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This is a list of words in Kala by the language they were borrowed from. It will likely never be exhaustive, however it will be as extensive as possible and updated regularly.
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This is a list of words in Kala by the language they were borrowed from.
=== Arabic ===
=== Arabic ===

* [[Wiktionary:أنت|ʾanta]] - '''ta''' - you [2sg]
* [[Wiktionary:أنت|ʾanta]] - '''ta''' - you [2sg]
* [[Wiktionary:تمام|tamām]] - '''tama''' - be good; well; proper; fine; complete
* [[Wiktionary:تمام|tamām]] - '''tama''' - be good; well; proper; fine; complete
* [[Wiktionary:هم#Etymology_1|hum]] - '''kam''' - they; them [3PL]
* [[Wiktionary:قهوة|qahwa]] - '''kaua''' - coffee
* [[Wiktionary:قهوة|qahwa]] - '''kaua''' - coffee
* [[Wiktionary:كل|kull]] - '''kua''' - all; every; each; total(ly)
* [[Wiktionary:كل|kull]] - '''kua''' - all; every; each; total(ly)
* [[Wiktionary:مية|máyya]] - '''maya''' - water; liquid; wetness
* [[Wiktionary:مية|máyya]] - '''maya''' - water; liquid; wetness
* [[Wiktionary:أنا|ʾanā]] - '''na''' - I; me [1sg]
* [[Wiktionary:أنا|ʾanā]] - '''na''' - I; me [1sg]
* [[Wiktionary:عنب|ʿinab]] - '''napa''' - grape; raisin
* [[Wiktionary:شمس#Arabic|šams]] - '''sama''' - sun; star; shine
* [[Wiktionary:شمس#Arabic|šams]] - '''sama''' - sun; star; shine
* [[Wiktionary:خروج|ḵurūj]] - '''hutsu''' - to go out (to eat, for coffee, tea, etc.)
* [[Wiktionary:خروج|ḵurūj]] - '''hutsu''' - to go out (to eat, for coffee, tea, etc.)
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* [[Wiktionary:chuka|chuka]] - '''tsaka''' - home; house
* [[Wiktionary:chuka|chuka]] - '''tsaka''' - home; house
* [[Wiktionary:chomak|chomak]] - '''tsoma''' - tobacco; to smoke ~
* [[Wiktionary:ahi'|ahi']] - '''ahya''' - potato; yam

=== Czech ===
=== Czech ===

* [[Wiktionary:ustoupit|ustoupit]] - '''tsopi''' - retreat; withdraw; recede
* [[Wiktionary:ustoupit|ustoupit]] - '''tsopi''' - retreat; withdraw; recede
* [[Wiktionary:umělý|umělý]] - '''ume''' - man-made; artificial; synthetic

=== Egyptian ===
=== Egyptian ===

* [[Wiktionary:ḥtp|ḥtp]] - '''hote''' - an offering, sacrifice
* [[Wiktionary:ḥtp|ḥtp]] - '''hote''' - an offering, sacrifice
* [[Wiktionary:wd#Egyptian|wd]] - '''ueti''' - remove someone from their post; to dismiss

=== English ===
=== English ===
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=== Finnish ===
=== Finnish ===

* [[Wiktionary:kaiho|kaiho]] - '''koha''' - wistfulness; nostalgia; be homesick
* [[Wiktionary:munia#Finnish|munia]] - '''munya''' - wander about unhurriedly; linger; loiter
* [[Wiktionary:myöntää|myöntää]] - '''myonta''' - allow; permit [PERM]
* [[Wiktionary:myöntää|myöntää]] - '''myonta''' - allow; permit [PERM]
=== French ===
* [[Wiktionary:volonté|volonté]] - '''onte''' - will; willpower; determination

=== German ===
=== German ===

* [[Wiktionary:nach#German|nach]] - '''nahe''' - in [located inside of]; internal; within
* [[Wiktionary:nach#German|nach]] - '''nahe''' - in [located inside of]; internal; within
* [[Wiktionary:infolge|infolge]] - '''impo''' - therefore; as a result; so; consequently; thus

