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The '''lexicon''' is the wholeness of the words of a language.
*'''baf''', to cut. ~jiš, knife.
*'''baže''', all.
*'''ben''', to wander. '''ba~''' planet.
*'''bëð''', to drink. '''~jiš''', cup.
*'''bëj''', to be cold.
*'''bic''', to be.
*'''bod''', tail.
*'''boƣ''', fog.
*'''buc''', bird.
*'''bug''', to tie.
*'''bum''', valley.

==See also==

[[Conlangs with over 10,000 words]]
*'''cad''', louse.
*'''caƣ''', to sew.
*'''can''', to live, dwell.
*'''cäde''', many.
*'''cäg''', to split.
*'''ce''' [''anim.''], he, she. '''ca''' [''inan.''], it.
*'''cif''', to eat.
*'''cil''', to be hot.
*'''cïce''' [''anim.''], '''cïca''' [''inan.''], they.
*'''cõj''', sky.
*'''cõð''', feather.

*'''däð''', snake.
*'''däj''', to count.
*'''däŋ''', each. '''~gol''', each one.
*'''dece''', few [''not many''].
*'''deƣ''', to stab.
*'''dog''', to bite.
*'''dom''', to be full.
*'''duf''', head.
*'''dul''', wind.
*'''ðag''', ear.
*'''ðam''', snow.
*'''ðede''', few [''a small number'']
*'''ðef''', constrict. '''-däð''' constrictor.
*'''ðel''', to say.
*'''ðef''', be holy.
*'''ðep''', neighbor.
*'''ðëj''', to scratch.
*'''ðõƣ''', to suck.
*'''ðõn''', to be empty.
*'''edë''', here.
*'''eqë''', there.
*'''fäƣ''', eye.
*'''fän''', ice. '''sõv~''', hail.
*'''fëg''' to poison.
*'''fëm''', to sing.
*'''fëq''', to make.
*'''fiðe''', other.
*'''fig''', lead.
*'''fil''', to dig.
*'''fo''', four.
*'''frj''', to spit.
*'''frŋ''', to be new.
*'''gej''', nose.
*'''geŋ''', to smoke.
*'''giƣ''', worm.
*'''gin''', to play.
*'''gis''', to bake.
*'''gof''', to be big.
*'''gol''', person.
*'''gom''', to swim.
*'''gop''', to be old.
*'''gul''', to vomit.
*'''ƣam''', to blow.
*'''ƣël''', mouth.
*'''ƣëp''', burn. '''ba~''', fire.
*'''ƣoj''', tree.
*'''ƣoŋ''', to float.
*'''ƣoš''', be complete, thorough
*'''ƣõg''', to be long.
*'''ƣõj''', place.
*'''ƣõn''', to fly.
*'''-ja''', ''emphatic suffix'', -ever.
*'''jän''', to breathe, exhale.
*'''jim''', star.
*'''jiq''', ash.
*'''jiš''', tool, instrument.
*'''jõl''', forest.
*'''jõp''', to flow.
*'''jrƣ''', to be wide.
*'''jrŋ''', to walk.
*'''jrs''', to be bad.
*'''lac''', to will.
*'''lad''', to do, act.
*'''leŋ''', to breathe, inhale.
*'''lon''', tooth.
*'''los''', road.
*'''lot''', to hurt, injure.
*'''loþ''', asphalt.
*'''lrm''', stick.
*'''lrq''', to freeze.
*'''luj''', to be thick.
*'''lup''', to come.
*'''luš''', to rot.
*'''mal''', to be thick [''liquids'']
*'''mam''', mother.
*'''maq''', to go.
*'''mat''', dirt.
*'''mëp''', to laugh.
*'''mõŋ''', tongue, language.
*'''mõš''', mountain. '''pï-~''', hill.
*'''mun''', fruit.
*'''mus''', to swell.
*'''naŋ''', seed.
*'''naš''', sun.
*'''näm''', to be heavy.
*'''näs''', to lie (''as in a bed'').
*'''näþ''', to be straight.
*'''niq''', to smile.'''nrp''', lip.
*'''nrt''', be red.
*'''nuv''', table.
*'''ŋaw''', to put, place.
*'''ŋäp''', leaf.
*'''ŋät''', moon.
*'''ŋen''', to be small.
*'''ŋeš''', to sit.
*'''ŋev''', to be round.
*'''ŋig''', bread.
*'''ŋos''', to see.
*'''ŋuq''', fingernail, claw.
*'''ŋuþ''', to be orange.
*'''pap''', father.
*'''paq''', foot.
*'''pav''', to be green.
*'''peq''', root.
*'''päx|ë''', how. '''-ja''', however.
