Conlang learners/Learners shortlist
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Nominated Language Shortlist
This is a list of the languages mentioned by name on the conlang_learners mailing list to be learned by the community. The list when complete will have the creator's name alongside the language's name, along with a link to some resources.
Key to abbreviations
- alt - alternate history language
- fict - language with fictional setting
- exo - nonhuman language
- OK - permission obtained from conlang's creator for use in this project
- PC - conlang was proposed by its creator for use in this project
- free - conlang is released under some suitable license so we don't need explicit permission to use it for this project
- P? - someone needs to contact the conlang's creator and ask if they mind us using it for this project
- U - conlang creator's whereabouts are unknown, no one has succeeded in contacting them, address unknown
- C - conlanger contacted, awaiting reply
- A - email address found for conlanger is bad, could not contact with that address
- X - permission sought and subsequently denied
The List
- Adelic - S. A. MacLagan (art, alt; U)
- Alurhsa - Tony Harris (art, fict; OK)
- Asha'ille - Arthaey Angosii (art, fict; OK)
- Ayeri - Carsten Becker (art, fict; P?; C)
- Brithenig - Andrew Smith (art, alt, fict; OK)
- Dalcurian - Dayle Hill (alt, fict; PC)
- Recently updated-documented on this wiki
- English Dalcurian lexicon
- Feayran - David Edwards (art; fict; exo-ish; PC)
- Frenkisch - David Parke (aux; OK)
- gjâ-zym-byn (gzb) - Jim Henry (art/enge; OK)
- Ilomi (aux/art; OK)
- Ithkuil & Ilaksh - John Quijada (enge; OK)
- -- David J. Peterson's review
- John Quijada write: "[I]f they are selected, I will make myself available by e-mail for any questions from students."
- Itlani - Jim Hopkins (art; OK)
- Jim Hopkins writes that: "Zhoyit sobonrumél beneynavit onyara say ruzay afakyanu bashese masinya hait eynuenovó-vá kiinovó tunkiyane." / "My website is now defunct but I would be happy to forward to you any materials you would require."
- Tony Harris discusses Itlani in his LCS podcast interview.
- Kalusa - Gary Shannon and various others (art; free? P?; C)
- Kash - Roger Mills (art, fict; PC)
- Kelanian Andre/Andrew (art, alt P?; C)
- Kēlen - Sylvia Sotomayor (art, exo, fict; *OK)
- -- David J. Peterson's review
- Sylvia stipulated the following caveat: "during the school year, school will come first, paying work will come second, and conlanging is (a distant) third. OTOH, I could really use some feedback on my grammar explanations, and I'm working on the dictionary with an eye towards doing a word of the day blog or something eventually."
- Kerno - Padraic Brown (art, alt; PC)
- Documented on this wiki
- Phrasebook, grammar sketch, texts and lexicon:
- Láadan - Suzette Haden Elgin (art, fict, free)
- Laefèvæšii - Ashucky (art; PC)
- Qakwan - Larry Sulky (art; OK)
- Sambahsa - Olivier Simon (aux; PC)
- Taruven - Taliesin (art; OK)
- Teonaht - Sally Caves (art, fict; P?; C)
- -- David J. Peterson's review
- Vabungula - Bill Price (art; OK)
- Verdurian - Mark Rosenfelder (art, fict; OK)
- Voksigid - B. R. Gilson (enge; OK)
- Vorlin - Rick Harrison (aux/art; free)
Conlangs whose feasability is under question
Note on sites
Yahoo has announced that they're going to close Geocities later this year (2009-10-26), presumably resulting in a loss of data on conlangs (etc.) documented only on Geocities. I (Jim Henry) am saving offline copies of several conlangs' Geocities pages with wget, including all the conlangs listed above which are hosted on Geocities, plus Rex May's Ceqli. If Geocities goes down before we vote on what conlang to learn and you want copies of the Vabungula, Voksigid, Ilomi, or Adelic websites, let me know.