=== Hawaiian ===
=== Hawaiian ===
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* [[Wiktionary:אימץ|imets]] - '''metsi''' - adopt; switch over to
* [[Wiktionary:אימץ|imets]] - '''metsi''' - adopt; switch over to
* [[Wiktionary:נקבה|n'kevá]] - '''naka''' - female; woman [FEM]
* [[Wiktionary:נקבה|n'kevá]] - '''naka''' - female; woman [FEM]
* [[Wiktionary:הוא|hu]] & [[Wiktionary:היא|hi]] - '''ha''' - she; he
* [[Wiktionary:אבחן|'ivkhén]] - '''ueke''' - diagnose; determine cause
=== Hungarian ===
* [[Wiktionary:tapintatos|tapintatos]] - '''pinta''' - act tactfully; tactful; discreet
* [[Wiktionary:kapocs|kapocs]] - '''kapo''' - relationship; connection; involvement
=== Indonesian ===
* [[Wiktionary:tetapi#Indonesian|tetapi]] - '''pi''' - although; even though; even if
* [[Wiktionary:doubt#Translations_2|ragu]] - '''tlako''' - dither; hesitate; pace back and forth; irresolute

=== Irish ===
=== Irish ===
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* [[Wiktionary:ばか|baka]] - '''paka''' - be a fool; idiot; dumb
* [[Wiktionary:ばか|baka]] - '''paka''' - be a fool; idiot; dumb
* [[Wiktionary:くま|kuma]] - '''kuma''' - bear; ursine
* [[Wiktionary:くま|kuma]] - '''kuma''' - bear; ursine
* [[Wiktionary:やり|yari]] - '''kyali''' - spear; lance; pike
* [[Wiktionary:めんか|menka]] - '''menka''' - cotton
* [[Wiktionary:めいしん|meishin]] - '''mesi''' - superstition; be superstitious
* [[Wiktionary:ねこ|neko]] - '''neko''' - cat; feline
* [[Wiktionary:ねこ|neko]] - '''neko''' - cat; feline
* [[Wiktionary:しゅよう|shuyo]] - '''suyo''' - goiter; tumor; lump
* [[Wiktionary:朋友#Japanese|hōyū]] - '''hoyo''' - friend; companion; comrade
* [[Wiktionary:やま|yama]] - '''yama''' - mountain
* [[Wiktionary:ある|aru]] - '''a''' - exist; be; yes [COP]
* [[Wiktionary:ある|aru]] - '''a''' - exist; be; yes [COP]
* [[Wiktionary:うま|uma]] - '''uma''' - horse; equine
* [[Wiktionary:うま|uma]] - '''uma''' - horse; equine
=== Khmer ===
* [[Wiktionary:កាន់ទុក្ខ|kan tuk]] - '''kanto''' - mourn; grieve over someone's death
=== Korean ===
* [[Wiktionary:깜짝|kkamjjak]] - '''kamya''' - stun; shock; bewilder
* [[Wiktionary:기분|gibun]] - '''kipu''' - mood; mental state; frame of mind
* [[Wiktionary:곰팡이|gompang-i]] - '''kompa''' - mold; mildew; fungi
* [[Wiktionary:고집하다|kojiphada]] - '''nkotsi''' - persist; persevere; stick to something
=== Latvian ===
* [[Wiktionary:rupjš|rupjš]] - '''tlopye''' - be rough and coarse; brutish

