Conlang Relay 23/Khangaþyagon
There are three lands, Idalotos, Shammadi and Madauli. This song sings about them.
Shinadel was the young daughter of the king of Idalotos. She could weave ordinary grass into cloth-of-gold by magic. Senetos was the king of Shammadi. He came to Idalotos and abducted Shinadel. He locked her in a chamber in a tower deep inside a fortress, and gave her no food. He commanded her, "Weave cloth-of-gold". But she told him, "I am hungry and I must eat." The man brought raw meat to the room and said, "When you have woven, you can eat this meat."
Idewan was the king of Madauli. He loved Shinadel and went to Shammadi with an army to fight against old Senetos. He called, "Shinadel, marry me!" Shinadel awaited the wind that brought these word to her, and broke the door of the tower and escaped. Shinadel was with Idewan, and the King seized her onto the back of his horse and left quickly.
From then on, they lived happily in Idewan's hall.
dahinguf ðershar rad, Idalotos, Shammadi beb Madauli. lengiuf lengil yikur.
dahing Shinadel eða allsh vlakhmark Idalotosuz. dwallovling yi afris rulsa apo illuntstore khangaþol. dahing Senetos vlakhmark Shammadiuz. saming yi Idalotosam beb holkhrating yi Shinadel. troping yi de tulfipam gærriip trazhelorrip, beb ruging yi þæskshe deakh. tæping yi de, "dwallelt ye illuntstore!" shosh rembing Shinadel yi, "ronpedaha ya beb treshosfa ya." plewing rik trefk uskir tulfam beb yaging yi, "halbanut u dwallefœ ye, treshovle ye trefkil".
dahi Idewan vlakhmark Madauliuz. æsvaþing yi Shinadel, beb geling yi Shammadiam tevrinarrotart damro Senetosyat futoyat. miryaging yi, "yubidelt Shidadel ya!" nawning Shinadel khæls u plewing de tramnilar yiakh, beb draking yi irib gærriuz beb orasking yi. dahi Shinadel Idewanart, beb matfing vlakhmark yi doskebgriam glafuz de'uz beb akdelingar yir rissuwaningar.
halbanig dunningar yir urœwaningar marrastut Idewanuz.
Word order is VSO. Pronouns are never dropped. However, infinitives have no subject. A noun may be the subject of a first of second person sentence. Attributive adjectives follow the noun they qualify, as do possessors and subordinate clauses. Where two third person pronominal referents of the same number occur in a sentence, the one referring to the more discourse prominent referent (usually the most recently stated subject) has a proximate pronoun, and the other has an obviate pronoun.
Grammatical categories are marked with suffixes (called segunakar in Khangaþyagon). They follow the root in a fixed order
Verbs The following segunakhar occur on verbs in this text. They are given in the order in which they follow the root.
Subject person/Infinitive a 1st e 2nd i 3rd o Infinitive
Aspect fœ Perfect
Tense ng Past
Voice uf Passive
Mood lt Imperative
Subject number (a)r Plural
Nouns may carry segunakar of six ranks, which occur in the following order after the root
modsegunakar - deixis il this ban that she no
densegunakar - proximity ut at eb touching art with orr far
radsegunakar - relative position ip in gri above
karvsegunakar - direction of motion am to ig from
sintsegunakar - abstract akh recipient uz possessive ol instrumental ku about, topic yat adversative, against
bantsegunak - number (a)r plural
Attributive adjectives agree with the noun they qualify, and take all the same segunakar. One exception to this is that cardinal numbers are not marked for grammatical number. Predicative adjective compound with the verb.
Adverbs Adverbs agree with the verb, and take all the same segunakar
Derivation wan forms adverbs from adjectives. Compounds are head last
Vocabulary (Bukhstav order)
beb and
u such that
uskir raw
urœ happy
khangaþ magic
khrat steal
khæls wind
store cloth, fabric
sam come
Senetos Proper name
tulf chamber, room
tevrin soldier
tra strong
tramn word
trop lock
trefk meat
tresh eat
tæp command
ap make, cause
afris grass
arrot host
akdel depart
allsh young
vlakh folk, people
plew bring
osf must (only used in compounds)
ovl can (only used in compounds)
orask escape
hal time
hol person
dunn dwell
dah be
damr fight
dosk back
de Obviate 3rd person pronoun
drak break
dwall weave
eða daughter
futo old
matf seize
Madauli proper name
marrast hall
mark chief
mir call
þæsk food
Shammadi proper name
Shinadel proper name
rulsa ordinary, commonplace
rug give
rad three
ronpe hungry
remb tell
rissu swift
rik man
Idalotos proper name
Idewan proper name
irib door
illunt gold
nawn await
ðersh land
zhel place
leng sing, song
gel go
glaf horse
gærri tower
y+person ending pronoun
yubid marry
yag say
æsvaþ love, especially marital or sexual love
shosh but