*'''pëŋ''', to be short.
*'''pëw''', to be sharp. '''sä~''', to be dull.
*'''pit''', to stand.
*'''po''', five.
*'''põš''', to hear.
*'''qa''', what.
*'''qäš''', leg.
*'''qäw''', to be yellow.
*'''qe''', who.
*'''qey''', building.  '''šož~''', tower.
*'''qës''', bark.
*'''qëv''', water.
*'''qi''', where.
*'''qip''', to be narrow.
*'''qix''', to be-, -mild, -smooth.
*'''qo''', when.
*'''qoþ''', to turn (''intransitive'').
*'''qrt''', to know.
*'''qu''', how.
*'''sä''', not.
*'''se''', I.
*'''set''', knee.
*'''sex''', to be blue.
*'''siš''', flower.
*'''siw''', rain.
*'''siz|ë''', when. '''-ja''', whenever.
*'''sïse''', we.
*'''soq''', to be thin.
*'''soy''', to be smooth ('' not rough'').
*'''sõv''', to fall.
*'''sut''', shore, coast.
*'''suþ''', to think.
*'''šav''', to smell.
*'''šëþ''', hand.
*'''šëy''', to be-, -violet, -purple.
*'''šot''', grass.
*'''šox''', river.
*'''šož''', to be high, tall.
*'''šõs''', woman. '''-yëx''', wife. '''pï-~''', girl.
*'''šõz''', to be wet.
*'''šrw''', to give.
*'''tab''', to travel, journey.
*'''täw''', to fear.
*'''tiv''', wing.
*'''tiz''', to be dull white. '''þož~''' to be shining white.
*'''to''', two.
*'''tõþ''', rope.
*'''tõy''', lake.
*'''trš''', man [''adult male'']. '''pï-~''', boy.
*'''trž''', to be dry.
*'''tub|ë''', when. '''-ja'', whenever.
*'''tux''', to hold.
*'''þab''', to speak, say, tell, talk. '''laþab''', speech.
*'''þay''', to squeeze.
*'''þäc''', land, earth.
*'''þe''', you [''sg.''].
*'''þex''', to sleep.
*'''þïþe''', you [''pl.''].
*'''þo''', three.
*'''þow''', belly.
*'''þrv''', skin.
*'''þrz''', sea.
*'''þub''', to be-, -correct, -right.
*'''vac''', to be near.
*'''vaqe''', many.
*'''vaþ''', man [''human being'']. '''-yex''', husband.
*'''väz''', to rub.
*'''ved''', east.
*'''vëy''', to live.
*'''vob''', to be dead black. '''þož~''', to be shining black.
*'''võx''', guts.
*'''vuw''', meat.
*'''vuž''', salt.
*'''wab''', stone. '''giswab''', brick.
*'''wax''', blood.
*'''wäd''', to be far.
*'''wäv''', child.
*'''we''' [''anim.''], '''wa''' [''inan.''], that.
*'''wež''', to wash.
*'''wëð''', west.
*'''wiz''', to die.
*'''wo''', one.
*'''wrc''', night.
*'''wry''', neck.
*'''xäc''', sand.
*'''xäy''', bone.
*'''xeð''', to be right.
*'''xëb''', to wipe.
*'''xif''', north.
*'''xož''', to kill.
*'''xud''', day.
*'''xuz''', back.
*'''yað''', [solar] year. '''ŋät~''', [lunar] year.
*'''yaž''', breast, chest.
*'''ye''' [''anim.''], '''ya''' [''inan.''], this.
*'''yed''', dust.
*'''yez''', fat [''noun''].
*'''yëf''', to be left.
*'''yëx''', spouse.
*'''yic''', to pull.
*'''yog''', south.
*'''yõb''', to fight.
*'''zäb''', heart.
*'''zäf''', [solar] month. '''ŋät~'''[lunar] month.
*'''zëð''', earth, dirt, soil.
*'''zëž''', egg.
*'''zig''', to name. '''ba~''', name.
*'''ziy''', animal.
*'''zod''', to pull.
*'''zrc''', to hunt.
*'''zuƣ''', to find.
*'''žeb''', liver.
*'''žeg''', to be warm.
*'''žib''', horn.
*'''žif''', cloud.
*'''žoz''', fish.
*'''žõð''', to throw.
*'''žud''', to hit.
*'''žuj''', flat, level.

Latest revision as of 09:43, 20 January 2020

The lexicon is the wholeness of the words of a language.

See also

Conlangs with over 10,000 words

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