=== Mandarin ===
=== Mandarin ===

* [[Wiktionary:伏擊#Chinese|fújī]] - '''putsi''' - intercept; waylay; ambush
* [[Wiktionary:地獄#Chinese|dìyù]] - '''tiyo''' - netherworld; Hades; infernal
* [[Wiktionary:投資#Chinese|tóuzī]] - '''totsi''' - investment; to invest
* [[Wiktionary:個#Chinese|gè]] - '''ke''' - object marker; nominalizer
* [[Wiktionary:個#Chinese|gè]] - '''ke''' - object marker; nominalizer
* [[Wiktionary:可憐|kělián]] - '''keli''' - pity; pitiable; pitiful
* [[Wiktionary:可憐|kělián]] - '''keli''' - pity; pitiable; pitiful
* [[Wiktionary:洗腦|xǐnǎo]] - '''sinya''' - indoctrinate; brainwash
* [[Wiktionary:搶跑|qiǎngpaǒ]] - '''tsampa''' - jump the gun; make a false start
* [[Wiktionary:禪那|chánnuó]] - '''tsana''' - meditation; meditate
* [[Wiktionary:禪那|chánnuó]] - '''tsana''' - meditation; meditate
:: '''tsanto''' - practice of meditation
:: '''tsanto''' - practice of meditation
* [[Wiktionary:展望|zhǎnwàng]] - '''tsanua''' - outlook; prospect; look ahead; look forward to
* [[Wiktionary:落後|luòhòu]] - '''tloho''' - fall behind; lag; backward; retrogress
* [[Wiktionary:威脅|wēixié]] - '''uesa''' - threaten; coerce; intimidate
* [[Wiktionary:有#Chinese|yǒu]] - '''yoha''' - have; possess
* [[Wiktionary:有#Chinese|yǒu]] - '''yoha''' - have; possess

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=== Nahuatl ===
=== Nahuatl ===

* [[Wiktionary:tla-|tla-]] - '''tla''' - it; thing [obviative or inanimate] [4SG]
* [[Wiktionary:tlacatl#Nahuatl|tlacatl]] - '''tlaka''' - male; man [MASC]
* [[Wiktionary:tlacatl#Nahuatl|tlacatl]] - '''tlaka''' - male; man [MASC]
* [[Wiktionary:yohualli|yohualli]] - '''yohua''' - night; nighttime; darkness
* [[Wiktionary:yohualli|yohualli]] - '''yohua''' - night; nighttime; darkness
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=== Persian ===
=== Persian ===

* [[Wiktionary:تاب#Persian|tâb]] - '''tapi''' - swing; seesaw; trapeze
* [[Wiktionary:چای#Persian|čây]] - '''tsa'i''' - tea; tea leaves
* [[Wiktionary:چای#Persian|čây]] - '''tsa'i''' - tea; tea leaves
* [[Wiktionary:آرایش|ârâyeš]] - '''yasi''' - cosmetics; makeup
* [[Wiktionary:آرایش|ârâyeš]] - '''yasi''' - cosmetics; makeup
* [[Wiktionary:آهنگ|âhang]] - '''aha''' - melody; tune

=== Spanish ===
=== Spanish ===
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* [[Wiktionary:pato#Spanish|pato]] - '''pato''' - duck
* [[Wiktionary:pato#Spanish|pato]] - '''pato''' - duck
* [[Wiktionary:pantano#Spanish|pantano]] - '''panta''' - marsh; swamp; wetlands; glade
* [[Wiktionary:pantano#Spanish|pantano]] - '''panta''' - marsh; swamp; wetlands; glade
* [[Wiktionary:barrer#Spanish|barrer]] - '''patlo''' - broom; brush; sweep
* [[Wiktionary:palo#Spanish|palo]] - '''palo''' - cane; staff; walking stick
* [[Wiktionary:palo#Spanish|palo]] - '''palo''' - cane; staff; walking stick
* [[Wiktionary:semana#Spanish|semana]] - '''sema''' - week; period of 7 days
* [[Wiktionary:semana#Spanish|semana]] - '''sema''' - week; period of 7 days
* [[Wiktionary:salsa#Spanish|salsa]] - '''tsala''' - sauce; paste
* [[Wiktionary:salsa#Spanish|salsa]] - '''tsala''' - sauce; paste
* [[Wiktionary:álamo#Spanish|álamo]] - '''tlamo''' - willow tree; poplar and willow
* [[Wiktionary:roer#Spanish|roer]] - '''tloye''' - gnaw; pick at; wear down
* [[Wiktionary:roer#Spanish|roer]] - '''tloye''' - gnaw; pick at; wear down

