


Derived from dano dailo dauzo we have dante daite dauste meaning "a crooked line" "a rag"(also plate as in plate tectonics) "a lump"

The above may have some connection with "to move". The below may have some connection with kwè "to turn".

kwane kwaile kwauze = "a ring" "disc/plate/dish" "ball/sphere/globe" [Note kwante kwailte kwauste are imperfect manifestations of <= (kwauste=blob) ]

Also note ... si.anka = a testicle, si.ankau = a pair of testicles, = the earth (not used for other worlds), si.ana = a globe (a facsimile of <=)

{Note to self : should -ana derive other words ? taime = angle ? taume = solid angle ? ]


dalnoban = a triangle < uban dalno

dalnogan = a square < egan dalno

Note ... dailo is the usual word for square, dailo uzai would mean rectangle. However you might hear dalnogan in a mathematical context.

dalnodan = a pentagon < odan dalno

dalnolan = a hexagon < oilan dalno

etc. etc.


a tetrahedron = daizlogan < egan daizlo (i.e. a foursome of facets)

a cube = daizlolan < oilan daizlo

Note ... dauzo is the usual word for cube, dauzo uzai would mean block. However you might hear daislolan in a mathematical context.

an octahedron = daizlozan < aizan daizlo

a dodecahedron = daizlojain < ajain daizlo

an icosahedron = daizlojaizan < ajaizan daizlo


Note ... side as in flank is kebo ... face as in human/animal face is muka



yildos = storehouse,barn, yildos yè = barns, yildos ú = all barns

seklas = a glass, seklas yè = glasses (not spectacles)

belongs to a small set of words that are never spelt out. They have a special "short hand" symbol. The symbol is shown below.

húa = head, húa yè = heads ..........SW 72.png


The main derivation pathways


Derivational morphology often involves the addition of a derivational suffix or other affix. Such an affix usually applies to words of one lexical category (part of speech) and changes them into words of another such category. For example, the English derivational suffix -ly changes adjectives into adverbs (slow → slowly).

Examples of English derivational patterns and their suffixes:

  • adjective-to-noun: -ness (slow → slowness)
  • adjective-to-verb: -ize (modern → modernize)
  • adjective-to-adjective: -ish (red → reddish)
  • adjective-to-adverb: -ly (personal → personally)
  • noun-to-adjective: -al (recreation → recreational)
  • noun-to-verb: -fy (glory → glorify)
  • verb-to-adjective: -able (drink → drinkable)
  • verb-to-noun (abstract): -ance (deliver → deliverance)
  • verb-to-noun (agent): -er (write → writer)

Derivation can be contrasted with inflection, in that derivation produces a new word (a distinct lexeme), whereas inflection produces grammatical variants of the same word.

Generally speaking, inflection applies in more or less regular patterns to all members of a part of speech (for example, nearly every English verb adds -s for the third person singular present tense), while derivation follows less consistent patterns (for example, the nominalizing suffix -ity can be used with the adjectives modern and dense, but not with open or strong).

Derivation can also occur without any change of form, for example telephone (noun) and to telephone. This is known as zero derivation. [ All the above from "wikipedia" under "linguistic derivation" ]


The diagram below shows the ten main derivational processes which are absolutely fundamental to the working of the language. [Remember the base verb should be considered a noun]

TW 917.png


Most nouns can be used as adjectives just by placing them directly after the noun they are qualifying. Like "school bus" in English. For example ...

pintu tìa = a/the door of the house

Also to indicate possession the possessee is usually just placed after the possessed.

tìa jono = John's house

(Actually there is a particle joining the possessed to the possessee ... however it is rarely used. is also a noun meaning possessions, yái an item possessed, yáu "to have")

"John's house" => tìa yó jono .... but more usually tìa jono

This is zero derivation and is marked as TW 816.png in the above diagram.


gèu = green

+ gèu = the green one

?azwodus = lactose intolerant

+ ?azwodus = a/the lactose intolerant one


gèu = green

k+ gèu = the green ones

k+ gèu làu oila = six green ones

sadu = elephant

k+ sadu = elephant-kind

k+ sadu làu oila = six elephants ... well, it is legitimate to say this ... but oila sadu is so easier.


gèu = green

kuwai gèu = greenness


yubau = strong

yubako = to strengthen

pona = hot

ponako = to heat up


poma = kick (also means leg) .... pomora = He/she is kicking

pomako = to kick ..... NOW kaupa = leg ... kipa = kick

However if the base noun ends in n ...

kwofan = bicycle

gàu kwofan = to (do) bicycle


pazba yubara "I am strengthening the table"


pazba yub-a-r-a
table strengthen-1SG-IND-PRES

ponara moze "I am heating up some water"

pon-a-r-a moze
"heat up"-1SG-IND-PRES water


tunheun kwofanaru "I will bicycle to the townhall"


tunheu-n kwofan-a-r-u
townhall-DAT bicycle-1SG-IND-FUT


This will be covered in detail in the next chapter. However here is a quick example ...

solbara moze "I am drinking water"


solb-a-r-a moze
drink-1SG-IND-PRES water

from the verb base solbe "to drink"


-s, -n, -a, -o take -is, all other endings take -s (including -ia and -ua)

saco = fast, sacois = quickly

pudus = timid (of an animal), puduʒis = timidly

yubau = strong, yubaus = strongly



For [7] and [8] if the root that is to be transformed is monosyllabic, then we need -ko as well as -r-. For example ...


bàu = man

bauko = to man (exact same meaning as in English)

baukara téu dí = I am manning this position.


gèu = green

geuko = to make green

geukara pazba dí = I am painting this table green


You can say, that for monosyllabic words [7] = [5] + [9] and [8] = [6] + [9].

