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French Grammar — Pronouns

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Subject pronouns

Used as the subject of the verb.

  • je
  • tu
  • il
  • elle
  • on
  • nous
  • vous
  • ils
  • elles

Stress pronouns

Used as objects of prepositions and for emphasis.

  • moi
  • toi
  • lui
  • elle
  • nous
  • vous
  • eux
  • elles

Reflexive pronouns

Used when the subject and object are the same.

  • me
  • te
  • se
  • nous
  • vous
  • se

Interrogative pronouns

  • qui
  • quoi
  • que


This information is compiled based on the requirements specified in the document 'MU High School French Ⅱ First Half Unit Prerequisite Knowledge', a copy of which may be obtained here (as of 13 July 2010). It is quoted a few times throughout this document (identified by quotation marks or HTML <blockquote>◌</blockquote> tags, lacking other source information).