=== Swahili ===
=== Swahili ===

* [[Wiktionary:kipochi|kipochi]] - '''potsi''' - wallet; pouch; purse
* [[Wiktionary:tambiko|tambiko]] - '''tampi''' - taboo; to avoid something(as taboo)
* [[Wiktionary:kijani|kijani]] - '''kuya''' - green; foliage; verdant
* [[Wiktionary:kwepa|kwepa]] - '''kuepa''' - escape; run away; flee
* [[Wiktionary:kwepa|kwepa]] - '''kuepa''' - escape; run away; flee
* [[Wiktionary:teseka|teseka]] - '''tese''' - endure; to suffer; hardships
* [[Wiktionary:mswada|mswada]] - '''suata''' - account; bill; debt
* [[Wiktionary:mswada|mswada]] - '''suata''' - account; bill; debt
* [[Wiktionary:chambo|chambo]] - '''tsampo''' - bait; lure
* [[Wiktionary:ziwa|ziwa]] - '''tsiua''' - lake; pond; pool
* [[Wiktionary:chuma#Swahili|chuma]] - '''tsuma''' - metal
* [[Wiktionary:chuma#Swahili|chuma]] - '''tsuma''' - metal
=== Swedish ===
* [[Wiktionary:lov#Swedish|lov]] - '''tloue''' - vacation; to go on ~

=== Turkish ===
=== Turkish ===

* [[Wiktionary:değiştirmek|değiştirmek]] - '''tehi''' - edit; retouch; fix up
* [[Wiktionary:harika|harika]] - '''hali''' - wonder; marvel
* [[Wiktionary:hücre|hücre]] - '''hutse''' - cell [biology]
* [[Wiktionary:yosun|yosun]] - '''yosu''' - moss; lichen; coating [of tongue]
* [[Wiktionary:ad#Turkish|ad]] - '''ata''' - be named; name [so-called]
* [[Wiktionary:ad#Turkish|ad]] - '''ata''' - be named; name [so-called]

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* [[Wiktionary:ngapa#Warlpiri|ngapa]] - '''nkapa''' - alcohol; beer
* [[Wiktionary:ngapa#Warlpiri|ngapa]] - '''nkapa''' - alcohol; beer
* [[Wiktionary:wanka#Warlpiri|wanka]] - '''uanka''' - uncooked; untreated; raw
* [[Wiktionary:wanka#Warlpiri|wanka]] - '''uanka''' - uncooked; untreated; raw

Latest revision as of 05:05, 8 June 2017

This is a list of words in Kala by the language they were borrowed from.


  • ʾanta - ta - you [2sg]
  • tamām - tama - be good; well; proper; fine; complete
  • hum - kam - they; them [3PL]
  • qahwa - kaua - coffee
  • kull - kua - all; every; each; total(ly)
  • máyya - maya - water; liquid; wetness
  • ʾanā - na - I; me [1sg]
  • ʿinab - napa - grape; raisin
  • šams - sama - sun; star; shine
  • ḵurūj - hutsu - to go out (to eat, for coffee, tea, etc.)
  • yallā - yala - walk; go; travel
  • yawm - yoma - day; daytime


  • veh - uehi - lofty; refined; exquisite


  • ame - ame - axe; hatchet


  • chuka - tsaka - home; house
  • chomak - tsoma - tobacco; to smoke ~
  • ahi' - ahya - potato; yam


  • ustoupit - tsopi - retreat; withdraw; recede
  • umělý - ume - man-made; artificial; synthetic


  • ḥtp - hote - an offering, sacrifice
  • wd - ueti - remove someone from their post; to dismiss


  • able - pala - can; may; possible; able to


  • kaiho - koha - wistfulness; nostalgia; be homesick
  • munia - munya - wander about unhurriedly; linger; loiter
  • myöntää - myonta - allow; permit [PERM]


  • volonté - onte - will; willpower; determination


  • nach - nahe - in [located inside of]; internal; within
  • infolge - impo - therefore; as a result; so; consequently; thus