.. ..

Unadorned adjective can be used as nouns in many situations. Similar happens in many languages. For example ... klár gèu is ambiguous.

To disambiguate => klár kuwai gèu "I like greenness" / klár k+ gèu "I like the green ones" / klár + gèu "I like the green one"


The remaining two transformations shown on the diagram are for verbalization. Actually the affix -ko is added to all adjectives or nouns in order to make a verb. However in one circumstance this affix is not needed. This is for the r-form based on a multi-syllable adjective or noun. For example ...


pazba yubaku = strengthen the table (a command)

pazba yubakis = you should strengthen the table


ponaku moze = heat up some water (a command)

ponakos moze = he/she should heat up some water


bauku téu dí = man this position (a command)

baukos téu dí = he/she should man this position

naike = sharp : naikeko = to sharpen

keŋkia = salty : keŋkiko = to add salt ... when the adjective ends is a diphthong (and is non-monosylabic) the last vowel is dropped.

keŋkikara = "I am adding salt" .... note not *keŋkara ... this is because keŋkia is a derived word.

sài = colour : saiya = colourful : saiwa = colourless : saiko = to paint (maybe via *saiyako)


Note ... -ko is possibly an eroded version of gàu ( "to do" or "to make" ).

Note ... There seems to be a method of deriving a two place verb from a one place verb by affixing -n. For example ... diadia = "to happen" : diadian = "to cause". While this mechanism is seen all over the language I have not mentioned it in the chart above. This is because I consider it non-productive. I count daidia and diadian both as base words. In a similar way that English speakers consider "rise" and "raise" independent words, "lie" and "lay" independent words and "sit" and "set" independent words.


... Intensifiers



Remember earlier in this chapter, we mentioned the numerative slot (for the senko). To recap, this slot can contain ...

"plural" ... aʔa "one" ... ima "two" ... uya "three" ... iyo "few" ... eja "four" ... ofa "five" ..... up to ..... afaufaifa "21510 ... hài "many"and ú "all"

Below is show how hài and iyo divide up the semantic space of quantity(intensity).


TW 788.png


Now all saidau(adjectives) can be affixed by -ge to form the comparative* form. For example ...

bàu jutu = "the big man" : bàu jutuge = "the bigger man"

This affix can also be used with the numbers ...

juge "more than zero", a?age "more than one" : image "more than two" .... up to afaufaifage "more than 21510**

Now -ge can also be affixed to iyo letting us fill in every box of the chart given above ... TW 789.png


Now when attached to saidau, -ge gives a relative value (i.e. you are comparing one thing with another). However when -ge is attached to a numbers you get an absolute value (i.e. you are not comparing the modified item with anything).

When you want to compare two items as to their numerative value, you must use the particle .

(The word and the suffix -ge both can be translated as "more", however only qualifies nouns and -ge only qualifies adjectives)

jonos byór yú klogau jenewo = "John has more pairs of shoes than Jane"

?ár yú halmai = "I want more apples"

?ár hài halmai = "I want a lot of apples" or "I want many apples"


Now a number can immediately follow . For example ...

?ár yú léu halma = "I want three more apples"

yár yú halmai jenewo = "I have more apples than Jane" ....... [ note ... halma with léu but halmai with ]


To indicate "less" ... use . For example ...

jenes yór wì halmai pawo = "Jane has less apples than me"

jenes yór wì hói halma pawo = "Jane has two less apples than me" .... but it would sound better to rephrase these as ...

yár yú halmai jenewo = "I have more apples than Jane" : yár yú hói halmai jenewo = "I have two more apples than Jane"


*The affix -mo is the superlative for adjectives. When joined to hài and iyo ... we get "the majority" haimo and "the minority" iyomo

**Note ... the words noge, haige and uge do not exist.



Above we have talked about numeratives and in detail about how to quantify senko.

Below we will touch on how other categories of words have their own intensifiers ...


TW 920.png


hài bàu = many men

moze hè = a lot of water

also can qualify verbs. As with normal adverbs, if it doesn't immediately follow the verb it must take the form hewe.

(Note to self : I can't think of a reason you would want to separate from its verb)

glá doikori hè = the woman walked a lot

hewe glá doikori = the woman walked a lot

báus timpori glá hewe = the man hit a woman a lot

And also can intensify manga and mangas

solbe hè moze = "to drink a lot of water"

solbe moze hè = "to drink a lot of water"

The above two forms are equally likely to be found. There is a difference in meaning but you would be a real nitpicker to worry about that.


saidau and saidaun are both intensified by sowe ...

jutu sowe = "very big"

jutun sowe = "the very big one"


Notice that mangan and saidaun can take two intensifiers ...

hài solben hè wiski = the many times a lot of whisky was drink ... hài solben hè wiski hí pà = the many times I have drunk a lot of whisky

hài gèun sowe = the many very green ones


We will take about the opposite of intensifiers and other quantifiers in a later chapter. These are a lot rarer. The intensifiers are the ones most commonly used.


... Index

  1. Introduction to Béu
  2. Béu : Chapter 1 : The Sounds
  3. Béu : Chapter 2 : The Noun
  4. Béu : Chapter 3 : The Verb
  5. Béu : Chapter 4 : Adjective
  6. Béu : Chapter 5 : Questions
  7. Béu : Chapter 6 : Derivations
  8. Béu : Chapter 7 : Way of Life 1
  9. Béu : Chapter 8 : Way of life 2
  10. Béu : Chapter 9 : Word Building
  11. Béu : Chapter 10 : Gerund Phrase
  12. Béu : Discarded Stuff
  13. A statistical explanation for the counter-factual/past-tense conflation in conditional sentences