  • inu - inu - drink; liquid


  • imets - metsi - adopt; switch over to
  • n'kevá - naka - female; woman [FEM]
  • hu & hi - ha - she; he
  • 'ivkhén - ueke - diagnose; determine cause


  • tapintatos - pinta - act tactfully; tactful; discreet
  • kapocs - kapo - relationship; connection; involvement


  • tetapi - pi - although; even though; even if
  • ragu - tlako - dither; hesitate; pace back and forth; irresolute


  • am - ama - time; moment; period


  • baka - paka - be a fool; idiot; dumb
  • kuma - kuma - bear; ursine
  • yari - kyali - spear; lance; pike
  • menka - menka - cotton
  • meishin - mesi - superstition; be superstitious
  • neko - neko - cat; feline
  • shuyo - suyo - goiter; tumor; lump
  • hōyū - hoyo - friend; companion; comrade
  • yama - yama - mountain
  • aru - a - exist; be; yes [COP]
  • uma - uma - horse; equine


  • kan tuk - kanto - mourn; grieve over someone's death


  • kkamjjak - kamya - stun; shock; bewilder
  • gibun - kipu - mood; mental state; frame of mind
  • gompang-i - kompa - mold; mildew; fungi
  • kojiphada - nkotsi - persist; persevere; stick to something


  • rupjš - tlopye - be rough and coarse; brutish


  • fújī - putsi - intercept; waylay; ambush
  • dìyù - tiyo - netherworld; Hades; infernal
  • tóuzī - totsi - investment; to invest
  • - ke - object marker; nominalizer
  • kělián - keli - pity; pitiable; pitiful
  • xǐnǎo - sinya - indoctrinate; brainwash
  • qiǎngpaǒ - tsampa - jump the gun; make a false start
  • chánnuó - tsana - meditation; meditate
tsanto - practice of meditation
  • zhǎnwàng - tsanua - outlook; prospect; look ahead; look forward to
  • luòhòu - tloho - fall behind; lag; backward; retrogress
  • wēixié - uesa - threaten; coerce; intimidate
  • yǒu - yoha - have; possess



  • whakahoro - huaka - tear down; demolish; dismantle


  • tla- - tla - it; thing [obviative or inanimate] [4SG]
  • tlacatl - tlaka - male; man [MASC]
  • yohualli - yohua - night; nighttime; darkness


  • tâb - tapi - swing; seesaw; trapeze
  • čây - tsa'i - tea; tea leaves
  • ârâyeš - yasi - cosmetics; makeup
  • âhang - aha - melody; tune


  • pato - pato - duck
  • pantano - panta - marsh; swamp; wetlands; glade
  • barrer - patlo - broom; brush; sweep
  • palo - palo - cane; staff; walking stick
  • semana - sema - week; period of 7 days
  • salsa - tsala - sauce; paste
  • álamo - tlamo - willow tree; poplar and willow
  • roer - tloye - gnaw; pick at; wear down


  • kipochi - potsi - wallet; pouch; purse
  • tambiko - tampi - taboo; to avoid something(as taboo)
  • kijani - kuya - green; foliage; verdant
  • kwepa - kuepa - escape; run away; flee
  • teseka - tese - endure; to suffer; hardships
  • mswada - suata - account; bill; debt
  • chambo - tsampo - bait; lure
  • ziwa - tsiua - lake; pond; pool
  • chuma - tsuma - metal


  • lov - tloue - vacation; to go on ~


  • değiştirmek - tehi - edit; retouch; fix up
  • harika - hali - wonder; marvel
  • hücre - hutse - cell [biology]
  • yosun - yosu - moss; lichen; coating [of tongue]
  • ad - ata - be named; name [so-called]


  • ota - ota - father
  • ona - ona - mother


  • pina - pina - be clever; intelligent; wise
  • puka - puka - be corrupt; decay; rot
  • kuna - kuna - excrete; expel; defecate; shit
  • ngapa - nkapa - alcohol; beer
  • wanka - uanka - uncooked; untreated; raw